Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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EAPcontroller's Icon

TP-LINK's free EAP Controller Software allows users to easily manage hundreds of TPLINK EAPs in multiple sites with the controller in a single location. Directions: /config : The host path needs to have a direct path, example "/mnt/cache" or /mnt/disk1 or mongodb cant start(cant handle unraid "shfs") Custom certificate Stop the container and put the cert in "/config/cert" it needs to be named "mydomain.p12" and have the password "tplink".

Elastiflow's Icon

ElastiFlow™ provides deep insights into your network traffic, for increased performance and security. Check the documentation of the project and modify the enviroment variables at your will.

Serve your Electrum clients from your own Bitcoin node! Avoid trusting public Electrum nodes, and maintain your own privacy. Electrs does not support encrypted (SSL) communication, so avoid connecting directly to the TCP port over public networks (eg the Internet). Note that some clients, including Electrum, do not support connections without SSL. Consider using nginx as an SSL proxy (see link below for sample configuration). Electrs is designed for personal use only, and is not appropriate for serving a large number of clients. If you have RPC enabled in Bitcoin Core without manually specifying an RPC user and password, Electrs can use Bitcoin's cookie file to auth automatically. If you have manually configured user and password in Bitcoin, these must also be set in Electrs manually. To do so, create a file called electrs.toml in the Electrs Data directory configured below. In this file, include the following data, substituting your own values for USER and PASSWORD: auth = "USER:PASSWORD" See for full details on Electrs configuration.

Electrum's Icon

Electrum is a Bitcoin wallet focused on speed and simplicity, with low resource usage. It uses remote servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, and it allows you to recover your wallet from a secret phrase. ATTENTION: Please keep in mind that your wallet is stored in the created folder in your appdata directory/.electrum/wallets/YOURWALLETNAME - I strongly recommend you to backup this file on a regular basis! IMPORT: If you are already using Electrum you can import your existing wallet by placing the WALLETFILE in the appdata directory for electrum/.electrum/wallets and then choose to use a existing wallet.

electrumx's Icon

Serve your Electrum clients from your own Bitcoin node! Avoid trusting public Electrum nodes, and maintain your own privacy. Expose ElectrumX to the public Internet to support other Electrum users who can't run their own nodes. See for full details on ElectrumX environment configuration.

element-web's Icon

Open, secure and interoperable communication for work and home. Used to call Riot-web. before the running the docker run mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/element-web/config wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/element-web/config/config.json

endlessh-go's Icon


Network ServicesOther, Security

( Endlessh is an SSH tarpit that very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even days at a time. The purpose is to put your real SSH server on another port and then let the script kiddies get stuck in this tarpit instead of bothering a real server. endlessh-go ( is a golang implementation of endlessh with additional features including exporting Prometheus metrics.

Enpass's Icon

Enpass is a cross-platform password management app to securely store passwords and other credentials in a virtual vault locked with a master password. Unlike most other popular password managers, Enpass is an offline password manager. The app does not store user data on its servers, but locally on their own devices, encrypted. Users can choose to synchronize their data between different devices using their own preferred cloud storage service like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, and WebDAV.

external-ip's Icon

Gets external IP via DIG command ( OpenDNS , Cloudflare, google ) on a scheduled basis that can be customized. Also includes the ability to alert you via pushover if the IP changes.

ferdium-server's Icon


Network ServicesMessenger

Server for Ferdium. Ferdium is a desktop app that helps you organize how you use your favourite apps by combining them into one application. It is based on Franz - a software already used by thousands of people - with the difference that Ferdium gives you many additional features and doesn't restrict its usage! Furthermore, Ferdium is compatible with your existing Franz account, so you can continue right where you left off. Please find out more about Ferdium and its features on

fetchmail's Icon

Fetchmail is a handy tool to move / copy your emails from another email provider. Lets say you host your own Mailserver and also want to receive your mails from i.e. googlemail. Fetchmail will take them and put it in your own inbox. Create the "fetchmailrc" file in the mounted data folder. It should contain these lines - but you have to adapt it to fit your needs. i.e. your mail address and remove the "keep" if you want to remove the mails in the fetched remote mailbox. set no syslog set logfile /data/log/fetchmail.log set postmaster "fetchmail" poll with proto IMAP user '[email protected]' there with password 'yourpassword' is fetchmail here options fetchall ssl keep smtphost smtpname [email protected]

FileRise's Icon


Network ServicesWeb

Multi File Upload & Edit uses apache based web server with basic PHP web server capabilities Directions: UPLOADS PATH: path is used to upload your files to USERS_DIR: path is used to store your users.txt file META_DIR: path is used to store your file metadata json TIMEZONE: variable allows you to change your timezone DATE_TIME_FORMAT: variable goes with TIMEZONE for displaying on Upload Date & Date Modified TOTAL_UPLOAD_SIZE: variable changes apache upload size allowed HTTP_PORT: variable changes apache http port (if changed use this with your container ip:port) HTTPS_PORT: variable changes apache https port (if changed use this with your container ip:port) BASE_URL: variable changes apaches base url PERSISTENT_TOKENS_KEY: Please change this to a strong key if you intend to use in production env For more inforation please visit:

filestash's Icon

A modern web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...

FileZilla's Icon

FileZilla is a cross-platform graphical FTP, SFTP, and FTPS file management tool with a vast list of features. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

flarum's Icon


Network ServicesWeb

Flarum is the next-generation forum software that makes online discussion fun. It's simple, fast, and free. Default user/passwordUser: flarumPassword: flarum

Fluidd's Icon

Fluidd is a free and open-source Klipper web interface for managing your 3d printer. You should be able to connect to Moonraker over the network. Just click on the three dots (menu) in the upper right corner and add your printer. WARNING : Don't forget to put you're real IP adress for the camera to work in this webui (ip of the local machine)

FlutterCoin-Wallet's Icon

FlutterCoin may be a coin with the tried and true algorithm of scrypt, but it's definitely anything but ordinary. This is a community driven triple hybrid coin and the very first to offer a highly secure network through: Proof of Work (Mining), Proof of Stake (Investing), and it's own highly innovative Proof of Transaction (Using). ATTENTION: Please keep in mind that your wallet is stored in the created folder in your appdata directory/.fluttercoin/wallet.dat - I strongly recommend you to backup this file on a regular basis! IMPORT: If you are already using FlutterCoin you can import your existing wallet by placing the 'wallet.dat' in the appdata directory for fluttercoin/.fluttercoin/wallet.dat (please let the container fully startup if you are using it for the first time and then shut it down before replacing the wallet.dat). UPDATED NOTICE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available.

fr24feed-piaware's Icon

All-in-one image for feeding FlightRadar24/FlightAware ADS-B/MLAT data with an RTL-SDR device and local web server for displaying aircraft positions on a map. Docker contains:  * Piaware (Flightaware ADS-B and MLAT ground station software/feed)  * fr24feed (FlightRadar24 ADS-B software feed)  * Dump1090 for receiving and parsing data to the above software  * Simple HTTP Server to display received data (aircraft positions/track) on a real-time map Installation Follow the directions on the github README (Project Page link on unraid) with the provided Config entries in this template. See the support thread for more info. Usage If the container starts without error you can verify RTL-SDR is in use and feeds are working by checking the container log. Use the WebUI button to see the map;

Gerbil's Icon

Gerbil ( is a simple WireGuard interface management server written in Go. Gerbil makes it easy to create WireGuard interfaces as well as add and remove peers with an HTTP API. Gerbil is meant to enable the tunneling functionality of Pangolin (, the tunneled reverse proxy server and dashboard UI with identity and access control. Chat with us on Discord!

Ghost's Icon

Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication.