Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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Moderators ensure that apps listed in the store offer a safe, compatible, and consistent experience. 

storedown's Icon

An inventory system that is hopefully simple enough for everyone! For setup, run a CouchDB instance and configure with the following: Set the user and password environment variables. Go to http://$serverurl:$port/_utils/#_config/nonode@nohost/cors and enable CORS for your domain. Go to http://$serverurl:$port/_utils/#_config/nonode@nohost and in the httpd section, set WWW-Authenticate to administrator Go to http://$serverurl:$port/_utils/#_config/nonode@nohost and set in the chttpd section require_valid_user to true Then create a database at http://$serverurl:$port/_utils/ Finally log in to storedown with the username, password, url, port, and database.

StorjMonitor's Icon

Storj daemon + CLI; multiple-node in template support; monitor installed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storj is a Crypto-asset and P2P cloud storage service. This Docker runs the back-end client for Storj allowing internet users to rent their disk space and earn STORJ an Ethereum asset. The template author makes no guarantee that STORJ or ETH will retain, or increase in fiat value. SETUP REQUIREMENTS: 1. TCP port 4000 open on host. 2. Path on host for Storj data to sit. IE: make a user share, /mnt/user/storj 3. Your Ethereum-based wallet address. 4. The max allowed space STORJ can take up on the host; remember to make it less 5. DDNS or DNS address. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. API-Key 2. Additional network ports, if running multiple nodes. By default it increments from 4000. IE 4001, 4002, 4003++, and so on. STORJ DAEMON STATUS: (In your command line) docker exec StorjMonitor storjshare status

SUIStartpage's Icon

SUI Startpage is a simple and clean server start page or homepage that you can quickly and easily setup to access your server resources and quick booksmarks and also lets you search on various provider sites via a search bar at the top as well.

Sunshine's Icon

A self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight. You can connect to Sunshine from any Moonlight client on a variety of devices. See documentation for further configuration:

super-productivity's Icon


Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Organize your daily tasks in one place while making time tracking a lot less annoying. Super Productivity is a ToDo List / Time Tracker / Personal Jira Task Manager for Linux, MacOS and Windows aimed at reducing the time you spend with repetitive tasks and to provide you with a place to collect all the information you need to do your job. Apps available for Appstore and Playstore

SuperTokens---MySQL's Icon

Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito. Add secure login and session management to your apps. Additional options can be added via environmental variables or a mounted config file:

SuperTokens---PostgreSQL's Icon


Other, Productivity, Security, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito. Add secure login and session management to your apps. Additional options can be added via environmental variables or a mounted config file:

surrealdb's Icon

SurrealDB makes building and scaling realtime apps dramatically quicker and easier. Get started by installing the server, and jump into our getting started guide to learn how to insert and query data in SurrealDB in minutes. To quickly test out SurrealDB and SurrealQL functionality, we've included demo dataset which you can download and import into your SurrealDB instance.

swag's Icon

SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.

Swapfile for unRAID 6.9


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem, Utilities

This plugin enables creation/starting/stopping/changing of a Swap File on your unRAID server. The plugin allows placing swapfiles on a BTRFS formatted drive.

syncthing's Icon

Syncthing( replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.

TailVault's Icon

TailVault is a secure and lightweight container designed for Unraid 7 and above, enabling friends to share a dedicated backup location over Tailscale. TailVault provides an SFTP destination, allowing a friend to back up their data directly to your server both securely and privately. Features Friend-Specific Backup Access - TailVault restricts access so your friend can only back up to the designated directory on your server. They cannot access any other part of your system. Tailscale Integration - Backups are conducted over Tailscale, so Tailscale must be installed in this container using Unraid’s built-in Tailscale Docker integration. This ensures end-to-end encryption and secure networking without the need for additional VPNs or firewall changes. Use Cases 1. Backups Using Backup Software Configure backup software (e.g., Duplicati) on your friend’s server to send backups over Tailscale to TailVault. These backups are encrypted before being sent, ensuring complete privacy. 2. Rsync Jobs Use TailVault as a destination for rsync jobs or other backup tools from another Unraid server or device in the same Tailnet. How to Configure the Template 1. Enable Tailscale Enable Tailscale in the container and connect it to your Tailnet. In the Tailscale admin console, share the container with your friend to whom you want to allow to backup to your server. 2. Set TailVault Backups Directory Configure this to the location where your friend will store their backups. This directory should be empty and not contain any existing data. 3. Set User Credentials SFTP_USER Choose a username to share with your friend. SFTP_PASS Set a password to share with your friend. Notes If using backup software on the sending server (e.g., Duplicati), it is recommended to set the networking type of the sending container to host. This helps ensure a direct connection over Tailscale and reduces the likelihood of relying on a relay (DERP) server. TailVault itself can remain in bridge mode.

Taskcafe's Icon

Taskcafe beta

Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

A free and open source alternative project management tool. Please note that this project is still in active development. Some options may not work yet! Setup: Please install Postgresql first and then fill in the conncetion details below

tasmocompiler's Icon

TasmoCompiler is a simple web GUI which allows you to compile fantastic Tasmota firmware with your own settings IMPORTANT NOTE You have to remember that all compilation is performed on Gitpod servers, so you have to decide if you want to put sensitive data like Wifi/MQTT credentials to Gitpod hands.