Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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Dynamix S3 Sleep's Icon

Shows in readefines the conditions under which the system will go to S3 sleep mode. It also adds an unconditional 'sleep' button on the Array Operation page.l-time any open SMB and AFP network streams. This allows instant view of who is accessing the server - either by IP address or name - and see what content is opened. Optionally streams can be stopped from the GUI.

Dynamix Safe Mode's Icon

Dynamix Safe Mode


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

This plugin adds a button to the header in the GUI which allows to enable or disable plugins instantly. This mimics Safe Mode which lets the GUI run without plugins installed.

Dynamix SCSI Devices's Icon

updates the udev persistent storage devices rules file (courtesy of BubbaQ), which allows proper naming of SCSI attached disks. Please by aware that after installation of this plugin, it might be necessary to re-assign disks due to their changed names!

Dynamix Share Floor's Icon

Dynamix Share Floor


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Share Floor creates a cronjob to do a regular scan on user shares and change the minimum share floor value according to the largest file found in the share. Choose a schedule which fits best with how often shares are updated with new files.

Dynamix Stop Shell's Icon

The Dynamix Stop Shell plugin adds a script which gets invoked when the array is stopped. This script looks for any open shells in /mnt/... and terminate them. This ensures the array can be stopped. Be aware that automatic terminating of open shells may lead to data loss if an active process is writing to the array.

Dynamix System Autofan's Icon

Dynamix System Autofan

Dynamix Repository

Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

allows automatic fan control based on the system temperature. High and low thresholds are used to speed up or speed down the fan. This is a new plugin and still under development.

Dynamix System Temp's Icon

shows in real-time the temperature of the system CPU and motherboard. Temperatures can be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Your hardware must support the necessary probes, and additional software drivers may be required too. This plugin requires PERL, this package needs to be installed separately.

elasticsearch's Icon

Elasticsearch with instructions for installation on unraid. Default Elasticsearch version is 6.6.2 To change version simply edit the version tag in the repository field to an available version on dockerhub. This template not tested on alpine images. Directions below MUST be used in order to get Elasticsearch 5 and above working correctly. Check support thread for more information. Directions: 1. Install CA User Scripts 2. Create a new script named vm.max_map_count 3. Contents of script as follows: #!/bin/bash sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 4. Set script schedule to At Startup of Array

elasticsearch's Icon

This Elasticsearch docker version is built from the official Elasticsearch docker with minimal changes tailoring it for easier use on Unraid and for the purpose for use with Nextcloud. Elasticsearch with instructions for installation on unraid and then Nextcloud. Elasticsearch version is 7.10.2 Directions below MUST be used in order to get Elasticsearch 5 and above working correctly. Directions: 1. see

Serve your Electrum clients from your own Bitcoin node! Avoid trusting public Electrum nodes, and maintain your own privacy. Electrs does not support encrypted (SSL) communication, so avoid connecting directly to the TCP port over public networks (eg the Internet). Note that some clients, including Electrum, do not support connections without SSL. Consider using nginx as an SSL proxy (see link below for sample configuration). Electrs is designed for personal use only, and is not appropriate for serving a large number of clients. If you have RPC enabled in Bitcoin Core without manually specifying an RPC user and password, Electrs can use Bitcoin's cookie file to auth automatically. If you have manually configured user and password in Bitcoin, these must also be set in Electrs manually. To do so, create a file called electrs.toml in the Electrs Data directory configured below. In this file, include the following data, substituting your own values for USER and PASSWORD: auth = "USER:PASSWORD" See for full details on Electrs configuration.

Electrum's Icon

Electrum is a Bitcoin wallet focused on speed and simplicity, with low resource usage. It uses remote servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, and it allows you to recover your wallet from a secret phrase. ATTENTION: Please keep in mind that your wallet is stored in the created folder in your appdata directory/.electrum/wallets/YOURWALLETNAME - I strongly recommend you to backup this file on a regular basis! IMPORT: If you are already using Electrum you can import your existing wallet by placing the WALLETFILE in the appdata directory for electrum/.electrum/wallets and then choose to use a existing wallet.

electrumx's Icon

Serve your Electrum clients from your own Bitcoin node! Avoid trusting public Electrum nodes, and maintain your own privacy. Expose ElectrumX to the public Internet to support other Electrum users who can't run their own nodes. See for full details on ElectrumX environment configuration.

Enhanced Log Viewer


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

This plugin enhances the built-in Syslog page to view the system log with highlighted lines. You can enable or disable event highlighting and set your own colors for each event. You can add your own search string to highlight in the log.

Enpass's Icon

Enpass is a cross-platform password management app to securely store passwords and other credentials in a virtual vault locked with a master password. Unlike most other popular password managers, Enpass is an offline password manager. The app does not store user data on its servers, but locally on their own devices, encrypted. Users can choose to synchronize their data between different devices using their own preferred cloud storage service like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, and WebDAV.

epicgames-freegames's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Automatically login, bypass Captchas, and redeem free games. Follow JSON Configuration and Cookie Import