Community Apps

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Memegen's Icon

A simple web service that generates a meme image given text and an image URL. -URL parameters: image: URL of the image top: text to add at the top of the image bottom: text to add at the bottom of the image -Syntax: memegen.example/?top=Top Text&bottom=Bottom Text&image=http://url.of/your/image.jpg

mergerFS for UNRAID's Icon

mergerFS for UNRAID beta


Drivers, Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

A plugin that installs mergerFS, a featureful union filesystem, onto UNRAID systems (includes mergerFS-Tools). mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs.

minisatip's Icon

Minisatip( is a multi-threaded satip server version 1.2 that runs under Linux and it was tested with DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-C2, ATSC and ISDB-T cards.

ModemReboot's Icon

Puppeteer container for rebooting Modems on a schedule The specific navigation for your modem will vary, This is more of an example and isn't guaranteed to work for your particular modem. Check available scripts here: Add your scripts to the RebootModem folder and then set that myscripts/script.js in your SCRIPT env var Feel free to make a PR or add an issue here to add your own modem's script If no CRON Env var is passed it will reboot upon first run and then quit

Monitee-agent's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Backend for Monitee, the server monitoring Android app. 🔗 Get Started: 📱 Download the Monitee App: 📌 Features: ✅ Real-time server metrics ✅ Threshold based monitors and events ✅ Control docker containers and read their logs

Mover Tuning's Icon

A simple plugin to fine tune the operation of the scheduled mover script. Only run when cache space is getting low and filter files to move according to age, size, ...; don't run if a parity check / rebuild is in progress; or completely disable the scheduled moves. Can enable turbo write to speed up things.

MovieMatch's Icon

This is an app that helps you and your friends pick a movie to watch from a Plex server. MovieMatch connects to your Plex server and gets a list of movies (from any libraries marked as a movie library). As many people as you want connect to your MovieMatch server and get a list of shuffled movies. If two (or more) people swipe right on the same movie, it'll show up in everyone's matches. The movies that the most people swiped right on will show up first.

MQTTExplorer's Icon

MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client that provides a structured overview of your MQTT topics and makes working with devices/services on your broker dead-simple. Features: Visualize topics and topic activity Delete retained topics Search/filter topics Delete topics recursively Diff view of current and previous received messages Publish topics Plot numeric topics Retain a history of each topic

MunkiReport's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

MunkiReport is a reporting client for macOS. While originally dependent on Munki, MunkiReport is able to run stand-alone or to be coupled with Munki, Jamf or other macOS management solutions. Features: - Quick overview of your macOS fleet with a customizable dashboards - Get reports on many features (hardware types, disk usage, etc) - Extendable with a growing list of modules - Lightweight: only sends reports when facts have changed - Responsive webdesign IMPORTANT: This unRAID docker template uses the SQLite database! If you prefer MariaDB as your database, please check the instructions from the application developer.

MySQL's Icon

|------------------------------------------------- | General Information |------------------------------------------------- Official MySQL database container. It allows to set a database and username without using the console. MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. With its proven performance, reliability and ease-of-use, MySQL has become the leading database choice for web-based applications, covering the entire range from personal projects and websites, via e-commerce and information services, all the way to high profile web properties including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo! and many more. For more information and related downloads for MySQL Server and other MySQL products, please visit |------------------------------------------------- | Root Password |------------------------------------------------- This container creates by default a random root password on initial execution. Open Docker > MySQL Icon > Logs > Scroll down to "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" to find it. |------------------------------------------------- | Creating database dumps |------------------------------------------------- docker exec some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql |------------------------------------------------- | Restoring data from dump files |------------------------------------------------- docker exec -i some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' < /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql |------------------------------------------------- | Configuration without a cnf file |------------------------------------------------- Many configuration options can be passed as flags to mysqld. This will give you the flexibility to customize the container without needing a cnf file. For example, if you want to change the default encoding and collation for all tables to use UTF-8 (utf8mb4) just append the following to the Post Arguments: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci Here is a list of all Server System Variables -> |------------------------------------------------- | Repository tags |------------------------------------------------- If you want to install a specific version of mysql, you can simply customize the repository. For example: mysql (is the same like mysql:latest) mysql:5.7 mysql:8.2.0

mysql-workbench's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

MySQL Workbench( is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and much more.

n8n's Icon

n8n (pronounced n-eight-n) helps you to interconnect every app with an API in the world with each other to share and manipulate its data without a single line of code. It is an easy to use, user-friendly and highly customizable service, which uses an intuitive user interface for you to design your unique workflows very fast. Hosted on your server and not based in the cloud, it keeps your sensible data very secure in your own trusted database. Configuration Config : Storing n8n config and SQL Lite db for your personal workflows. Timezone : (Optional) Required for scheduling to know what time zone the workflows should be started. See to find your timezone string. Webhook Tunnel: (Optional) Set the webhook URL manually to correctly display in Editor UI and for it to get registered correctly with external services. Must have trailing slash. (e.g.'') Important: To avoid `permission denied` errors, you must ensure the user id and group id of that appdata folder to user:group of 1000:1000. Run this command in the terminal `chown 1000:1000 /mnt/cache/appdata/n8n`.

Nacho-Rclone-Native-GUI's Icon


Backup, Cloud, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

This unRAID application is a Docker container running rclone's built-in GUI ( The default username and password is rclone/rclone. To change it, modify the --rc-user and --rc-pass values for Post Arguments in unRAID's container configuration.

nadekobot's Icon

Nadekobot is a Discord bot with an extensive set of available commands and moderation tools for your own Discord guild. You can view the available commands on Official project repository:

Namecheap-DDNS's Icon

This simple container will update a namecheap dynamic dns domain. You must set an 'A + Dynamic DNS Record' for the host and enable Dynamic DNS in the manage page for your domain. For more info see:

nebula-sync's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Synchronize Pi-hole v6.x configuration to replicas. This project is not a part of the official Pi-hole project, but uses the api provided by Pi-hole instances to perform the synchronization actions. Features Full sync: Use Pi-hole Teleporter for full synchronization. Manual sync: Selective feature synchronization. * Cron schedule: Run on chron schedule. REQUIRE PI-HOLE V6 Reminder Pihole V6 is still under heavy development