All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.
Allows you to disable the OS mitigations for Spectre, Meltdown, and Zombieload (MDS) to possibly improve your CPU speed. Use at own risk. There are valid security issues caused by disabling the mitigations under certain workloads
Monitor your game servers on Discord and tracks the live data of your game servers.
--After first start of the Container Config files are Created. You Must configure them as you need it otherwise it will not function.--
You need a Discord BOT API Key for your settings.json Config. (see Support Forum if you dont know how)
Note: DO NOT SHARE YOUR API KEY! Sharing your key may result in punishments from Discord (including a platform-wide ban) if the token is used to abuse the API.
Configure your Monitored Servers in the servers.json:
The official build of Discord Tickets - an open-source ticket management bot for Discord.
A free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other ticket management bots.
Simple soundboard for discord. You can trigger sounds by commands typed in the Discord chat, or you can choose the sound from the web UI. You will need to create a bot account that the bot will use to join and play sounds. The bot can only play sounds/respond to commands for servers it has been given access. Get your bot token from here - This will not work correctly without a proper Bot Token and the bot application being added to your discord server. Join the official discord: for support
Locate your drives and assign them to a graphical tray map to get full overview of installed hard drives in your system.
NB! This is the developer edition of the plugin, use with CAUTION and OWN RISK!
diskover( is an open source file system indexer that uses Elasticsearch to index and manage data across heterogeneous storage systems.
Display drives attached to controllers and perform benchmark speed tests. Performing the occasional benchmark will help you determine if a drive is starting to fail even if the SMART logic isn't flagging errors as of yet. Privileged mode is required for this application to function and see the storage controllers & drives attached to the host machine.
Diun is a CLI application to receive notifications when a Docker image is updated on a Docker registry.
Requires a configuration file at the Config File path:
diyHue emulates a Phillips Hue bridge allowing you to controll other smart lights and bulbs with the Hue ecosystem.
Find more info at the diyHue GitHub wiki:
To setup just set an IP address in the network settings, along with setting the MAC and IP variabales with the values for the br0 network
dizqueTV is a Plex DVR plugin. It allows you to host your own fake live tv service by dynamically streaming media from your Plex servers(s). Your channels and settings are all managed through the dizqueTV Web UI.
dizqueTV will show up as a HDHomeRun device within Plex. When configuring your Plex Tuner, simply use the generatered ./.dizquetv/xmltv.xml file for EPG data. dizqueTV will automatically refresh your Plex server's EPG data and channel mappings (if specified to do so in settings) when configuring channels via the Web UI. Ensure your FFMPEG path is set correctly via the Web UI, and enjoy!
This is an unRAID Docker template for:
Debrid Media Bridge
"An All-In-One image for the unified deployment of Riven, Zurg, and rclone"
Why? During the first setup, directories will be created using root user on the host OS (unRAID).
However, the container uses a non-root user called DMB when running normally.
So, you need to change the owner of the DMB directories to the unRAID default of owner: nobody group:users aka 99:100
Method 1 CLI
1. stop the docker container fully. Wait to see it fully stopped.
2. access the terminal as root user
3. run the command chown -R 99:100 /mnt/user/appdata/DMB
4. run the above command again for any other directories used by DMB eg /mnt/user/DMB (skip if you only have one directory-this template has two directories by default)
5. Restart the container. Check logs. You might need to stop container and run the chown command two times during the first setup only.
Method 2 unRAID GUI
1. stop the docker container fully. Wait to see it fully stopped.
2. login to unRAID GUI as root user
3. Locate your ./appdata/DMB directory (if you setup shares (most people do) then click shares, go into appdata, you'll see DMB there after the first run)
4. click the + sign on the right side of the ./appdata/DMB directory. Change owner. Choose nobody in the drop down menu (it is called just that: nobody) as the owner. Apply the change
5. repeat above steps if you have other directories used by DMB eg /mnt/user/DMB (this template has two directories by default)
6. Restart the container. Check logs. You might need to stop container and do the steps twice during the first setup only.
"What are Riven and Zurg? What is all of this stuff?"
Riven is a new, still in development, open source, free, media solution that combines a bunch of ideas into one complete, polished package.
More specifically, in the same vein as plex_debrid before (github repo: itstoggled/plex_debrid - now archived), it allows for end users to input their own (paid) real-debrid API token ( for info) (other "debrids" not supported at the moment) and then access "cached torrents" on the real-debrid servers. Cached torrents allow the user to stream the video file being sought, whether movie or tv show.
Zurg is a specialized rclone mount and filtering program. Basically, it takes a raw rclone mount of all torrents a user has in their debrid library, and it filters them resulting in a huge variety of variables such as file size, bitrate, resolution, etc. (huge list).
This project also leverages the power of rclone to mount the debrid webdav directory into your OS, unRAID in this case, inside of a docker container. When you provide this mount path to your Plex server Plex won't distingtush between local media that you might have and this mounted media. It will stream the media directly from the real-debrid (or other servers if added later by devs) servers to your Plex server where it will be played lag-free assuming your network/server/player can handle it.
PostgreSQL database is also used to store settings and relevant information.
"So, why this image and not the image from the developers of Riven or Zurg?"
You could certainly use those if you wish to setup all the invidivdual components. This AIO image just seeks to simplify and streamline the process.
links for a ton more information if desired or required:
DMB AIO wiki:
Riven Wiki:
Second Note: This dmb-fastapi xml template was put together by discord user Portgas D. Ace. This has been posted to my unRAID template GitHub repo with their permission (with some tweaks by me)
Third Note: If you need help or support, the number 1 best place to seek it is the discord channel linked in the support section of this template
This is just a quick template I threw together in order to try to help you other unRAID users to try out the FastAPI release. Massive thanks the DMB creator I-AM-PUID-0 as well as massive thanks to the devs of Riven & Yowmamasita's Zurg.
I also thank Unlearned6688 for his UnRAID templates as it made this one easier for me to create.
DMB AIO wiki:
FastAPI branch repository:
Links to source repositories for the underlying projects:
As stated I threw this together in order to try to help out. I am no expert so don't harpoon me if something is less than perfect. If you have questions I'm in the discord @Portgas D. Ace
This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Deatmatch Classic and run it.
ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files!
Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available.
You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!
A very simple DNS server to connect to DNS-over-HTTPS service. This is similar to my other Pihole-with-DoH docker, without Pihole.
You have already browsed the web securely with https, don't send your DNS queries in plain text.
This is useful if you want to route DNS through a OpenVPN client docker (using --net=container: extra parameter) or just want encrypted DNS for your network / devices without any bells and whistles.
Make sure to assign an IP (macvlan bridge) or map 53 to a different port (normal bridge). Docker will not start otherwise.
Technitium DNS Server is an open source tool that can be used for self hosting a local DNS server for privacy and security or, used for experimentation/testing by software developers on their computer. It works out-of-the-box with no or minimal configuration and provides a user friendly web console accessible using any web browser. See github for envirionment variables
Dobby will scan a media directory and look for MKV/MP4 Dolby Vision files along side MKV HDR video files for the same content. The application will merge the files to create BL+RPU MKV files compatible with both HDR and Dolby Vision. This allows you to enhance your media library by adding Dolby Vision at low cost of disk space and without the need to manage multiple file versions. This is a headless application with no GUI, it will start processing the files in your configured directory on start. See the project page for usage examples.
Docker Folder lets you create folders for grouping dockers and VMs together to help with organization. Especially useful if you're using docker-compose.
Getting Started: A new button named "add folder" will appear at the bottom of the docker tab next to "add container"
NOTE: This plugin is forked from the original project for compatibility with Unraid 6.10.0 No guarantees are made on this fork, but attempts will be made to keep the functionality of the plugin working on 6.10
This plugin does a quick patch to the docker system on 6.12.8 only to prevent any empty host paths or container paths which may be present in an already installed template (or on a new installation) from triggering an error (and creating an orphan image) when updating the application.
NOTE: This is NOT a bug or issue with Unraid.
Patches Docker to be able to check for updates on certain containers. Needed if you are always seeing "Not Available" when checking for updates.
If you have already set up a script to manually apply this patch, it is highly recommended to stop your script from automatically installing the patch and instead use the plugin. Manually applied patches may cause issues on future releases of the OS if you forget to undo them whereas the plugin will automatically not patch the OS on Unraid 6.12+
A very simple Debian-based container packed with useful network troubleshooting tools.
The following packages are included: bash, curl, iputils-ping, iperf, iproute2, procps, python3, pythin3-pip, net-tools, vnstat, mtr, tcptraceroute, openssh-client, openssl, tcpdump, dnsutils, wget gnupg, mosquitto-clients, and speedtest-cli. Also included is cloudflarepycli, an excellent utility for running Cloudflare speedtests.
Please feel free to send suggestions or additional package ideas that will make this more useful.
Unraid template for the official Docker-in-Docker (aka DinD) image. Build docker images directly using your Unraid server as a node i.e. without needing to run a VM - just expose TCP port like you would for a network build node. This is NOT a start-it-and-forget-it set up so PLEASE READ THE NOTES.
(1) I'm not affiliated with Docker. I just realised nobody created an Unraid template for this really useful image that I have been using for a while (e.g. all my Unraid docker images are built on this via buildx node) so I share this for the community. If Docker ever has an official template then I'll deprecate this one.
(2) Must be run in Bridge network mode. Don't bother doing macvlan (aka "br0" / "br1" Unraid docker network), the child dockers will always fail due to lack DNS resolving errors. Don't bother with host network, it crashes my whole docker network every time, requiring a reboot to reset.
(3) It is possible to run this rootless / without privileged with the appropriate image tag and config but I could never get it to work properly. Hence, this template requires to run docker with root in privileged mode - with all the usual warning about it.
(4) I do NOT recommend mapping /var/lib/docker (i.e. the equivalent to Unraid docker image) unless you actually need it. I don't map it and just delete dangling volume using user scripts.
(5) This template has TLS enabled by default and the certs will be saved at wherever you map /certs to on the host. If the /certs is empty, a script will automatically create certificates for you. Port 2376 is used to access docker service through TCP with TLS. As always, buildx will require the full set of certificates to authenticate but note VERY IMPORTANTLY: you have to set it up using DNS name (e.g. by adding the docker name and the Unraid server IP to /etc/hosts and set buildx to use docker_name:2376) and not directly by IP.
(5a) Alternatively, once the certificates have been generated (i.e. docker was run at least once), you need to map the FILE /certs/server/openssl.conf to a host file as READ-ONLY (to prevent the docker TLS generator script from overwriting it) + make your appropriate edits + delete the rest of the /certs folder content and let the certificate generator script run again for new certs. You can even do wildcard and stuff like that but I'm not going into details here.
(5b) If the above is too complicated for you, just run it without TLS (set DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR variable to blank). But be mindful that docker has been screaming that this will be deprecated in a (yet-undetermined) future version. And you will need to map 2375 port.
(6) You don't need to map both 2375 and 2376. 2375 for non-TLS. 2376 for TLS.
A production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.). Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade.
h3 Preperations /h3
This short guide will help you to set up a mailserver.
To keep the mailserver running, there are some important points to consider, like at least one configured mail account, SSL type, hostname, etc.
If these points are missing, they will be mentioned in the Docker logs to simplify troubleshooting.
Make sure, you got an domain and a static IP adress to setup your mailserver.
MX and A DNS entries are needed. After that, portforward the mentioned ports in your router.
h3 Initial steps: /h3
The following placeholders will be used:
b user /b is the mail account you create.
b /b is the domain you are using.
b /bis the FQDN of the mailserver.
b password /bis the password for your mail account./b
At first, setup the b environment variables /b and change b--hostname /b in the b Extra Parameters (advanced view)/b as needed.
Choose custom b Network Type /b and set an fixed IP Adress. (didn't tested other options)
Create an e-mail account by starting the container with bPost arguments /b (advanced view):
bsetup email add [email protected] 'password'/b
bsetup email add [email protected] 'Ch33rs#M8!' /b (for example)
b Remove the post arguments. /b
Start container and check the logs.
Optional and recommended: Open Container Console and type in...
bsetup config dkim/b
Try to connect to the server with an e-mail client.
Test sending and recieving mails
Optional: If everything works, you can enable bFail2Ban/b in the environment variables
For further informations, visit the extended documention:
Hello to all of you,
I made a small application that lists the docker containers that have a WebUI link.
Please also support me of this beautiful project through a PayPal donation.
Environment variables:
- yes : the background will have colored circles
- empty : no colored circles
HOST : (ex :
- this variable allows you to put a DNS / DynDNS. This allows you to connect to this page outside your local network.
- empty : the address to access it will remain the local address
- if you have added a HOST, all your IP addresses will have your DNS / DynDNS even containers with another IP address. Enter your local IP address so different containers will keep their different address without it being replaced.
- empty : the address to access it will remain the local address
- This one allows you to change the title of the HTML page in the tab of your browser.
- empty: Docker WebUI
A few things that are essential for this application to work properly:
- Do not change the name of the application (Docker-WebUI). I have omitted the list with this name. If you change it then you will see it listed.
- container: /data, host: /var/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager
Add a folder share for configuration. Inside, a file (subdomains.yml) will store the subdomains you will change in the application.
- container: /config, host: /mnt/user/docker/Docker-WebUI/config
Have fun.
WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container.
As of April 2024, you will need to supply your own API Key and ID: