Community Apps

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PlexTraktSync's Icon

This project adds a two-way-sync between and Plex Media Server. It requires a account but no Plex premium and no Trakt VIP subscriptions, unlike the Plex app provided by Trakt. Note: The PyTrakt API keys are not stored securely, so if you do not want to have a file containing those on your harddrive, you can not use this project. Enter the console for the container. Enter 'python3 -m plextraktsync' without apostrophes to start the credential process.

Portainer-Agent's Icon

Portainer consists of two elements, the Portainer Server, and the Portainer Agent. Both elements run as lightweight Docker containers on a Docker engine. Portainer uses the Portainer Agent container to communicate with the Portainer Server instance and provide access to the node's resources.

Portainer-BE's Icon

Portainer Business Edition is a fully featured service delivery platform for containerized applications that can be used to manage single and multi-cluster Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes and ACI environments. It is designed to be as simple to deploy as it is to use. The application allows you to manage all your orchestrator resources (containers, images, volumes, networks and more) through a ‘smart’ GUI and/or an extensive API. Notes: • If you would like to extend the capabilities of Portainer, getting extra features over containers, networks, volumes and images, you will need to install the Portainer Agent separately. Search for 'Portainer-Agent' in the Community Apps. • This container needs a license to operate, for additional information on obtaining a FREE license visit

PortainerCE's Icon

Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your different Docker environments (Docker hosts or Swarm clusters). Portainer is meant to be as simple to deploy as it is to use. It consists of a single container that can run on any Docker engine (can be deployed as Linux container or a Windows native container, supports other platforms too). Portainer allows you to manage all your Docker resources (containers, images, volumes, networks and more) ! It is compatible with the standalone Docker engine and with Docker Swarm mode.

Portfolio-Performance's Icon


Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Portfolio Performance is an open source tool to calculate the overall performance of an investment portfolio - across all accounts - using True-Time Weighted Return or Internal Rate of Return. Update: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available ATTENTION: Please save your documents only in the Home directory! Don't save or modify anything inside the 'bin' and 'runtime' folders. INFO: If the last view is not saved accross container restarts it is recommended to exit the container once after you've configured it to your likings through the WebGUI by clicking File -> Quit, this will ensure that the last view is saved properly.

poste's Icon

FREE version of, full mail server solution. POP3, SMTP, IMAP, Spamassassin, WebMail, WebAdmin. INITIAL SETUP: 0. Requires registered FQDN to send/receive external email. 1. Following ports are used by container for mail: 25, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995 2. Following ports are used by container for webui: 443, 8280 (These may conflict, check your ports) 3. Make a user share for mail data, default is /mnt/user/poste 4. Some or all mail ports may need to be opened, forwarded, or dmz for mail send/receive to work. Optional arguments -e "HTTPS=OFF" To disable all redirects to encrypted HTTP, its useful when you are using some kind of reverse proxy (place this argument before image name!) NOTE: Marked as BETA, simply because author is not an expert in email exchange servers -- software itself looks pretty good.

PostGIS's Icon

PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. The postgis/postgis image provides tags for running Postgres with PostGIS extensions installed.

postgres-backup-local's Icon

Backup PostgresSQL to the local filesystem with periodic rotating backups, based on schickling/postgres-backup-s3. Backup multiple databases from the same host by setting the database names in POSTGRES_DB separated by commas or spaces. Restore examples: DB: nextcloud USER: muwahhid zcat /mnt/user/Backups/Postgres/Backups/daily/nextcloud-20210218-235636.sql.gz | docker exec -i testsql psql --username=muwahhid --dbname=nextcloud -W

PostgreSQL_Alpine's Icon

|------------------------------------------------- | General Information |------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL, often simply "Postgres", is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. As a database server, its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices, and retrieve it later, as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). It can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. Recent versions also provide replication of the database itself for security and scalability. PostgreSQL implements the majority of the SQL:2011 standard, is ACID-compliant and transactional (including most DDL statements) avoiding locking issues using multiversion concurrency control (MVCC), provides immunity to dirty reads and full serializability; handles complex SQL queries using many indexing methods that are not available in other databases; has updateable views and materialized views, triggers, foreign keys; supports functions and stored procedures, and other expandability, and has a large number of extensions written by third parties. In addition to the possibility of working with the major proprietary and open source databases, PostgreSQL supports migration from them, by its extensive standard SQL support and available migration tools. And if proprietary extensions had been used, by its extensibility that can emulate many through some built-in and third-party open source compatibility extensions, such as for Oracle.

postgresql12's Icon

PostgreSQL 12 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Uses official Postgres Docker image @ Configuration /mnt/cache/appdata/postgresql12 This is where Postgres will store it's data. For best performance, keep the files on cache drive. Port 5432 Default connection port POSTGRES_PASSWORD Superuser password. REQUIRED TO SET, otherwise connecting outside container will not be possible. POSTGRES_USER Username for the superuser. Defaults to postgres if not set. POSTGRES_DB Used to define different name for default database. Defaults to user if not set.

postgresql13's Icon

PostgreSQL 13 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Uses official Postgres Docker image @ Configuration /mnt/cache/appdata/postgresql13 This is where Postgres will store it's data. For best performance, keep the files on cache drive. Port 5432 Default connection port POSTGRES_PASSWORD Superuser password. REQUIRED TO SET, otherwise connecting outside container will not be possible. POSTGRES_USER Username for the superuser. Defaults to postgres if not set. POSTGRES_DB Used to define different name for default database. Defaults to user if not set.

postgresql14's Icon

PostgreSQL 14 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Uses official Postgres Docker image @ Configuration /mnt/cache/appdata/postgresql14 This is where Postgres will store it's data. For best performance, keep the files on cache drive. Port 5432 Default connection port POSTGRES_PASSWORD Superuser password. REQUIRED TO SET, otherwise connecting outside container will not be possible. POSTGRES_USER Username for the superuser. Defaults to postgres if not set. POSTGRES_DB Used to define different name for default database. Defaults to user if not set.

postgresql15's Icon

PostgreSQL 15 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. Uses official Postgres Docker image @ Configuration /mnt/cache/appdata/postgresql15 This is where Postgres will store it's data. For best performance, keep the files on cache drive. Port 5432 Default connection port POSTGRES_PASSWORD Superuser password. REQUIRED TO SET, otherwise connecting outside container will not be possible. POSTGRES_USER Username for the superuser. Defaults to postgres if not set. POSTGRES_DB Used to define different name for default database. Defaults to user if not set.

postgresql16's Icon

PostgreSQL 16 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. This template uses the official PostgreSQL Docker image @

postgresql17's Icon

PostgreSQL 17 is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. This template uses the official PostgreSQL Docker image @

PreviewMaid's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Preview maid is a tool to help you find missing thumbnail previews in your plex library. By default it will run on a schedule at 00:00. Optionally you can have it run once and output before exiting.

printbed beta

Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Printbed is a 3D print file hosting system PrintBed is currently a very early Alpha. Some basic features are currently broken or may break in the future.

projectsend's Icon

Projectsend( is a self-hosted application that lets you upload files and assign them to specific clients that you create yourself. Secure, private and easy. No more depending on external services or e-mail to send those files.

Prometheus MSI Afterburner Exporter's Icon

Prometheus MSI Afterburner Exporter


Plugins, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Is a slim plugin, that takes informations gathered form the MSI Afterburner Remote Server API and provides it to a Prometheus database. Usage is not limited to Prometheus only. Data can be formated and displayed to any database or graphical node. This plugin requires the MSI Afterburner Remote Server on the machine that you want to watch, please configure the IP address of your local MSI Afterburner Remote Server on the Settings page from the plugin! Export URL: The URL for the exportet metrics is: 'http://YOURunRAIDIP:9091/metrics' (to use it in Prometheus add the target: 'YOURunRAIDIP:9091' to your Prometheus yaml). This Plugin is based on:

Prometheus nvidia-smi Exporter's Icon

Prometheus nvidia-smi Exporter


Plugins, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Is a slim plugin, that takes informations gathered from nvidia-smi and provides it to a Prometheus database. Usage is not limited to Prometheus only. Data can be formated and displayed to any database or graphical node. Export URL: The URL for the exportet metrics is: 'http://YOURunRAIDIP:9202/metrics' (to use it in Prometheus add the target: 'YOURunRAIDIP:9202' to your Prometheus yaml). This Plugin is based on:

prometheus-docker's Icon

This is the Prometheus you already know and love, but with an easy way to configure the retention time for the data you collect. The default value for retention time is 15 days, but there is no way to change this in the config file. This value can only be set with a flag at startup. This image allows you to configure the retention time using an environment variable and allows for other startup flags to be added later if needed. For more info on the storage-related startup flags, see: