Community Apps

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Mailrise's Icon

Mailrise is an SMTP server that converts the emails it receives into Apprise⁠ notifications. The intended use case is as an email relay for a home lab or network. By accepting ordinary email, Mailrise enables Linux servers, Internet of Things devices, surveillance systems, and outdated software to gain access to the full suite of 60+ notification services supported by Apprise, from Matrix to Nextcloud to your desktop or mobile device. To learn more, please visit the project page⁠:

mainsail's Icon

Mainsail makes Klipper more accessible by adding a lightweight, responsive web user interface, centred around an intuitive and consistent design philosophy. Download config.json BEFORE you start your container And put it in your config folder, the default is /mnt/user/appdata/mainsail/config.json Happy printing

Maintainerr's Icon

Maintainerr makes managing your media easy. Create custom rules with parameters across different services, show matching media on the Plex home screen for a given amount of days and handle the deletion.

ManictimeServer's Icon

ManicTime Server receives data from ManicTime clients installed on your network and provides reports, which you can view with a web browser. After creating the container, stop the container and run this command in a shell (SSH Login or GUI Console) on your unraid server, to create the admin user. Change the directory if you have used a different path (/mnt/user/appdata/manictimeserver) and be sure to change the username and password!. docker run -v /mnt/user/appdata/manictimeserver:/app/Data -p 8080:8080 --rm --entrypoint dotnet manictime/manictimeserver ManicTimeServer.dll addadmin -u [email protected] -p someSecretPassword After that, you can start the container as usual.

ManjaroMirror's Icon

Docker container which mirrors manjaro packages and serves them via nginx This image is based on the alpine image and uses rsync to synchronize the packages and nginx to deliver them. Manjaro has provided a list of Rsync-capable mirrors at, which synchronize from the official Manjaro server. It's best to choose the one closest to you. Region URI Asia / Japan rsync:// Europe / Germany rsync:// Europe / Sweden rsync:// Europe / Italy rsync:// Europe / United Kingdom rsync:// RU / Russian Federation rsync://

Manyfold's Icon

Manyfold beta

Other, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Manyfold is a Digital Asset Manager (DAM), specifically designed for 3D print files. Create a library pointing at your files on disk, and it will scan for models and parts. It assumes that any folders containing STL or OBJ files are models, and the files within them are parts. You can then view the files easily through your browser! This template does not require PostgreSQL or Redis to operate, as it uses a built-in sqlite database.

MariaDB-Official's Icon

Official MariaDB database container. It allows to set a database and username without using the console. MariaDB is a community-developed, commercially supported fork of MySQL (RDBMS). Root Password: This container creates by default a random root password on initial execution. Open Docker > MariaDB Icon > Logs > Scroll down to "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" to find it. Creating database dumps docker exec MariaDB-Official sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql Restoring data from dump files docker exec -i MariaDB-Official sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD"' < /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql

Matchering's Icon

Matchering 2.0 is a novel Containerized Web Application and Python Library for audio matching and mastering. It follows a simple idea - you take TWO audio files and feed them into Matchering: TARGET (the track you want to master, you want it to sound like the reference) REFERENCE (another track, like some kind of "wet" popular song, you want your target to sound like it) Our algorithm matches both of these tracks and provides you the mastered TARGET track with the same RMS, FR, peak amplitude and stereo width as the REFERENCE track has.

Matomo's Icon

Matomo, formerly Piwik, is a free and open-source web analytics application developed by a team of international developers, that runs on a PHP/MySQL webserver. It tracks online visits to one or more websites and displays reports on these visits for analysis.

Matrix-Synapse-SlidingSync's Icon

Run a sliding sync proxy. An implementation of MSC3575 for you Synapse Backend. Setup Process: Requires Postgres 13+. createdb syncv3 SYNCV3_SERVER Required. The destination homeserver to talk to (CS API HTTPS URL) e.g '' (Supports unix socket: /path/to/socket) SYNCV3_DB Required. The postgres connection string: SYNCV3_SECRET Required. A secret to use to encrypt access tokens. Must remain the same for the lifetime of the database. SYNCV3_BINDADDR Default: The interface and port to listen on. (Supports unix socket: /path/to/socket) Create the secret with: openssl rand -hex 32 More Information:

matter-server's Icon

Official Matter Server docker container from Home Assistant. This project implements a Matter Controller Server over WebSockets using the official Matter (formerly CHIP) SDK as a base and provides both a server and client implementation. The goal of this project is primary to have Matter support in Home Assistant but its universal approach makes it suitable to be used in other projects too. There is NO WEB-UI to this container. Check the container logs for any errors when necessary. REQUIREMENTS: Unraid needs to have IPV4+6 enabled on the network interface! Make sure your you run the container on the host network. The host network interface needs to be in the same network as the Android/iPhone device you are using for commissioning. Matter uses link-local multicast protocols which do not work accross different LANs or VLANs.

mbpfan's Icon

Containerized mbpfan (for Macs running Linux, to control fans) NOTE: the executable in the container was compiled by bplein from Uses the Ubuntu repository version of Need to create a configuration file with the following contents and mount it in the container as a volume in the container under /etc/mbpfan.conf: File contents of /mnt/user/appdata/mbpfan/mbpfan.conf (example on a Late 2012 i7 Mac mini) is available at:

mecon's Icon

Media Reconciler, or simply mecon, is a cross-platform command line tool which reconciles media within a directory with media in a Plex library. For a given directory of files, it answers simple questions such as: Which ones have failed to have been added to a Plex library? Which ones exist in a Plex library? Which ones have been watched by all users? Which ones have been watched by a sub-set of users? For full documentation see

MediaInfo's Icon

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

mediawiki-beta's Icon

Docker container for MediaWiki running on Alpine, S6-overlay, Nginx, PHP-FPM, MediaWiki Parsoid service, WYSIWYG VisualEditor extension, along with other extensions. A CLI menu to simplify managing extensions, backups, database updates, and service configurations, scripts that handle setup and Mediawiki upgrades, and optional MariaDB add-in.

Mellanox-Firmware-Tools's Icon

This Plugin will install all necessary modules and dependencies for your Mellanox network card. With this tool you can flash/modify your Mellanox network card (command line only) and also read out the current temperature on the settings/plugin page.

memcached's Icon

Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering.