Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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iSCSI Target's Icon

This Plugin will install all necessary software and dependencies for iSCSI, on the bottom of the settings page will be also the utility to configure your iSCSI Targets (the configuration utility is still in beta and will not affect the functionallity of the iSCSI Targets itself). Targetcli package provided by ich777.


This plugin is a wrapper for reading the files used by emhttpd for displaying various statistics, the files are read from /var/local/emhttp/*.ini and are converted to JSON for easy access by services/applications like Home Assistant. Please note there is no frontend, please visit the support thread for usage instructions.

Label Manager adds a page to the WebGUI to easily apply container labels for services that use container labels to enable/control features. Currently, the plugin supports TSDProxy; support for Traefik is planned for a future release.

LCD Manager's Icon

LCD Manager beta


Drivers, Other, Plugins

Install for LCDd and lcdproc to support LCD Screens. A QNAP lcd device is icp_a106, Futher panels will be added in the future along with unRAID specific screens.

Libvirt Hotplug USB


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

A Plugin for Hot-plugging USB Devices to Running VMs. Libvirt Hotplug USB allows mounting of USB Devices (e.g. Keyboard, Mouse, iPhone, FlashDrive, etc) on running VMs. It uses virsh to attach the Devices which avoids Conflicts between different VMs.

LLDP for UNRAID's Icon

A plugin that integrates a Link Layer Discovery Protocol service into UNRAID systems (speaking LLDP, CDP, FDP, SONMP and EDP). LLDP allows you to know exactly on which port is a server (and reciprocally). LLDP is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols. The goal of LLDP is to provide an inter-vendor compatible mechanism to deliver Link-Layer notifications to adjacent network devices.

LTFS's Icon

This plugin adds support for LTFS. You can easily mount tape drives in Unraid.

LXC's Icon

LXC is a well-known Linux container runtime that consists of tools, templates, and library and language bindings. It's pretty low level, very flexible and covers just about every containment feature supported by the upstream kernel. LXC (Linux Containers) is similar to Docker but with a key difference: while Docker abstracts away much of the system maintenance, LXC gives users greater control and responsibility over managing their environments. This allows for more customization and fine-tuning, making it ideal for users who prefer a hands-on approach.

Mellanox-Firmware-Tools's Icon

This Plugin will install all necessary modules and dependencies for your Mellanox network card. With this tool you can flash/modify your Mellanox network card (command line only) and also read out the current temperature on the settings/plugin page.

mergerFS for UNRAID's Icon

mergerFS for UNRAID beta


Drivers, Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

A plugin that installs mergerFS, a featureful union filesystem, onto UNRAID systems (includes mergerFS-Tools). mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs.

Mover Tuning's Icon

A simple plugin to fine tune the operation of the scheduled mover script. Only run when cache space is getting low and filter files to move according to age, size, ...; don't run if a parity check / rebuild is in progress; or completely disable the scheduled moves. Can enable turbo write to speed up things.

Nerd Tools's Icon

This plugin allows installation of extra packages, mostly CLI, for advanced users. Use at your own risk. Not officially supported by LimeTech. Note that this plugin is not currently supported and this project is looking for someone to fork it and keep it alive.

Network UPS Tools (NUT) for UNRAID's Icon

Network UPS Tools (NUT) for UNRAID beta


Drivers, Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

A refactored, modernized version of the original NUT plugin with a focus on frequent updates. This alternative version has improved usability through precise documentation, offering various NUT backends to choose from, and following the latest developments of the NUT master branch more closely. It strives to maximize both your UPS performance and compatibility, while also aiming to provide useful new features with the same amount of stability as in earlier versions.

New Unlock Key for Encrypted Drives's Icon

New Unlock Key for Encrypted Drives


Drivers, Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

A tool that enables you to change the unlock key of your encrypted drives. This is a CLI script. The plugin simply installs the script. Each of the current and new unlock keys can either be a text password / passphrase, or a binary key file if you're into those (I am). Your array must be started to use this tool.

NUT Actions's Icon

This plugin is intended to seamlessly integrate with the NUT Plugin, automatically shutting down all your Docker and LXC Containers, as well as virtual machines (VMs), when your Server is operating on battery power to save energy to bridge power outages without shutting down your Server. You can specify exceptions to this behavior. Once power is restored, the plugin will automatically restart all previously running containers and VMs. Don't forget to go to the plugin page after installing the plugin and configure which Containers/VMs should not be stopped.

Nvidia-Driver's Icon

This plugin will install all necessary modules and dependencies for your Nvidia Graphics Card so that you can make use of it in your Docker containers. In the settings/plugins menu you find your UUID of your graphics card(s). You can also choose your preferred version of the Nvidia drivers, by default it will always grab the latest driver version that is availabe for the current Unraid build. This plugin satisfies installation prerequisites of the GPU Statistics plugin from Community Apps. With both plugins installed you can display Nvidia GPU utilization on the unRAID Dashboard. ATTENTION: If you plan to pass through your card to a VM don't install this plugin!

Nvidia-Driver's Icon

This plugin will install all necessary modules and dependencies for your Nvidia Graphics Card so that you can make use of it in your Docker containers. In the settings/plugins menu you find your UUID of your graphics card(s). You can also choose your preferred version of the Nvidia drivers, by default it will always grab the latest driver version that is availabe for the current Unraid build. This plugin satisfies installation prerequisites of the GPU Statistics plugin from Community Apps. With both plugins installed you can display Nvidia GPU utilization on the unRAID Dashboard. ATTENTION: If you plan to pass through your card to a VM don't install this plugin!

NVTOP's Icon

NVTOP stands for Neat Videocard TOP, a (h)top like task monitor for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA GPUs. It can handle multiple GPUs and print information about them in a htop familiar way. This Plugin is based on:

nwipe (Secure Disk Eraser) for UNRAID


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem, Utilities

nwipe is a program that will securely erase the entire contents of disks, with a ncurses GUI. It can help you make sure that your precious data is gone for good, before you sell or RMA your disks. nwipe is a fork of the dwipe command originally used by Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN).