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dashy's Icon

Dashy helps you organize your self-hosted services, by making them all accessible from a single place. -Before you start CLI unraid mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/dashy/ wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/dashy/conf.yml -Edit conf.yml

davos's Icon

Davos( is an FTP automation tool that periodically scans given host locations for new files. It can be configured for various purposes, including listening for specific files to appear in the host location, ready for it to download and then move, if required. It also supports completion notifications as well as downstream API calls, to further the workflow.

ddclient's Icon


Network Services

Ddclient( is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on Dynamic DNS Network Service Provider. It was originally written by Paul Burry and is now mostly by wimpunk. It has the capability to update more than just dyndns and it can fetch your WAN-ipaddress in a few different ways.

Debian-APT-Mirror's Icon

This container will run apt-mirror and Apache2. This allows you to create a local apt mirror for Debian packages. On first run you will have to edit the mirror.list file that lives in your CONFIG_DIR which repositories you want to sync and other settings like how many threads to use for downloading,... Restart the container afterwards (keep an eye on the logs the container will tell you what to do). ATTENTION/WARNING: Keep in mind that the first sync can take very long depending on how much repositories you've selected (stable main contrib non-free: Will take about 200GB of hard drive space!). Update from the mirror files: By default a cron job will run every day at 01:00 which will update your mirror. Mirror address: The default address for the mirror is 'http://ipFROMtheCONTAINER:980' Add something like this to your '/etc/apt/sources.list': 'deb http://ipFROMtheCONTAINER:980/debian stable main contrib non-free'

defguard---Core's Icon

defguard is a true Zero-Trust WireGuard® VPN with 2FA/Multi-Factor Authentication, as each connection requires MFA (and not only when logging in into the client application like other solutions). This is the core component of defguard, which may required for the other components to work (gateway, proxy)

develancacheui_backend's Icon


Network ServicesManagement, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Backend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Also add the DNS line if you errors in the container logs that it can't get the manifests due to a 401 unauthorized. Also use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!

develancacheui_frontend's Icon


Network ServicesManagement, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Frontend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!

DirSyncPro's Icon

This Docker will download and install the Runtime and also DirSyncPro with optional encryption by CryFS. You can sync your files to another offsite SMB (is removed in the latest version, please use Unassigned Devices Plugin in Unraid and mount the share with the 'local' option), FTP or WebDAV share also don't forget to specify a path where your source files are. You can also use this tool to duplicate your files on the server to another directory. ENCRYPTION: If you want to use encryption by CryFS you can enable it in the variables below and the mounted folder will be automaticaly encrypted (smb: '/mnt/smb' - ftp: '/mnt/ftp' - webdav: '/mnt/webdav' - local: if you set the type to 'local' you must set the container mountpoint to: '/mnt/local'). Please also note if you set up a encrypted share for the first time the destination folder should be empty since CryFS will create a folder with the basic information for the encryption and all the split files (don't delete any folder since it can corrupt files). The docker will automaticaly create a directory named 'cryfs' in the main directory of DirSyncPro, please copy the 'cryfs.cfg' to a save place since you will need this file and your selected password for CryFS to decrypt the files. Restoring of encrypted files on another computer/server with this Docker: start the container once with CryFS enabled but set no password, the container will start and create the 'cryfs' directory, stop the container copy your cryfs.cfg in the 'cryfs' folder edit the Docker and set the apropriate password and blocksize for the cryfs.cfg and restart the Docker. Now you can sync from/or to your encrypted share again. Also there is a commandline mode without the GUI if you configured all right under the 'Show more settings' section, please be sure that you put your config file in the main directory of the Docker and specify it.

DiscordSoundboard's Icon


Media ApplicationsMusic, Network ServicesWeb, Other

Simple soundboard for discord. You can trigger sounds by commands typed in the Discord chat, or you can choose the sound from the web UI. You will need to create a bot account that the bot will use to join and play sounds. The bot can only play sounds/respond to commands for servers it has been given access. Get your bot token from here - This will not work correctly without a proper Bot Token and the bot application being added to your discord server. Join the official discord: for support

DNS-DoH-companion's Icon


Network Services

A very simple DNS server to connect to DNS-over-HTTPS service. This is similar to my other Pihole-with-DoH docker, without Pihole. You have already browsed the web securely with https, don't send your DNS queries in plain text. This is useful if you want to route DNS through a OpenVPN client docker (using --net=container: extra parameter) or just want encrypted DNS for your network / devices without any bells and whistles. Make sure to assign an IP (macvlan bridge) or map 53 to a different port (normal bridge). Docker will not start otherwise.

dns-server's Icon

dns-server beta

Network Services

Technitium DNS Server is an open source tool that can be used for self hosting a local DNS server for privacy and security or, used for experimentation/testing by software developers on their computer. It works out-of-the-box with no or minimal configuration and provides a user friendly web console accessible using any web browser. See github for envirionment variables

docker-diag-tools's Icon

A very simple Debian-based container packed with useful network troubleshooting tools. The following packages are included: bash, curl, iputils-ping, iperf, iproute2, procps, python3, pythin3-pip, net-tools, vnstat, mtr, tcptraceroute, openssh-client, openssl, tcpdump, dnsutils, wget gnupg, mosquitto-clients, and speedtest-cli. Also included is cloudflarepycli, an excellent utility for running Cloudflare speedtests. Please feel free to send suggestions or additional package ideas that will make this more useful.

Docker-Mailserver's Icon


Network ServicesOther

A production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.). Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade. h3 Preperations /h3 This short guide will help you to set up a mailserver. To keep the mailserver running, there are some important points to consider, like at least one configured mail account, SSL type, hostname, etc. If these points are missing, they will be mentioned in the Docker logs to simplify troubleshooting. Make sure, you got an domain and a static IP adress to setup your mailserver. MX and A DNS entries are needed. After that, portforward the mentioned ports in your router. h3 Initial steps: /h3 The following placeholders will be used: b user /b is the mail account you create. b /b is the domain you are using. b /bis the FQDN of the mailserver. b password /bis the password for your mail account./b At first, setup the b environment variables /b and change b--hostname /b in the b Extra Parameters (advanced view)/b as needed. Choose custom b Network Type /b and set an fixed IP Adress. (didn't tested other options) Create an e-mail account by starting the container with bPost arguments /b (advanced view): bsetup email add [email protected] 'password'/b bsetup email add [email protected] 'Ch33rs#M8!' /b (for example) b Remove the post arguments. /b Start container and check the logs. Optional and recommended: Open Container Console and type in... bsetup config dkim/b Try to connect to the server with an e-mail client. Test sending and recieving mails Optional: If everything works, you can enable bFail2Ban/b in the environment variables For further informations, visit the extended documention:

DockerRegistry's Icon

Docker Registry is used to store and distribute Docker images using HTTP API. This allows you host your own private Registry and store your images. Uses official Docker Registry image @ Configuration /mnt/user/appdata/registry This is where Registry will store it's data. Port 5000 Default connection port

DockerUISP's Icon

This is an all-in-one Docker image for running the Ubiquiti Network Management System. This image contains all the components required to run UISP in a single container and uses the s6-overlay for process management. The Docker image, nico640/docker-unms, is not maintained by or affiliated with Ubiquiti Networks. You should not expect any support from Ubiquiti when running UISP (formerly UNMS) using this image. In-app upgrades will not work. You can upgrade UISP by downloading the latest version of this image.

Doge-Node's Icon

Support the Dogecoin network by hosting your own node! This template provides a full Dogecoin Core node based on Ubuntu. To let other nodes in the network find your node, ensure port 22556 is forwarded from your router to the P2P port set below. You must create file called dogecoin.conf in the Appdata directory. Refer to for an example file.

DoH-Client's Icon

This Container will create a DNS Server wich connects by default to Goole's & DNS.SB's DoH resolver with ECS disabled (you can change that simply by editing the 'doh-client.conf' in your root directory of the container) You easily can now hide your DNS querys from your ISP with this docker for your whole internal network, you can use it in combination with DoH-Server to protect even your mobile devices and encrypt all your querys. You can also use this infront of your PiHole to also block Ad's and with DoH-Server to secure your mobile devices. If you got any questions please post it in the support thread on the Unraid forums. I strongly recommend you to run the container in custom mode and give it a static IP address so that you expose all ports from the container and to avoid any network problems. Update Notice: If you want to upgrade to a newer version of the DoH-Server just enter the preferred version number (eg. '2.1.2' without quotes, get them from here: or set to 'latest' without quotes to check on each container start if there is a new version available) The Docker needs to be run in bridge mode and a Fixed IP address. This Docker is based on the DoH Client component from:

DoH-Server's Icon

This is a simple DoH Server for Unraid. You easily can hide your DNS querys from your ISP with this docker on Firefox or Chrome and even on Android with the Intra App (by default it is set to use the Cloudflare and Google DNS servers). As a special bonus you can hide all Ad's on your Android Device on the go without the need of a VPN (for Android Devices only the Intra app is needed! Very usefull if you have kids and they should not visit certain sites or if you simply don't like Ad's on your Android Device. All you need is a PiHole, a Webserver with an SSL Certificate & this Docker (i highly recommend you for the PiHole Docker: | for the Webserver: both Dockers are available in the CA Applications). A detailed guide is available on my github page for this project: If you got any questions please poste it in the support thread on the Unraid forums. I strongly recommend you to run the container in custom mode and give it a static IP address so that you expose all ports from the container and to avoid any network problems. Update Notice: If you want to upgrade to a newer version of the DoH-Server just enter the preferred version number (eg. '2.1.2' without quotes, get them from here: or set to 'latest' without quotes to check on each container start if there is a new version available) The Docker runns by default on port: 8053 and handels querys in the directory /dns-query (eg: This Docker is based on the DoH Server component from:

Duplicacy's Icon

Web GUI for Duplicacy. Duplicacy backs up your files to many cloud storages with client-side encryption and the highest level of deduplication Note: - It's imporatant to pass hostname (Advanced View > Extra Parameters > --hostname=), as duplicacy license is requested based on hostname and machine-id provided by dbus. - Machine-id will be persisted in the /config directory. - Default hostname set to 'duplicacy-unraid'. - If you want to backup the unRAID FLASH drive then you will have to run Duplicacy as root i.e. USR_ID=0 and GRP_ID=0 - /config -- is where configuration data will be stored. Should be backed up. - /logs -- logs will go there. - /cache -- transient and temporary files will be stored here. Can be safely deleted. - Readme:

duplicati's Icon

Duplicati( is a backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on local storage, cloud storage services and remote file servers. It works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive,, Mega, B2, and many others.