Community Apps

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diun's Icon

Docker Image Update Notifier is a CLI application written in Go and delivered as a single executable (and a Docker image) to receive notifications when a Docker image is updated on a Docker registry.

dizquetv's Icon

dizqueTV is a Plex DVR plugin. It allows you to host your own fake live tv service by dynamically streaming media from your Plex servers(s). Your channels and settings are all managed through the dizqueTV Web UI. dizqueTV will show up as a HDHomeRun device within Plex. When configuring your Plex Tuner, simply use the generatered ./.dizquetv/xmltv.xml file for EPG data. dizqueTV will automatically refresh your Plex server's EPG data and channel mappings (if specified to do so in settings) when configuring channels via the Web UI. Ensure your FFMPEG path is set correctly via the Web UI, and enjoy!

Dobby's Icon

Dobby will scan a media directory and look for MKV/MP4 Dolby Vision files along side MKV HDR video files for the same content. The application will merge the files to create BL+RPU MKV files compatible with both HDR and Dolby Vision. This allows you to enhance your media library by adding Dolby Vision at low cost of disk space and without the need to manage multiple file versions. This is a headless application with no GUI, it will start processing the files in your configured directory on start. See the project page for usage examples.

docker-diag-tools's Icon

A very simple Debian-based container packed with useful network troubleshooting tools. The following packages are included: bash, curl, iputils-ping, iperf, iproute2, procps, python3, pythin3-pip, net-tools, vnstat, mtr, tcptraceroute, openssh-client, openssl, tcpdump, dnsutils, wget gnupg, mosquitto-clients, and speedtest-cli. Also included is cloudflarepycli, an excellent utility for running Cloudflare speedtests. Please feel free to send suggestions or additional package ideas that will make this more useful.

Docker-in-Docker-DinD's Icon


Other, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Unraid template for the official Docker-in-Docker (aka DinD) image. Build docker images directly using your Unraid server as a node i.e. without needing to run a VM - just expose TCP port like you would for a network build node. This is NOT a start-it-and-forget-it set up so PLEASE READ THE NOTES. NOTES: (1) I'm not affiliated with Docker. I just realised nobody created an Unraid template for this really useful image that I have been using for a while (e.g. all my Unraid docker images are built on this via buildx node) so I share this for the community. If Docker ever has an official template then I'll deprecate this one. (2) Must be run in Bridge network mode. Don't bother doing macvlan (aka "br0" / "br1" Unraid docker network), the child dockers will always fail due to lack DNS resolving errors. Don't bother with host network, it crashes my whole docker network every time, requiring a reboot to reset. (3) It is possible to run this rootless / without privileged with the appropriate image tag and config but I could never get it to work properly. Hence, this template requires to run docker with root in privileged mode - with all the usual warning about it. (4) I do NOT recommend mapping /var/lib/docker (i.e. the equivalent to Unraid docker image) unless you actually need it. I don't map it and just delete dangling volume using user scripts. (5) This template has TLS enabled by default and the certs will be saved at wherever you map /certs to on the host. If the /certs is empty, a script will automatically create certificates for you. Port 2376 is used to access docker service through TCP with TLS. As always, buildx will require the full set of certificates to authenticate but note VERY IMPORTANTLY: you have to set it up using DNS name (e.g. by adding the docker name and the Unraid server IP to /etc/hosts and set buildx to use docker_name:2376) and not directly by IP. (5a) Alternatively, once the certificates have been generated (i.e. docker was run at least once), you need to map the FILE /certs/server/openssl.conf to a host file as READ-ONLY (to prevent the docker TLS generator script from overwriting it) + make your appropriate edits + delete the rest of the /certs folder content and let the certificate generator script run again for new certs. You can even do wildcard and stuff like that but I'm not going into details here. (5b) If the above is too complicated for you, just run it without TLS (set DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR variable to blank). But be mindful that docker has been screaming that this will be deprecated in a (yet-undetermined) future version. And you will need to map 2375 port. (6) You don't need to map both 2375 and 2376. 2375 for non-TLS. 2376 for TLS.

Docker-WebUI's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Hello to all of you,   I made a small application that lists the docker containers that have a WebUI link. Please also support me of this beautiful project through a PayPal donation. Environment variables: - CIRCLE: - yes : the background will have colored circles - empty : no colored circles HOST : (ex : - this variable allows you to put a DNS / DynDNS. This allows you to connect to this page outside your local network. - empty : the address to access it will remain the local address UNRAID_IP : - if you have added a HOST, all your IP addresses will have your DNS / DynDNS even containers with another IP address. Enter your local IP address so different containers will keep their different address without it being replaced. - empty : the address to access it will remain the local address TITLE : - This one allows you to change the title of the HTML page in the tab of your browser. - empty: Docker WebUI A few things that are essential for this application to work properly:   - Do not change the name of the application (Docker-WebUI). I have omitted the list with this name. If you change it then you will see it listed.   - container: /data, host: /var/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager   Add a folder share for configuration. Inside, a file (subdomains.yml) will store the subdomains you will change in the application. - container: /config, host: /mnt/user/docker/Docker-WebUI/config Have fun.  

DockerRegistry's Icon

Docker Registry is used to store and distribute Docker images using HTTP API. This allows you host your own private Registry and store your images. Uses official Docker Registry image @ Configuration /mnt/user/appdata/registry This is where Registry will store it's data. Port 5000 Default connection port

Docmost's Icon

Open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software Create, collaborate, and share knowledge seamlessly with Docmost. Ideal for managing your wiki, knowledge-base, documentation and a lot more. Require before deploying: - Postgres - redis

dokuwiki's Icon

Dokuwiki( is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.

doublecommander's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Double Commander( is a free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas.

duckdns's Icon

Duckdns( is a free service which will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice. The service is completely free, and doesn't require reactivation or forum posts to maintain its existence.

dupeGuru's Icon

dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan either filenames or contents. The filename scan features a fuzzy matching algorithm that can find duplicate filenames even when they are not exactly the same. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

Duplicacy's Icon

Web GUI for Duplicacy. Duplicacy backs up your files to many cloud storages with client-side encryption and the highest level of deduplication Note: - It's imporatant to pass hostname (Advanced View > Extra Parameters > --hostname=), as duplicacy license is requested based on hostname and machine-id provided by dbus. - Machine-id will be persisted in the /config directory. - Default hostname set to 'duplicacy-unraid'. - If you want to backup the unRAID FLASH drive then you will have to run Duplicacy as root i.e. USR_ID=0 and GRP_ID=0 - /config -- is where configuration data will be stored. Should be backed up. - /logs -- logs will go there. - /cache -- transient and temporary files will be stored here. Can be safely deleted. - Readme:

duplicati's Icon

Duplicati( is a backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on local storage, cloud storage services and remote file servers. It works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive,, Mega, B2, and many others.