Unassigned Devices Preclear is used to exercise and clear disks and prepare them for adding to the array.
Community Apps
Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server.

unbalanced transfers files/folders between disks in your array.

Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Ungoogled-Chromium is a lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency from the Chromium project web browser. - Ungoogled Chromium is Google Chromium, sans dependency on Google web services. - Ungoogled Chromium retains the default Chromium experience as closely as possible. Unlike other Chromium forks that have their own visions of a web browser, Ungoogled Chromium is essentially a drop-in replacement for Chromium. - Ungoogled Chromium features tweaks to enhance privacy, control, and transparency. However, almost all of these features must be manually activated or enabled. For more details, see Feature Overview. You can find the full source code here: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

Use the UniFi Controller software to quickly configure and administer an enterprise Wi‐Fi network. RF map and performance features, real-time status, automatic UAP device detection, and advanced security options are all seamlessly integrated.

Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
The Unifi-controller(https://www.ubnt.com/enterprise/#unifi) software is a powerful, enterprise wireless software engine ideal for high-density client deployments requiring low latency and high uptime performance.

Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository
Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Device and Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus. Visualize with Grafana using included dashboards IMPORTAT! ACTION REQUIRED As of UniFi Poller version 2 all of the environment variables and config file format changed. You must reconfigure this container after you upgrade READ THE INSTRUCTIONS https://github.com/unifi-poller/unifi-poller/wiki/Configuration

Allows unRaid's GUI to utilize the full browser window width instead of being limited to a maximum of 1920 pixel across

RAR download extractor for Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr! Mount /downloads on all 3 or 4 containers to the same path on your host. This application will automatically poll all of the apps (Lidarr, Sonarr, Radarr) to check for downloads. When a completed download contains a rar file, this application will extract the file and move the extracted contents back into the download location. Files will be extracted recursively in an attempt to get all subtitles. If you don't use one of Lidarr, Sonarr or Radarr, simply empty those two fields for that app and it wont be polled. If you put all your containers on the same custom bridge you may not need to expose any ports, and you can use DNS to reach other containers. It's a very convenient configuration!

Unraid Connect is your one-stop shop for server management, monitoring, and maintenance. Enjoy the convenience and connectivity of the cloud and take your Unraid experience to the next level with Connect.
Keeps your server up to date with the latest patches for the OS

This is an MQTT Home Assistant Bridge with a rest endpoint as well that allows control of unraid from this docker, homeassistant and MQTT/REST generally. Icon made by https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik Freepik

Cloud, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Simple cloudflared docker container for Unraid. Simply add your token from cloudflare dashboard as a variable and your done. There are advanced environement variables that can be set. The default values in these fields are what cloudflared will use by default if they are not set. There is more environement variables that can be added but will need a value entered or other configuration to use so I have removed them from the template. They can be seen on the github readme or the cloudflared docs. Cloudflared Docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps/ https://hub.docker.com/r/cloudflare/cloudflared https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared Github: https://github.com/AriaGomes/Unraid-Cloudflared-Tunnel DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/figro/unraid-cloudflared-tunnel Discord: Figro#4064
This plugin allows you to replicate your applications (Docker/LXC containers and chosen directories) from your Main machine to a second, unRAID based, Backup machine. With the inclusion of keepalived you can also create a virtual IP for your Main and Backup machine where the backup machine can automatically run the replicated containers. For more information visit the Support Thread on the forums. ATTENTION: This is a experimental release and it is recommended to use this tool with caution (make sure that you create a backup from your containers and data that is synced). If you encounter a bug please report it in the support thread.

Network Services• Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A simple REST API to monitor basic metrics such as Disk utilization and Network traffic. Initially created for use with https://gethomepage.dev/ Configuration By default the application expects a configuration file in /mnt/user/appdata/unraid-simple-monitoring-api/conf.yml You can find an example file here (https://github.com/NebN/unraid-simple-monitoring-api/blob/master/conf/conf.yml) More detailed info on the github repo Utilization Make a request to http://your-unraid-ip:24940

A modern, real-time system monitoring dashboard for Unraid servers. Features include CPU, memory, network monitoring, and array status tracking with a clean, responsive interface.

Network Services• Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot". Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping. Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.Notifications via Webhook, Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP) and more by Apprise. Fast 20 second inverval checks.

Backup, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
UrBackup is an easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system, that through a combination of image and file backups accomplishes both data safety and a fast restoration time. File and image backups are made while the system is running without interrupting current processes. UrBackup also continuously watches folders you want backed up in order to quickly find differences to previous backups. Because of that, incremental file backups are really fast. Your files can be restored through the web interface, via the client or the Windows Explorer while the backups of drive volumes can be restored with a bootable CD or USB-Stick (bare metal restore). A web interface makes setting up your own backup server really easy.
Allows you to make your own notes for every page on the Unraid GUI

CA User scripts is designed to be a front end to execute user scripts without having to drop down to the command line.
uvdesk beta
Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
UVDesk - An Open Source Helpdesk. UVDesk is an open source helpdesk solution that can be self-hosted, allowing you to manage family and friends' IT problems with a helpdesk like you would in an IT career. If you are wanting to use UVDesk for business use, you should support the developers by contacting them on their website and looking at pricing options. Website: https://www.uvdesk.com/en/ Original Project GitHub: https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/ Template GitHub: https://github.com/untraceablez/uvdesk-unraid/

Valetudo-RE companion service for generating PNG maps. This is a simple companion service for valetudo which does all the heavy lifting. Since both CPU and Memory are limited on the robot, PNG generation for third-party components has been moved here. Make sure you have already created the needed config file! Follow this example https://github.com/rand256/valetudo-mapper

Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
An open source routing engine and accompanying libraries for use with OpenStreetMap data. Valhalla also includes tools like time+distance matrix computation, isochrones, elevation sampling, map matching and tour optimization (Travelling Salesman).

Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A web app, providing routing and isochrones with a magnitude of options and making requests to Valhalla, an open-source routing engine and accompanying libraries for use with OpenStreetMap data.

Network Services• Management, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Valkey is an open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety of workloads such as caching, message queues, and can act as a primary database.

Crypto Currency, Media Applications• Music, Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Quickly find out the SAT rate for podcasts in cryptocurrency.

Varken requires influxdb and grafana. Deploy those containers first. Dutch for PIG. PIG is an Acronym for Plex/InfluxDB/Grafana Varken is a standalone command-line utility to aggregate data from the Plex ecosystem into InfluxDB. Examples use Grafana for a frontend You must edit the varken.ini file in /mnt/user/appdata/varken.
Security, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Manage access to secrets and protect sensitive data with identity-based security. config.hcl: ui = "true" listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = "true" } storage "file" { path = "/vault/file" } api_addr = "" disable_mlock = "true"

Vaultwarden (formerly bitwarden_rs) is a Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust compatible with upstream Bitwarden clients, perfect for self-hosted deployment where running the official resource-heavy service might not be ideal. Basically full implementation of Bitwarden API is provided including: -Basic single user functionality -Organizations support -Attachments -Vault API support -Serving the static files for Vault interface #xD; -Website icons API -Authenticator and U2F support -YubiKey OTP For more configuration see the wiki https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/wiki

Cloud, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Vector is a high-performance, end-to-end (agent & aggregator) observability data pipeline that puts you in control of your observability data. Collect, transform, and route all your logs, metrics, and traces to any vendors you want today and any other vendors you may want tomorrow. Vector enables dramatic cost reduction, novel data enrichment, and data security where you need it, not where it is most convenient for your vendors. Additionally, it is open source and up to 10x faster than every alternative in the space.

Simple container that allows MQTT to be used to view data and push settings to the Venstar Local API Thermostats. Local API needs to be enabled on the thermostat. No Web UI or appdata folder necessary.