Media Applications• Photos, Media Servers• Photos, Video
PhotoStructure is your new home for all your photos and videos. Cross-platform libraries that you can move seamlessly across Docker, Windows, macOS, and Linux Fast, fun mobile-friendly UI Support for very large (250,000+ asset) libraries Support for almost all RAW and video formats (thanks to LibRaw and FFmpeg) Robust metadata support, including Google Takeouts, XMP sidecars, and sibling inference Robust image and video deduplication PhotoStructure is extremely configurable. See the documentation for details. Be sure to visit PhotoStructure's forum for tips, support, and to vote on what features you want to see next. We also have a discord! To import additional directories or volumes: click "Add another Path" enter a Container path (like "/photos") click Host Path and pick the directory you want to import click "Add", then click "Apply". PhotoStructure will find the new directory automatically if you leave the "Where else are your photos and videos?" section set to "Automatic", which is the default. Initial template by Spants (thanks!)