Network Services, Management
Xen-Orchestra is a Web-UI for managing your existing XenServer infrastructure. If you want to mount NFS shares for Remotes within docker, you need to enable privilaged mode.
Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server.
Network Services, Management
Xen-Orchestra is a Web-UI for managing your existing XenServer infrastructure. If you want to mount NFS shares for Remotes within docker, you need to enable privilaged mode.
Xeoma is surveillance software. Connect your cameras and record any detected movement.
Media Applications, Other, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
Xfburn is an easy to use burning software. It uses libburn and libisofs as a backend, in difference to most other GUI programs at the moment. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see https://github.com/jlesage/docker-xfburn#readme
Xibo Content Management System Xibo’s digital signage platform is made up of a Content Management System (CMS), a choice of players, a choice of hosting options and different levels of support to meet your requirements. To get started with Xibo you need a CMS and at least 1 signage player. After the containers have come up you should be able to login with the details: U: xibo_admin P: password
XMR (Xibo Message Relay) XMR is a php application built on ReactPHP which acts as a ZeroMQ message exchange between the Xibo CMS and connected Xibo Players. It doesn't do anything beyond forward messages from the CMS to a pub/sub socket.
This Docker will download and install XLink Kai: Evolution. XLink Kai: Evolution VII lets you connect with other console users around the world, and play online games for free. XLink Kai: Evo VII tricks your console into thinking that the other users it is connecting to over the Internet, are actually part of a Local Area Network. This is the basis of system-link gaming, where friends would gather around in the same house and play over 2 or more consoles. With XLink Kai: Evo VII, you now have the option to test your skills out with anybody in the world. As for the technical aspects of tunnelling network packets, we won't bore you with that... Please note that you need an XLink Kai: Evolution XTag (XLink Kai Gamertag) you can register it here: https://www.teamxlink.co.uk/?go=register UPDATE NOTICE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version of XLink Kai: Evolution and update it. ATTENTION: This container must be run with the network set to 'Host' mode! By default you must open the port 30000 UDP to enable communications with the Orbs to play online. Please also check out the website of XLink Kai Evolution: https://www.teamxlink.co.uk/ huge thanks go to CrunchBite!
Containerised version of XMRig for CPU Mining. Helps turn your Unraid server into a Monero / cryptocurrency mining rig. Now optionally works with GPU algorithms as well.
This Docker will download and install the preferred version of Xonotic. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: If you want to update the game simply change the version number.
Game Servers, Media Applications, Video, Media Servers, Video, Other, Productivity, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
Your personal, self-hosted, open source, multi-streaming server
Media Applications, Other
xteve, in docker with cronjobs docker runs in host mode access xteve webui ip:34400/web/ after docker start check your config folder and do your setups, setup is persistent, start from scratch by delete them cron and xteve start options are updated on docker restart.
Downloaders, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
xteve, guide2go, owi2plex in one docker with cron access xteve webui ip:34400/web/ after docker start check your config folder and do your setups, setup is persistent, start from scratch by delete them cron and xteve start options are updated on docker restart. setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .yaml files into your mounted /guide2go folder docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".yaml to test the cronjob functions docker exec -it "dockername" ./config/cronjob.sh included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off) xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei owi2plex - xmltv epg grabber for enigma receivers using open web, thanks to @cvarelaruiz some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend
xteve, guide2go in one docker with cron setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .json files into your mounted /guide2go folder docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".yaml to test the cronjob functions docker exec -it dockername ./config/cronjob.sh included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off) xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei website: http://xteve.de Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/465222357754314767/465222357754314773 guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei github: https://github.com/mar-mei/guide2go Schedules Direct web: http://www.schedulesdirect.org/ some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend
Media Applications, Other
xteve, in docker with ovpn docker runs in bridge mode IMPORTANT, if ipv6 is active in your network, set in extra parameters ...disable_ipv6=1 put your ovpn file in /config edit your ovpn credentials in /config set your LOCAL_NET to fir your netmask access xteve webui ip:34400/web/
xTeVe is a M3U proxy server for Plex, Emby and any client and provider which supports the .TS and .M3U8 (HLS) streaming formats.xTeVe emulates a SiliconDust HDHomeRun OTA tuner, which allows it to expose IPTV style channels to software, which would not normally support it.OpenVPN has been added to the container to allow users who have issues with their ISP shaping IPTV to bypass the shaping using a VPNI built this VPN version to bypass my ISP shaping during peak usage times. In the evenings I noticed my IPTV channels were freezing and timing out. After some back and forth between myself and the IPTV provider I came to the realisation that its my ISP that's the cause. Hopefully it helps others out there as its helped me.ConfigurationPlease refer to my github repo xteve-vpn;
This is a docker image of Thunder downloader. After running, please see your binding code through the log pannel. 这是一个迅雷的Docker镜像。 运行后请在log页面查看您的配对码。
Productivity, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
XWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility. XWiki is an enterprise wiki. It includes WYSIWYG editing, OpenDocument based document import/export, semantic annotations and tagging, and advanced permissions management.
Yaak(https://yaak.app/) is a desktop API client for organizing and executing REST, GraphQL, and gRPC requests. It's built using Tauri(https://tauri.app/), Rust(https://www.rust-lang.org/), and ReactJS(https://react.dev/).
Productivity, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
A web interface for managing docker containers with an emphasis on templating to provide one-click deployments of dockerized applications. Think of it as a decentralized app store for servers that anyone can make packages for. The default login is "[email protected]" and "pass". You should change this immediately by clicking on admin in the top right and then "User" then select "Change Password" in the top menu. You can also change your username using this field. If you need to reset your password/username to the included defaults, please delete your yacht volume and create a new one (you will lose all of your configurations so be sure to backup when you make changes). All credits to the developers. This is only a template for the community.
Headless version of the YACReaderLibraryServer. YACReader is the best comic reader and comic manager available, with support for cbr, cbz, zip, and rar comic files. YACReaderLibraryServer makes it easy to run a home comics server to serve your comics to any device running a YACReader client (including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and iOS).
Network Services, Web, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
YaCy decentralized search engine (https://yacy.net)Default user/passwordUser: adminPassword: yacy Set an admin account immediately after the first start-up. Open: http://ServerIP:8090/ConfigAccounts_p.html
Media Applications, Books, Video, Other, Other
Yamtrack is a self-hosted media tracker for movies, tv shows, anime and manga.
Downloaders, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
Discord bot-based wrapper for yt-dlp. Let your friends download videos to your server! Supports playlists, requires a configured Discord bot.
Your_spotify(https://github.com/Yooooomi/your_spotify) is a self-hosted application that tracks what you listen and offers you a dashboard to explore statistics about it! It's composed of a web server which polls the Spotify API every now and then and a web application on which you can explore your statistics.
Cloud, Network Services, Web, Other, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
YOURLS is a set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run Your Own URL Shortener.
A project management tool that can be adapted to your processes to help you deliver great products. Track projects and tasks, use agile boards, plan sprints and releases, keep a knowledge base, work with reports and dashboards, create workflows that follow your business processes. Never force your process to fit the limits of a tool again. Unlike other project management tools, YouTrack can be customized to your needs!
Downloaders, Media Applications, Music, Video
YoutubeDL-Material is a self-hosted youtube-dl Server with a modern Material-based GUI and the capability to apply advanced configurations, like setting your own download paths based on rules. It is designed to be more customizable than the alternatives out there. It will also keep a record of already downloaded items. Enjoy! :)
Web / REST interface for downloading youtube videos onto a server. Enter a video url to download the video to the server. Url can be to YouTube or any other supported site. The server will automatically download the highest quality version available. Just navigate to http://{{address}}:{{port}}/youtube-dl and enter the requested {{url}}. curl -X POST --data-urlencode "url={{url}}" http://{{address}}:{{port}}/youtube-dl/q /youtube-dl : Downloads go there
Productivity, Tools / Utilities, Utilities
YouTube Transcript to Article YouTube Transcript to Article is a Docker-based Python project that provides an API for converting YouTube transcripts into professional articles using OpenAI's ChatGPT. This tool automates the creation of summaries or detailed articles from YouTube video content, making it easy to generate professional write-ups from video transcripts. Features Automatic Transcript Retrieval: Fetches the transcript of a YouTube video in its original language, handling both video URLs and IDs. Article Generation: Generates a professional article from the transcript, with options for brief or detailed formats. Customizable Output Language: Allows you to specify the output language, with the default being the video's language. Minimalist Web Interface: Provides a simple, user-friendly web interface to easily input video IDs or URLs and generate articles. Dockerized Deployment: Easy deployment with Docker, including integration options for Home Assistant and MQTT. You will need a OpenAI API key.
Downloaders, Media Applications, Video
Automate downloads and metadata generation with YoutubeDL. This is the headless variant. See ytdl-sub-gui for a web-gui version.
Downloaders, Media Applications, Video
Automate downloads and metadata generation with YoutubeDL. The GUI image runs code-server with ytdl-sub preinstalled and can be accessed at https://localhost:8443