All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.
SageTV is an Open Source PVR and Media Player
including OpenDCT: An open source digital cable tuner network encoder for SageTV
/opt/sagetv - This is the base directory for the server and other sagetv related files. Under this location there can be a 'server' directory and if the existing 'server' directory exists it will be upgraded.
/var/media - Path for sagetv recordings and videos. Under this directory there should be (or will be created) a 'tv' directory where SageTV recordings will get recorded.
/var/tv - Path for tv recordings if you want to store those in an alternate location.
/var/mediaext - Path for extra media files. This can be whatever you want, but you will configure SageTV to look for videos, music, pictures, etc from this location.
PUID - Should be the 'nobody' user for unRAID
PGID - Should be the 'users' group for unRAID
VIDEO_GUID - Should be the 'video' group for unRAID (used if you use PCI/USB video capture devices)
SageTV will need to use 'host' or 'br0' (set a unique IP) networking, so while the ports are defined, they are not required to be edited. Without 'host' or 'br0', sagetv will think your network clients are connecting as remote placeshifters, and present the placeshifter login. If using br0 mode (preferred) as the IP is unique the WebUI port of 8080 will not have any issues. If running in host mode, make sure you don't have other docker containers that are using port 8080. If you do, then EITHER change SageTV Jetty Port (in plugin configuration) after install, or, update the other docker containers to NOT use port 8080.
On every Docker start, it will check for a new version of SageTV and install it, if it exists. You can force it to stay on a sepcific version by setting the Version in the template. The Version must match exactly the version tag from the github releases.
There are Java 8, 11, and 16 version of these containers. Java 8 will be the default moving forward, but it currently has issues with the the /apps/ path in the Jetty Web UI.
Container version: 2.0.7
SageTV is an Open Source PVR and Media Player
including OpenDCT: An open source digital cable tuner network encoder for SageTV
/opt/sagetv - This is the base directory for the server and other sagetv related files. Under this location there can be a 'server' directory and if the existing 'server' directory exists it will be upgraded.
/var/media - Path for sagetv recordings and videos. Under this directory there should be (or will be created) a 'tv' directory where SageTV recordings will get recorded.
/var/tv - Path for tv recordings if you want to store those in an alternate location.
/var/mediaext - Path for extra media files. This can be whatever you want, but you will configure SageTV to look for videos, music, pictures, etc from this location.
PUID - Should be the 'nobody' user for unRAID
PGID - Should be the 'users' group for unRAID
VIDEO_GUID - Should be the 'video' group for unRAID (used if you use PCI/USB video capture devices)
SageTV will need to use 'host' or 'br0' (set a unique IP) networking, so while the ports are defined, they are not required to be edited. Without 'host' or 'br0', sagetv will think your network clients are connecting as remote placeshifters, and present the placeshifter login. If using br0 mode (preferred) as the IP is unique the WebUI port of 8080 will not have any issues. If running in host mode, make sure you don't have other docker containers that are using port 8080. If you do, then EITHER change SageTV Jetty Port (in plugin configuration) after install, or, update the other docker containers to NOT use port 8080.
On every Docker start, it will check for a new version of SageTV and install it, if it exists. You can force it to stay on a sepcific version by setting the Version in the template. The Version must match exactly the version tag from the github releases.
There are Java 8, 11, and 16 version of these containers. Java 8 will be the default moving forward, but it currently has issues with the the /apps/ path in the Jetty Web UI.
Container version: 2.0.7
scanservjs is a web UI frontend for your scanner. You can perform scans using your USB or network scanner through this web UI.
The application allows you to share one or more scanners (using SANE) on a network without the need for drivers or complicated installation.
To discover your devices, open the docker console and run:
scanimage -L
This will return a list of discovered devices. Copy the device id e.g. "epson2:libusb:001:002" and put it into the devices variable.
Seafile is an open source enterprise file sync and share platform with high reliability and performance. Seafile provides similar feature set to Dropbox, Google Drive and Office 365, while it allows users to host the server on their own hardware. The core feature of Seafile is file sync and share. It provides client apps for most operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS and Android. It also provides a user-friendly web interface for accessing files in a web browser.
Default tag is spaceinvaderone/shinobi_pro_unraid:latest but this can be changed to :nvidia
To use your Nvidia GPU for encoding
1. Use the Nvidia Unraid build of Unraid
2. Set the repository tag to :nvidia ( spaceinvaderone/shinobi_pro_unraid:latest )
3. Under Extra Parameters: add --runtime=nvidia
4. Set template field Nvidia build only -- Driver capabilities: to all
5. Set template field Nvidia build only -- GPU ID: to your GPU id from the nvida unraid plugin
Shinobi is the Open Source CCTV Solution written in Node.JS. Designed with multiple account system, Streams by WebSocket, and Save to WebM. Shinobi can record IP Cameras and Local Cameras.
Time-lapse Viewer (Watch a hours worth of footage in a few minutes)
2-Factor Authentication
Defeats stream limit imposed by browsers
With Base64 (Stream Type) and JPEG Mode (Option)
Records IP Cameras and Local Cameras
Streams by WebSocket, HLS (includes audio), and MJPEG
Save to WebM and MP4
Can save Audio
Push Events - When a video is finished it will appear in the dashboard without a refresh
Region Motion Detection (Similar to ZoneMinder Zone Detection)
Represented by a Motion Guage on each monitor
"No Motion" Notifications
1 Process for Each Camera to do both, Recording and Streaming
Timeline for viewing Motion Events and Videos
Sub-Accounts with permissions
Monitor Viewing
Monitor Editing
Video Deleting
Separate API keys for sub account
Cron Filters can be set based on master account
Stream Analyzer built-in (FFprobe GUI)
Monitor Groups
Can snapshot images from stream directly
Lower Bandwith Mode (JPEG Mode)
Snapshot (cgi-bin) must be enabled in Monitor Settings
Control Cameras from Interface
Get videos
Get monitors
Change monitor modes : Disabled, Watch, Record
Embedding streams
Dashboard Framework made with Google Material Design Lite, jQuery, and Bootstrap
Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins.
This docker includes additional plugins courtesy of the maintainer:
* python-libhamlib2 -- Controlling external hardware radios
* gr-air-modes -- ADS-B, aircraft transponders
A config file -- -- in the Config path host directory is necessary in order to run this container Create one using the instructions below or bring your own ;)
Creating New Config File:
1. Switch to Advanced View in the template and add the following to Post Arguments
--init start /config/myConfig
2. Make sure you have the Config path mapped in your template
3. Apply changes and start the container
4. Edit the container
4a. Remove the contents of Post Arguments
4b. Set Config mapping to the subfolder created in Step 1
5. Apply changes
Note: You MUST remove the Post Arguments command on next start or the container will stop on error b/c it will not overwrite an existing config file.
The URL for the container is suffixed with the value of root_cap from
EX http://yourIP:port/rootCapValue
To access the container at the URL without the suffix set root_cap=None in
Shoko started as a small AniDB Mylist program to a full blown client-server architecture
Have a large Anime Library? File management is a tedious process, so why not let Shoko handle that?
Within FIVE minutes, you’ll have Shoko up and running and populating your collection database with information about the various series and episodes in your collection. For those looking for more advanced options, we offer a wide range of utilities in Shoko Desktop to configure your collection workflow to your liking.
Please note, Shoko does not provide any way to download files, stream files from streaming sites or access files that are not part of your perosnal collection.
Sickchill( is an Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.
Sonarr( (formerly NZBdrone) is a PVR for usenet and bittorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.
Sonarr To RSS is a Sonarr Webhook connection endpoint that streams events to RSS/Atom/JSON feeds and provides a paginated website to browse historical events.
A Python script that connects Lidarr with Soulseek!
Soularr reads all of your "wanted" albums/artists from Lidarr and downloads them using Slskd. It uses the libraries: pyarr and slskd-api to make this happen.
NOTE: Read through before installing template!
Container spotDL finds songs from Spotify playlists on YouTube and downloads them - along with album art, lyrics and metadata. Additionally provides a web interface for easily adding media links to process.
A beautiful web application that you can use to sync your Spotify playlists with Plex. This application uses the data from Spotify (playlists or albums) and tries to find all the matching songs in Plex. With every playlists it gives you an overview of the songs that have been matched and how they have been matched.
It's important to also setup an encryption key. This should be a random string. It is used to encrypt any sensitive data that we receive from Spotify. To get a random key, open Unraid terminal and type in the below. Put the generated key in ENCRYPTION_KEY variable
openssl rand -hex 32
Please read the project page for how to configure Spotify and Tidal Developement accounts.
Stash is a Go app which organizes and serves your NSFW adult media content.
data: where your media collection is
config: where the config file and the stash database file will be stored
metadata: the main metadata folder, used for import/export functions
cache: a folder to use as cache
generated: where the previews, screenshots, transcoded files, and sprites will be generated. This can grow very large if you have a large collection, you may want it on your array instead of your cache, this choice is up to you.
Stirling PDF (S-PDF)
SPDF is a locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files, such as merging, splitting and converting PDFs and more advanced features like OCR and compression
Additional unraid docker settings in advanced section if required
The majority of variable settings override any settings in /configs/settings.yml
You can edit setting there instead of using docker variables if you want (You would need to remove them from docker to avoid override)
Storyteller is a self-hosted platform for creating and reading ebooks with guided narration. It's made up of two components: the alignment server, and the mobile apps. Together, these components allow you to take audiobooks and ebooks that you already own and automatically align them, as well as read or listen to (or both!) the resulting aligned books.
Align your audiobooks and ebooks
Switch back and forth between listening and reading without losing your place, or have Storyteller read aloud to you while highlighting the text!
Read or listen however you choose
Storyteller produces EPUB 3 compliant ebook files. You can read them with any ebook reader (software or hardware!) that supports EPUB Media Overlays, or you can use the dedicated Storyteller mobile apps.
Own your books
Storyteller is completely self-hosted. All of your books stay on your hardware, and you're free to move, copy, and back them up as needed.
To enable support for HW Accelerated transcription, add the "--device='/dev/dri'" parameter added to "Extra Parameters:"
To enable NVIDIA GPU support, ensure that you have installed the Nvidia-Driver plugin and add the "--runtime='nvidia'" parameter added to "Extra Parameters:"
To enable AMD GPU support, ensure that you have installed the Radeon-TOP plugin.
It is a media library. It supports channels, playlists and videos. The primary goal of this application is to provide complete functionality of a media library, while being as lightweight as possible.
It is a media library. It supports channels, playlists and videos. The primary goal of this application is to provide complete functionality of a media library, while being as lightweight as possible.