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bbergle-mkv-language-remover's Icon

bbergle-mkv-language-remover beta

Tools / Utilities, Utilities

The purpose of this container is to go through your movies directory and convert all mp4 and m2ts file to mkv and then remove a specific language from those movies. It will also remove commentaries if set to true Please run this on a subset of your data before your entire library Make a share called MovieTest and move some movies over and make that your movies path in this container Once it's running you can see how the script works and if you havbe the correct settings There is not web UI, Just look at the logs for output WARNING: THIS RUNS AS SOON AS YOU START IT Find the language codes at

bbergle-zap2xml's Icon


Environment Variable-driven configuration of zap2xml Go to and make an account, once it is made you can enter the credentials in the fields below

BeamNG-MP's Icon


Game Servers

This Docker will download and install ATTENTION: To get the server working please generate a Key over here: (you can get a full tutorial on how to obtain a key here: and put it in your ServerConfig.toml at the entry "AuthKey". ServerConfig.toml: Please head over to to see all available options and descriptions from the ServerConfig.toml WEB CONSOLE: You can connect to the BeamMP-Server console by opening your browser and go to HOSTIP:9045 (eg: or click on WebUI on the Docker page within Unraid. Update Notice: The container will check for a new version on each start/restart.

beep_music_converter's Icon


Tools / Utilities, Utilities

Unraid container to convert mp3 or wav to PC beep speaker music Convert a wav or mp3 file into "beep code" so to be able to play it through a PC beep speaker. This can then be used to add to a user script to do things like play a tune on server startup and shutdown. (nice for headless server to know when its up) You will need a beep speaker in your server for this to work. Dont worry they are very cheap! Under $5 on Amazon for two! default - This is the standard running mode. It will look for an mp3 or wav file in the folder file_to_convert in the container's appdata folder. - The file will first be converted from its source (mp3 or wav) to a 16bit Wav file using sox. After which its passed to wavtobeep for conversion to beep code. This is then converted to an Unraid user script and placed in the folder converted_wavs in the container's appdata. Indiana_Jones - This converts a test wav file (Indiana Jones) and plays it through the beep speaker Monkey_Island - This converts a test wav file (Monkey Island) and plays it through the beep speaker Silent choose from no|yes If set to yes converts the file without playing it default is "no" time default 50 -Time window for frequency analysis (in ms). . Experiment with different values for individual tune to find best For some already converted beep tunes see here

beets's Icon

Beets( is a music library manager and not, for the most part, a music player. It does include a simple player plugin and an experimental Web-based player, but it generally leaves actual sound-reproduction to specialized tools.

BELABOX-Receiver's Icon


Media Servers, Video

Belabox receiver-side (srtla, srt-live-transmit, srt-live-server and noalbs) in a single container.

Bender's Icon

A link dashboard that can be managed without any code. Ideal for service listings on your server. Heavily inspired by Homer dashboard and aims to provide the same functionality with one major change, No yaml required! All links can be managed via the UI including dragging and dropping your links to re-order or change groups. New pages and links can be added via the UI, as can global settings such as the app title, icon and theme. Author: Jeremy Graham

big-AGI's Icon

Generative AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, and more.


Downloaders, Tools / Utilities, Utilities

Binance to Influx is a container designed to be run on an Unraid server via Docker. The purpose of the container is to simplify the ingestion of cryptocurrency market data, provided by the Binance API, into your own Influx database. The container collects the candles (klines) for each of the configured crypto symbols (e.g. BTCUSDT).

Bind9's Icon

Bind9 nameserver with Webmin WebUI. Simple lightweight DNS for local network. Default WebUI username is: admin and password: difficult You can change password by docker variables.

binhex-bitmagnet's Icon


Downloaders, Media Applications, Video

A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.

binhex-code-server's Icon

Code-server is a Visual Studio Code instance running on a remote server accessible through any web browser. It allows you to code anywhere and on any device such as a tablet or laptop with a consistent integrated development environment (IDE). Set up a secure a Linux development machine and get coding on any device with a web browser. Take advantage of a cloud server by offloading the system demanding tasks such as tests, compilations, downloads to another machine. Preserve battery life when you’re on the go or spend your downtime doing something else while the computationally intensive processes are running on your cloud server.

binhex-crafty-4's Icon

binhex-crafty-4 beta

Game Servers

Crafty Controller is a free and open-source Minecraft launcher and manager that allows users to start and administer Minecraft servers from a user-friendly interface. The interface is run as a self-hosted web server that is accessible to devices on the local network by default and can be port forwarded to provide external access outside of your local network. Crafty is designed to be easy to install and use, requiring only a bit of technical knowledge and a desire to learn to get started. Crafty Controller is still actively being developed by Arcadia Technology and we are continually making major improvements to the software.

binhex-deluge's Icon



Deluge is a full-featured BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows. It uses libtorrent in its backend and features multiple user-interfaces including: GTK+, web and console. It has been designed using the client server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform.

binhex-delugevpn's Icon



Deluge is a full-featured BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows. It uses ​libtorrent in its backend and features multiple user-interfaces including: GTK+, web and console. It has been designed using the client server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. This Docker includes OpenVPN and WireGuard to ensure a secure and private connection to the Internet, including use of iptables to prevent IP leakage when the tunnel is down. It also includes Privoxy to allow unfiltered access to index sites, to use Privoxy please point your application at "http://host ip:8118".

binhex-flaresolverr's Icon


Downloaders, Media Applications, Video

FlareSolverr starts a proxy server, and it waits for user requests in an idle state using few resources. When some request arrives, it uses Selenium with the undetected-chromedriver to create a web browser (Chrome). It opens the URL with user parameters and waits until the Cloudflare challenge is solved (or timeout). The HTML code and the cookies are sent back to the user, and those cookies can be used to bypass Cloudflare using other HTTP clients.

binhex-fleet's Icon

Do you enjoy working with different programming languages in the same project? Well, we’ve got you covered! With Fleet, you can start coding in the language of your choice. Fleet is designed to automatically detect your project configuration from the source code, maximizing the value you get from its smart code-processing engine while minimizing the need for project configuration.

binhex-get-iplayer's Icon

get_iplayer has PVR-like capabilities (like Sky+ / TiVo / Series-Link); You can save lists of programme searches which are automatically recorded when they become available so that you can watch them when you choose and on devices that cannot run Adobe Flash Player - even if you don't have adequate broadband speeds or if your broadband streams too slowly at peak hours when you want to watch a programme.

binhex-goland's Icon

GoLand wouldn't be a true IDE without a rich set of tools which, in addition to core Go development, support JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, SQL, Databases, Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform. All together, these capabilities make it perfectly equipped for working on any task, be it a modern web application or DevOps tools.

binhex-hexchat's Icon

HexChat is an IRC client based on XChat, but unlike XChat it's completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems. Since XChat is open source, it's perfectly legal. For more info. HexChat was originally called XChat-WDK which in turn was a successor of freakschat.

binhex-intellij's Icon

IntelliJ IDEA is a special programming environment or integrated development environment (IDE) largely meant for Java. This environment is used especially for the development of programs. It is developed by a company called JetBrains, which was formally called IntelliJ. It is available in two editions: the Community Edition which is licensed by Apache 2.0, and a commercial edition known as the Ultimate Edition. Both of them can be used for creating software which can be sold. What makes IntelliJ IDEA so different from its counterparts is its ease of use, flexibility and its solid design. This Docker Image includes Git for SCM and Scala, Kotlin and Groovy programming languages.

binhex-jackett's Icon

Jackett works as a proxy server - it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, DuckieTV, etc) into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches. Jackett is a single repository of maintained indexer scraping and translation logic - removing the burden from other apps.

binhex-jellyfin's Icon

Jellyfin is a Free Software Media System that puts you in control of managing and streaming your media. It is an alternative to the proprietary Emby and Plex, to provide media from a dedicated server to end-user devices via multiple apps. Jellyfin is descended from Emby's 3.5.2 release and ported to the .NET Core framework to enable full cross-platform support. There are no strings attached, no premium licenses or features, and no hidden agendas: just a team who want to build something better and work together to achieve it.