Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

Moderated and Vetted

Moderators ensure that apps listed in the store offer a safe, compatible, and consistent experience. 

Kitana's Icon

Kitana exposes your Plex plugin interfaces "to the outside world". It does that by authenticating against Plex.TV, then connecting to the Plex Media Server you tell it to, and essentially proxying the plugin UI. It has full PMS connection awareness and allows you to connect locally, remotely, or even via relay. To set the baseurl for this application, open advanced view, and add -p /kitana -P to the "Post Arguments"

Koillection's Icon

Collection manager to keep track of collections of any kind like games, books, DVDs, stamps, etc... As Koillection is meant to be used for any kind of collections, it doesn't support automatic download of metadata, but offer the possibility to add your own metadata freely.

Memegen's Icon

A simple web service that generates a meme image given text and an image URL. -URL parameters: image: URL of the image top: text to add at the top of the image bottom: text to add at the bottom of the image -Syntax: memegen.example/?top=Top Text&bottom=Bottom Text&image=http://url.of/your/image.jpg

MovieMatch's Icon

This is an app that helps you and your friends pick a movie to watch from a Plex server. MovieMatch connects to your Plex server and gets a list of movies (from any libraries marked as a movie library). As many people as you want connect to your MovieMatch server and get a list of shuffled movies. If two (or more) people swipe right on the same movie, it'll show up in everyone's matches. The movies that the most people swiped right on will show up first.

Nominatim's Icon

A tool to search OpenStreetMap data by name and address (geocoding) and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding). See all available configuration options:

nzbhydra2's Icon

Nzbhydra2( is a meta search application for NZB indexers, the "spiritual successor" to NZBmegasearcH, and an evolution of the original application NZBHydra( It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers.

nzbhydra2's Icon

WireGuard VPN, Privoxy and Unbound built-in! Statistics app for usenet indexers iirc. Wait, no, "Usenet meta search" said Google search.

Ombi's Icon

Ombi is a self-hosted web application that automatically gives your shared Emby/Jellyfin/Plex users the ability to request content by themselves! Ombi can be linked to multiple TV Show and Movie DVR tools to create a seamless end-to-end experience for your users. Update: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stabel and develop version - keep in mind that switching from a stable to a develop version and vice versa will/can break the container).

Plaxt's Icon

This Tools provides a way to keep your watched history synced FROM Plex Server To (IT will not do history prior to tool Installation) it uses WebHooks to Accomplish this so a PLEX PASS Subscription is needed to use WebHooks. has a build in tool for the same thingbut requires VIP Subscription to use it. GoPlaxt is free and doesn't require VIP subscription. Original Dev has stop development after added it to the VIP subscription, However the dev (XandarStrike) has stated he will continue to merge PR's to the project but will not answer if any issues arrise. This is the SELFHOSTED version of the same tool that dev (XandarStrike) offers freely on his server at Requirements: - Create a new API App on - Enable Scrobble and Check-in - Set Redirect URL to: - (keep in mind your Plaxt instance must be accessible to all the Plex servers you intend to play media from. ) - http://your-local-ip:8000/authorize - Set JavaScript (cors) origins to: - http://your-local-ip:8000 Make Note of CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET this are REQUIRED.

plex-utills's Icon

A utility to help manage your library. Options include adding 4k banners and HDR banners to your poster art automactically, auto collections for Disney and Pixar Studios and hiding/auto optimising media files where there is only a 4k version available.

PlexTraktSync's Icon

This project adds a two-way-sync between and Plex Media Server. It requires a account but no Plex premium and no Trakt VIP subscriptions, unlike the Plex app provided by Trakt. Note: The PyTrakt API keys are not stored securely, so if you do not want to have a file containing those on your harddrive, you can not use this project. Enter the console for the container. Enter 'python3 -m plextraktsync' without apostrophes to start the credential process.