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Community Apps
Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server.

CA User scripts is designed to be a front end to execute user scripts without having to drop down to the command line.

A plugin to create and modify vfio-pci.cfg from the unRAID webGui. Allows you to bind PCI devices by address to the vfio-pci driver. Also displays IOMMU groupings and which devices support reset.

Wake On Lan for Virtual Machines. Allows you to recieve a wake on lan packet to wake or start up kvm virtual machines.
Plugin for backing up VMs in unRAID including vdisks, configuration files, and nvram.
Web Push Notification Agent beta
Network Services• Other, Plugins, Tools / Utilities• System
A plugin which adds browser push notification to Unraid. Works like other notification agents.

Network Services• Web, Plugins, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• System, Utilities
A very simple webhook server to launch shell scripts.; This is a unRAID plugin for the webhookd binary executable
This plugin allows you to perform actions with Wakeonlan packets.

Allows you to use ZFS format on non Array disks.

The ZFS Master plugin provides information and control over the ZFS Pools in your Unraid. Available ZFS Pools are listed under the "Main/ZFSMaster" tab.

This plugins wants to be the sidekick to unRAID-ZFS from Steini1984, adding a widget for the dashboard, and possibly some APIs to get the status (ie. to use with HomeAssistant).

ZFS backup with remote capabilities

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