This docker image will install the latest current stable version of Tor server. It will run Tor as an unprivileged regular user, as recommended by It includes the latest Tor Debian package from which is installed and configured according the Tor project recommendations. Additionally it can be run as a hidden bridge using obfs4proy as well as meek. The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more people who run relays, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have at least 2 megabits/s for both upload and download, please help out Tor by configuring your server to be a Tor relay too. INSTALLATION: Create a folder appdata/tor-data/config Download sample Config: Edit the config at least NICKNAME and CONTACTINFO in the config file Put this into the config folder. Edit the docker parameters and run it.
Community Apps
Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server.
Small TOR and Privoxy container with just 8 MB
This builds a Docker image to automatically update and create Cloudflare DNS records upon container start. A time saver if you are regularly moving containers around to different systems. This will allow you to set multiple zone's you wish to update. IMPORTANT: Discovery cloudflare-companion supports three different discovery mode: Docker, Docker Swarm, and Traefik Polling. The Docker discovery mode is the only mode enabled by default. Once matching hosts are discovered, cloudflare-companion will add or update CNAMEs in CloudFlare that point to the configured TARGET_DOMAIN. Docker cloudflare-companion will discover running Docker containers by searching for supported labels. The supported labels are: Traefik Version Single Host Multiple Host 1 traefik.normal.frontend.rule=Host:example1.domain.tld traefik.normal.frontend.rule=Host:example1.domain.tld,example2.domain.tld 2 traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(example1.domain.tld) ``traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(example1.domain.tld) Docker Swarm Docker Swarm mode can be enabled by setting the environment variable SWARM_MODE=TRUE. This will cause cloudflare-companion to discover running Docker Swarm services with supported labels. The supported labels are: Traefik Version Single Host Multiple Host 1 traefik.normal.frontend.rule=Host:example1.domain.tld traefik.normal.frontend.rule=Host:example1.domain.tld,example2.domain.tld 2 traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(example1.domain.tld) ``traefik.http.routers.example.rule=Host(example1.domain.tld)
A web client for Reddit
Network Services• Management, Other, Productivity, Security, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence.
Twingate makes Zero Trust Network Access easy to deploy, even easier to use, and always secure.
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. Requires a separate Postgresql container and external access via reverse proxy.
unbound beta
Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. It can be used to create your own recursive DNS-Server at home. You can use Unbound for services such as Pi-Hole (Here is a tutorial how to configure Pi-Hole with Unbound: or you can create custom DNS Records for your local network.
Use the UniFi Controller software to quickly configure and administer an enterprise Wi‐Fi network. RF map and performance features, real-time status, automatic UAP device detection, and advanced security options are all seamlessly integrated.
The API Browser lets you pull raw, JSON formatted data from the API running on your UniFi Controller. Connecting to Multiple UniFi Controllers: Unifi-API-Browser supports multiple controllers. To use them create a copy of 'users-tempalte.php' and 'config-template.php' and mount them as volumes at '/app/config/config.php' & '/app/config/users.php'
unifi-cam-proxy beta
Home Automation, Network Services• Privacy, Other, Productivity
SSH to your config folder (/mnt/user/appdata/unifi-cam-proxy) Run: openssl ecparam -out /tmp/private.key -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout openssl req -new -sha256 -key /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/server.csr -subj "/C=TW/L=Taipei/O=Ubiquiti Networks Inc./OU=devint/[email protected]" openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 36500 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/public.key cat /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key > client.pem rm -f /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key /tmp/server.csr to create an cert for your cam. Get a token: https://{NVR IP}/proxy/protect/api/cameras/manage-payload Modify the Post Parameters to your needs. (check documentation)
Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
The Unifi-controller( software is a powerful, enterprise wireless software engine ideal for high-density client deployments requiring low latency and high uptime performance.
Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository
Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Device and Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus. Visualize with Grafana using included dashboards IMPORTAT! ACTION REQUIRED As of UniFi Poller version 2 all of the environment variables and config file format changed. You must reconfigure this container after you upgrade READ THE INSTRUCTIONS
Run UniFi Protect in Docker on x86 hardware. UniFi stopped supporting x86 at 1.13.3, so there will be no more updates. Must use Protect mobile app 1.3.8 to connect to this via UniFi Cloud on your phone. Run either as host networking mode, or custom br0 if you have other conflicting ports in use already via host mode - bridge mode does not work.
Keep your DNS records for your own domains updated with this UnoEuro DDNS script.
Network Services• Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
A simple REST API to monitor basic metrics such as Disk utilization and Network traffic. Initially created for use with Configuration By default the application expects a configuration file in /mnt/user/appdata/unraid-simple-monitoring-api/conf.yml You can find an example file here ( More detailed info on the github repo Utilization Make a request to http://your-unraid-ip:24940
UPnP Monitor
Network Services• Management, Other, Plugins, Security
Gives visibility into the UPnP activity on your network
A simple wake on lan web app written with SvelteKit, Go and PocketBase.
Cloud, Network Services• Web
A REST API wrapper for Uptime Kuma using Uptime-Kuma-API
Network Services• Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot". Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping. Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.Notifications via Webhook, Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP) and more by Apprise. Fast 20 second inverval checks.
Cloud, Crypto Currency, Network Services•
Urbit is a clean-slate OS and network for the 21st century. Self-host your computer, identity and access to the urbit world.
Varken requires influxdb and grafana. Deploy those containers first. Dutch for PIG. PIG is an Acronym for Plex/InfluxDB/Grafana Varken is a standalone command-line utility to aggregate data from the Plex ecosystem into InfluxDB. Examples use Grafana for a frontend You must edit the varken.ini file in /mnt/user/appdata/varken.
Network Services• Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
vnStat is a network traffic monitor that uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources regardless of network traffic rate. By default, traffic statistics are stored on a five minute level for the last 48 hours, on a hourly level for the last 4 days, on a daily level for the last 2 full months and on a yearly level forever. The data retention durations are fully user configurable. Total seen traffic and a top days listing is also provided. See the official webpage or the GitHub repository for additional details and output examples. An example of the included image output is also available.
Network Services• Management, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI.
Web Push Notification Agent beta
Network Services• Other, Plugins, Tools / Utilities• System
A plugin which adds browser push notification to Unraid. Works like other notification agents.
WeeChat is a free and open-source Internet Relay Chat client, which is designed to be light and fast.
Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Also includes a dark mode. Refer to the project page for additional configuration and usage
A Wireguard Client place wg0.conf in Config Folder wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/wireguardclient/wg0.conf The main Reason for this Docker is to bypass CGNat/DS-Lite see more:
Why this template? Because I've been struggling for a few months to use the integrated version of WireGuard on unRAID but it never worked for me and from what I've seen I'm not the only one with this problem. The complete list of possible configurations can be found on the website. The easiest way to access the peers list is by accesing config folder via SMB. For PUID & PGID run "id user'' on terminal against the user which is used for smb authentication in the network. Port: default 51820 but it is strongly recommended to be changed. Do not forget that this port must be port forwarded on your router.
Network Services• Other, Tools / Utilities• Utilities
Wireshark( is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the volunteer contributions of networking experts around the globe and is the continuation of a project started by Gerald Combs in 1998.