Community Apps

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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binhex-teamspeak's Icon


Network ServicesVOIP

TeamSpeak is proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software that allows computer users to speak on a chat channel with fellow computer users, much like a telephone conference call. A TeamSpeak user will often wear a headset with an integrated microphone. Users use the TeamSpeak client software to connect to a TeamSpeak server of their choice, from there they can join chat channels and discuss things.

bitcoind's Icon

Support the Bitcoin network by hosting your own node! This template provides a full Bitcoin Core node, built in a verifiably trustless way. To let other nodes in the network find your node, ensure port 8333 is forwarded from your router to the P2P port set below. To customize all settings, create a file called bitcoin.conf in the data directory. Refer to for examples of settings you may apply.

blocklist-mirror's Icon


Network ServicesOther

This bouncer exposes CrowdSec's active decisions via provided HTTP endpoints in pre-defined formats. It can be used by network appliances which support consumption of blocklists via HTTP. mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/blocklist-mirror cd /mnt/user/appdata/blocklist-mirror nano cfg.yaml Copy in the contents of the cfg.yaml located from Save, close and run the container

breitbandmessung-de's Icon

A script to enable customers of lazy ISPs to perform measurement campaigns of the connection speed as described here in an automated way. Go to the Config directory and create a file called "config.cfg" with the content: timezone=Europe/Berlin crontab=* /2 * * run_once=true run_on_startup=true For a hourly cronjob to check your connection.

cadquery_jupyter's Icon

CadQuery is an intuitive, easy-to-use Python module for building parametric 3D CAD models. Using CadQuery, you can write short, simple scripts that produce high quality CAD models. It is easy to make many different objects using a single script that can be customized. With CadQuery Jupyter you can design / code your models in the browser. View, and export them.

Cloudflare-DDNS's Icon

This small Alpine Linux based Docker image will allow you to use the free CloudFlare DNS Service as a Dynamic DNS Provider (DDNS). Variable:EMAIL: Your Cloudflare email. Variable:API_KEY: A Zone-DNS API Key to be created on the following page: Variable:ZONE: Your domain name. e.g. Variable:SUBDOMAIN: Your subdomain. e.g. (Only enter subdomain name, not entire address!) Variable:PROXIED: Set this to true if the domain is using the Cloudflare proxy (CDN). Defaults to false Variable:RRTYPE: Set to AAAA to use set IPv6 records instead of IPv4 records. Defaults to A for IPv4 records. NOTE: AAAA: You will also need to run docker with IPv6 support, or run the container with host networking enabled.

Cloudflare-DDNS-config's Icon


Network Services

Another Cloudflare DDNS client, but this one supports a JSON config file that allows updating multiple zones with a single instance. Configuring the zones/hosts in template vars is impractical if you have multiple zones or dozens of hosts. Important: Before installing/running it you need to preload a sample config, in Unraid's terminal: mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/cloudflare-ddns-config wget -qO /mnt/user/appdata/cloudflare-ddns-config/config.json And obviously configure it to your needs. If you started the container without doing that first Docker will create a folder, you have to stop the container, delete the folder and get the file before restarting.

cloudflareddns's Icon


Network Services

WireGuard VPN, Privoxy and Unbound built-in! Update your Cloudflare A/AAAA records with your dynamic IP, turning Cloudflare into a Dynamic DNS service.

Cloudreve's Icon


Cloud, Network ServicesWeb

Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers ==========IMPORTANT========== The default user and pass in the console log.

CrushFTP10's Icon


Backup, Cloud, Network ServicesWeb

Share your files securely with FTP, Implicit FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS using CrushFTP 10. Built on Alpine 3.12. Size 234.8 MB. See dockerhub registry page for more details.

cryptgeon_redis's Icon

cryptgeon is a secure, open source sharing note or file service inspired by PrivNote. each note has a generated id (256bit) and key 256(bit). The id is used to save & retrieve the note. the note is then encrypted with aes in gcm mode on the client side with the key and then sent to the server. data is stored in memory and never persisted to disk. the server never sees the encryption key and cannot decrypt the contents of the notes even if it tried to. This container was built using SmartPhoneLover's cryptgeon but runs using Redis instead of memcache. Also has extra variables that can be configured. This requires Redis to be already running. I obtained SSL certificate through NGINX proxy manager and let's encrypt.

CSMM-7DtD's Icon

This Docker will install and download CSMM for 7DtD (CatalysmsServerManager). It's a powerfull Server Manager with Server automation, Discord notifications, High ping kicker, Country ban, Player tracking, Ingame commands, Economy system, Discord integration, Support ticket system, Server analytics,... for 7DtD. UPDATE NOTICE: Simply set the 'Force Update' to 'true' and restart the container (don't forget to turn it off after the update).

cups's Icon

Docker image including CUPS print server and printing drivers (installed from the Debian packages). Connect to the Cups server at Add printers: Administration > Printers > Add Printer Note: The admin user/password for the Cups server is admin/admin

Cups-Airprint's Icon

CUPS instance that is meant as an AirPrint relay for printers that are already on the network but not AirPrint capable. CUPS supports printing to: AirPrint™ and IPP Everywhere™ printers, Network and local (USB) printers with Printer Applications, and Network and local (USB) printers with (legacy) PPD-based printer drivers. To add printers: visit the WebUI => Administration => Printers => Add Printer The default admin credential : admin/admin (please Change when setting up your container)

cups-for-Canon's Icon

cups-for-Canon beta

Network ServicesOther, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Docker image including CUPS print server and Canon printing drivers (installed from the Debian packages). Connect to the Cups server at Add printers: Administration > Printers > Add Printer Note: The admin user/password for the Cups server is admin/admin

dashboard's Icon


Network ServicesWeb

pDashboard is just that - a dashboard. It's inspired by SUI and has all the same features as SUI, such as simple customization through JSON-files and a handy search bar to search the internet more efficiently. /p p-span style="color: rgb(184, 49, 47);"Before you start CLI unraid/span emmkdir /mnt/user/appdata/dashboard//em emwget -P /mnt/user/appdata/dashboard/ /em -Edit em.json/em /p