Community Apps

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rsync-server's Icon

Simple rsync server based on Alpine To be able to connect to this rsync server you need to add the SSH key of your client to the variable SSH_AUTH_KEY_1 How to create an SSH key? Log into your client machine and create an SSH key as follows: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 Press 3x ENTER to use the default location and create the key without password. Now display your SSH Key with the following command: cat ~/.ssh/ Copy the complete line like "ssh-rsa AAA.... username@client" and paste it in the field "SSH_AUTH_KEY_1" and start this container. You can test the connection from your client as follows (replace "tower" against your server name or domain): rsync --dry-run --itemize-changes --archive -e 'ssh -p 5533' root@tower:/mnt/user/system/ /tmp

RTL8125(B) PCI Drivers's Icon

This package contains the Realtek OOT Drivers and installs them, a reboot is required after installing the plugin (upgrading to a newer Unraid version maybe needs a second reboot too). The following Chipsets are supported by this driver: Network Interface Controllers > 2.5G Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express RTL8125 / RTL8125B(S)(G) Source:

RTL8126 PCI Drivers's Icon

This package contains the Realtek OOT Drivers and installs them, a reboot is required after installing the plugin (upgrading to a newer Unraid version maybe needs a second reboot too). The following Chipsets are supported by this driver: Network Interface Controllers > 5G Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express RTL8126 Source:

RTL8156(B) RTL8157 USB Drivers's Icon

RTL8156(B) RTL8157 USB Drivers


Drivers, Plugins, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

This package contains the Realtek OOT Drivers and installs them, a reboot is required after installing the plugin (upgrading to a newer Unraid version maybe needs a second reboot too). ATTENTION: To utilize 2.5Gbit/s speeds you have to add this line at the bottom to your 'go' file: 'ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on advertise 0x80000000002f' (without quotes and modify eth0 to the corresponding adapter in your system)! To utilize 5Gbit/s speeds you have to add this line at the bottom to your 'go' file: 'ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on advertise 0x180000000002f' The following Chipsets are supported by this driver: Network Interface Controllers > 5G Gigabit Ethernet > USB 3.0 RTL8157 Network Interface Controllers > 2.5G Gigabit Ethernet > USB 3.0 RTL8156 / RTL8156B Network Interface Controllers > 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet > USB 3.0 RTL8153 / RTL8153B / RTL8153C / RTL8153D / RTL8153E Network Interface Controllers > 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet > USB 2.0 RTL8154 / RTL8154B Network Interface Controllers > 10/100M Fast Ethernet > USB 2.0 RTL8152B Source:

RTL8168(B)/RTL8111(B) PCI Drivers's Icon

RTL8168(B)/RTL8111(B) PCI Drivers


Drivers, Plugins, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

This package contains the Realtek OOT Drivers and installs them, a reboot is required after installing the plugin (upgrading to a newer Unraid version maybe needs a second reboot too). The following Chipsets are supported by this driver: Network Interface Controllers > 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet > PCI Express RTL8111B/RTL8111C/RTL8111D/RTL8111E/RTL8111F/RTL8111G(S)/RTL8111H(S)//RTL8118(A)(S)/RTL8119i/RTL8111L/RTL8111K RTL8168B/RTL8168E/RTL8168H RTL8111DP/RTL8111EP/RTL8111FP RTL8411/RTL8411B Source:

sabnzbd_exporter's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

This is a metrics exporter for sending statistics from sabnzbd ( to prometheus (

SAS Spindown's Icon

Spin down idle SAS drives the same way SATA drives are spun down. If you have SAS spinning drives in your array, you may have noticed that Unraid, while asserting that they have been spun down, does not in fact spin them down (true at least up until version 6.8.3). This plugin attempts to ensure that SAS drives spin down and up in sync with Unraid schedule (i.e. same as SATA drives).

scanservjs's Icon

scanservjs is a web UI frontend for your scanner. You can perform scans using your USB or network scanner through this web UI. The application allows you to share one or more scanners (using SANE) on a network without the need for drivers or complicated installation.

seafile-10's Icon

This is an unofficial template that uses the official seafile community docker image. Seafile is an open source file sync&share solution designed for high reliability, performance and productivity. Sync, share and collaborate across devices and teams. Build your team's knowledge base with Seafile's built-in Wiki feature. STOP! Before continuing you must create your own custom docker network for Seafile to work. Step 1 In the webui naviate to Settings>Docker Enable "Preserve user defined networks" Step 2 Open unraid terminal and type: docker network create seafile-net Verify it was created by running "docker network list" Step 3 Make sure "Network Type:" under the ADVANCED VIEW is set to seafile-net. We will set our Database and memcached (if used) to also use seafile-net Step 4 - Database setup (assuming MariaDB) Create a new database container that has nothing on it. (This is very important and it will not work if you skip this step!) Step 5 Set the container name to: "seafile-mariadb" (this is important!) Set the "Network Type: seafile-net" Note the root password you used.

seafile-11's Icon

This is an unofficial template that uses the official seafile community docker image. Seafile is an open source file sync&share solution designed for high reliability, performance and productivity. Sync, share and collaborate across devices and teams. Build your team's knowledge base with Seafile's built-in Wiki feature. STOP! Before continuing you must create your own custom docker network for Seafile to work. Step 1 In the webui naviate to Settings>Docker Enable "Preserve user defined networks" Step 2 Open unraid terminal and type: docker network create seafile-net Verify it was created by running "docker network list" Step 3 Make sure "Network Type:" under the ADVANCED VIEW is set to seafile-net. We will set our Database and memcached (if used) to also use seafile-net Step 4 - Database setup (assuming MariaDB) Create a new database container that has nothing on it. (This is very important and it will not work if you skip this step!) Step 5 Set the container name to: "seafile-mariadb" (this is important!) Set the "Network Type: seafile-net" Note the root password you used.

seekerr's Icon

Tool to add new movies to Radarr based on RSS, IMDB and Trakt lists. You need to create your config file before running the image. For more info on setup of your config file, check out:

SerpBear's Icon

SerpBear is an Open Source Search Engine Position Tracking App. It allows you to track your website's keyword positions in Google and get notified of their positions. Required: A 3rd party Scraping account or a proxy ips to scrape Google Search Result. You can get an free API key from either ScrapingAnt (10k/month free) or ScrapingRobot (5k/month free) or SpaceSerp (15k/month for one-time payment of $59). Environment Variables To add the Search Console you have to follow this guide: You will have to add 2 variables to the template. SEARCH_CONSOLE_PRIVATE_KEY and SEARCH_CONSOLE_CLIENT_EMAIL

sftp's Icon

Easy to use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) server with OpenSSH and Fail2ban installed for extra hardening against brute force attacks. Forked from atmoz/sftp. Based on phusion/baseimage. Shared Path is an example. You must replace host path with path to a folder to share AND change user in the container path to the name of a user account configured in users.conf. See dockerhub or github page for more info.

shlink's Icon

A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener application with CLI and REST interfaces. More Variables:

shlink-web-client's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

A ReactJS-based progressive web application for shlink. 1. Install shlink 2. CLI to it and enter "shlink api-key:generate" 3. Copy the api and add and edit to servers.json

signserver-ce's Icon

SignServer CE: Open source, PKI-based signing software to sign code, documents, timestamps and more. Unofficial Community Application not endorsed or maintained by SignServer or KeyFactor. For additional details see the following URL:

SignTools's Icon

A self-hosted, cross-platform service to sign and install iOS apps, all without a computer. You must have a reverse proxy to access the webUI. Configuration of the yml can be found on the github.

Sinusbot's Icon

SinusBot is a MusicBot that will let you listen to music together with your friends on either TeamSpeak 3 or Discord. But it doesn't stop there - there's a lot of user-made scripts that can let SinusBot manage your Server and enhance the experience of your users in several ways. You and your friends can control the bot either through the included web interface or via commands through TeamSpeak 3 or Discord. Login User: admin Password: (your password from WEB UI Password)