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ambientweather2mqtt's Icon


Home Automation, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

This package listens for local data from Ambient Weather stations (such as the WS-2902C) and converts the incoming data to MQTT events. The sensor data is published with auto-discovery so they show up automatically as sensors in Home Assistant. The following Ambient Weather station models are confirmed to work: WS-2902C

amcrest2mqtt's Icon

Expose all events from an Amcrest device to an MQTT broker. Supports autodiscovery via Home Assistant. Multiple docker containers will need to be installed to support more than one Amcrest device. No WebUI is necessary.

AndroidDebugBridge's Icon


Home Automation

Control AndroidTV/FireTV devices through ADB from the Home Assistant Core docker image. See here:

AppDaemon's Icon

HADashboard and Python apps for Home Assistant. Note that you MUST manually edit your auto-generated appdaemon.yaml file to add a few required settings. See support threat here for an example:

blynk-server's Icon

Template to setup a Blynk server on Unraid There is an issue where this Docker doesn't seem to create the file in the config directory, located at appdata/blynk-server/config by default. You will need manually create this file before the server will start. Just create a blank file at that location called and your server will start.

botdarr's Icon


Home Automation

Botdarr is a simple multi chat-client bot to access radarr, sonarr, and lidarr. Now supporting Discord, Telegram, Matrix, Slack. The default template is for use with telegram, however in the project github there are the variables for the other chat-clients.

breitbandmessung-de's Icon

A script to enable customers of lazy ISPs to perform measurement campaigns of the connection speed as described here in an automated way. Go to the Config directory and create a file called "config.cfg" with the content: timezone=Europe/Berlin crontab=* /2 * * run_once=true run_on_startup=true For a hourly cronjob to check your connection.

CamViewerPlus's Icon


Home Automation

A customizable browser-based RTSP viewer with multiple grid views Edit the JSON config in the config folder after the container is started once.

chitubox-novnc's Icon


Home Automation, Productivity

Enjoy CHITUBOX directly in your browser with this easy to use Docker container. This template has the minimum variables defined, but you can find additional details on the template at the URLs listed below.

CompreFace's Icon

CompreFace (CPU) is a leading free and open-source face recognition system You can choose between different Builds FaceNet(default), (compreface:0.6.1) - For general purposes. Support CPU without AVX2 Arcface-R100, (compreface:0.6.1-arcface-r100) - The most accurate model, but the most slowest MobileNet, (compreface:0.6.1-mobilenet) - The fastest model among CPU only models More Infos: Database by default this App install a PostgresSQL Server. The Data are stored in the given Appdata Folder. If you allready have your own Postgres Server running, you can setup a external Server. 1. Click on "Show more settings" 2. Enter the Username and URL of your PostgresSQL Server. Note: The User has to be SuperUser Rights 3. Set the Variable EXTERNAL_DB to "True" The URL should look like this: jdbc:postgresql://IP:PORT/DATABASENAME like: jdbc:postgresql://

CompreFace-GPU's Icon

CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system 1. Install Unraid Nvidia Plugin (available in the community apps store): 2. You can choose from different GPU Builds: Arcface-R100-GPU, (compreface:0.6.1-arcface-r100-gpu) - The most accurate model MobileNet-GPU, (compreface:0.6.1-mobilenet-gpu) - The fastest model More Infos: Database Configuration by default this App install a PostgresSQL Server. The Data are stored in the given Appdata Folder. If you allready have your own Postgres Server running, you can setup a external Server. 1. Click on "Show more settings" 2. Enter the Username and URL of your PostgresSQL Server. Note: The User has to be SuperUser Rights 3. Set the Variable EXTERNAL_DB to "True" The URL should look like this: jdbc:postgresql://IP:PORT/DATABASENAME like: jdbc:postgresql://

cura-novnc's Icon

Enjoy Cura directly in your browser with this easy to use Docker container. This template has the minimum variables defined, but you can find additional details on the template at the URLs listed below.

DahuaVTO2MQTT's Icon

Listens to events from Dahua VTO unit and publishes them via MQTT Message For integration with Home Assistant see Source:

deconz's Icon

This Docker image containerizes the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik, which controls a ZigBee network using a Conbee USB or RaspBee GPIO serial interface. This image runs deCONZ in "minimal" mode, for control of the ZigBee network via the WebUIs ("Wireless Light Control" and "Phoscon") and over the REST API and Websockets, and optionally runs a VNC server for viewing and interacting with the ZigBee mesh through the deCONZ UI. You must use a custom ip - network type custom br:0 - (alternatively use host and change webport) Advanced option clcik on show more settings

deCONZ-Community's Icon


Home Automation

This Docker image containerizes the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik, which controls a ZigBee network using a Conbee USB or RaspBee GPIO serial interface. This image runs deCONZ in "minimal" mode, for control of the ZigBee network via the WebUIs ("Wireless Light Control" and "Phoscon") and over the REST API and Websockets, and optionally runs a VNC server for viewing and interacting with the ZigBee mesh through the deCONZ UI. This template uses a custom ip - network type custom br:0 - (alternatively, you can use host and change the web ports) If you are migrating an existing marthoc/deconz install to deconzcommunity/deconz, Make sure you have the latest backup from the Phoscon. Enable advanced options to show more settings

deepstack's Icon

Deepstack is an AI server that empowers every developer in the world to easily build state-of-the-art AI systems both on-premise and in the cloud. The promises of Artificial Intelligence are huge but becoming a machine learning engineer is hard. Build and deploy AI-powered applications with in-built and custom AI APIs, all offline and self-hosted. See and To use with home assistant see: and Old CPUs without AVX: If you are using an older CPU that doesn't support AVX (Warning: This version hasn't been updated in some time): 1. Add :noavx to the end of the Repository: field. 2. Should look like this: deepquestai/deepstack:noavx GPU: If you wish to use a NVIDIA GPU instead of your CPU: 1. Install Unraid Nvidia Plugin (available in the community apps store): 2. Add :gpu to the end of the Repository: field. Should look like this: deepquestai/deepstack:gpu 3. Add --runtime=nvidia to the Extra Parameters: field (to view this field switch to advanced view by clicking the toggle in the top right next to Basic View) . 4. Copy your GPU UUID to Nvidia Visible Devices:. (Can be found in the Nvidia Driver settings page under nVidia Info:). Should look something like this: GPU-1a2b3456-7890-1cd2-ea34-56b7c8de90a1 *I am not the creator or maintainer of this container I am merely providing the Unraid template.

deepstack-ui's Icon

UI for working with Deepstack. Allows uploading an image and performing object detection or face recognition with Deepstack. Also faces can be registered with Deepstack. The effect of various parameters can be explored, including filtering objects by confidence, type and location in the image. Created by robmarkcole. *I am not the creator or maintainer of this container I am merely providing the Unraid template.

diyHue's Icon

diyHue emulates a Phillips Hue bridge allowing you to controll other smart lights and bulbs with the Hue ecosystem. Find more info at the diyHue GitHub wiki: To setup just set an IP address in the network settings, along with setting the MAC and IP variabales with the values for the br0 network

docker-wyze-bridge's Icon


Home Automation

WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container. As of April 2024, you will need to supply your own API Key and ID:

DSMRReader's Icon

bDSMR protocol reader for smart energy meters. Stores data reads and visualizes energy use./b /br /br UNRAID template that JUST WORKS, brought to you by Flight777! /br /br IMPORTANT 1 -- Next to this container, you will have to install a PostgreSQL container from the APPS, any version 11 or 12 will do. DB name: dsmrreader DB user: dsmrreader DB password: dsmrreader /br /br IMPORTANT 2 By default this container is set-up as RECEIVER (see DATALOGGER MODE), meaning that the DSMR P1 input is received on another machine with an instance of DSMR READER running and the internal datalogger on this instance is disabled. After running this container, you will need to set-up the SENDER with the right API, please see: /br /br If you UNRAID machine has a direct P1 input, then change this value to STANDALONE and configure: /br /br DATALOGGER INPUT METHOD=serial DATALOGGER_SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 DATALOGGER_SERIAL_BAUDRATE=115200 and set your device to the right USB path /br /br bIMPORTANT 3/b The DATALOGGER SLEEP TIME has been set to 10 seconds, instead of 1, to save you some DB writes. 6 readings per minute should still give you data enough ;)

ecowitt2mqtt's Icon


Home Automation

ecowitt2mqtt is a small CLI/web server that can receive data from Fine Offset weather stations (and their numerous white-labeled counterparts, like Ecowitt and Ambient Weather), adjust that data in numerous ways, and send it on to one or more MQTT brokers.

emqx's Icon

EMQX is the world's most scalable open-source MQTT broker with a high performance that connects 100M+ IoT devices in 1 cluster, while maintaining 1M message per second throughput and sub-millisecond latency. Configuration All EMQX Configuration in etc/emqx.conf can be configured via environment variables. By default, the environment variables with EMQX_ prefix are mapped to key-value pairs in configuration files. You can change the prefix by overriding HOCON_ENV_OVERRIDE_PREFIX. default login: admin:public

Enet2Mqtt's Icon


Home Automation

Enet2mqtt Python library for communicating with the Gira / Jung eNet Smart Home Server (, and a mqtt forwarder to integrate eNet Smart Home devices with Home Assistant. Installation Requirements You have a mqtt broker. (Like mosquitto.) You have Home Assistant running.

ESPHome's Icon

The official ESPHome Container. ESPHome is the perfect solution for creating custom firmwares for your ESP8266/ESP32/RPI/Beken boards. Its primary focus is making the process to get your ESP running as simple as possible, with many helper tools to ensure you will have the best user experience. Devices showing all offline? Change the environment variable of ESPHOME_DASHBOARD_USE_PING to true if mDNS is not working on your network. To increase compiling performance by kind of a lot, the default has /cache mapped to RAM, you can delete this path if you do not have much RAM to spare on your machine.