Community Apps

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whats-up-docker's Icon

What's up Docker? (aka WUD) WEBUI Included Gets you notified when new versions of your Docker containers are available and lets you react the way you want. Depending what you want to do you might have to add your own variables. By default I have included MQTT. Good Integration With Home-Assistant Prometheus Grafana Many Supported Triggers Send notifications using Smtp, Apprise, IFTTT, Slack, Pushover... Automatically update your docker containers or your docker-compose stack. Integrate with third-party systems using Kafka, Mqtt, Http Webhooks... Many supported registries Azure Container Registry AWS Elastic Container Registry Google Container Registry Github Container Registry Docker Hub (public & private repositories)

whisper-asr-webservice's Icon


Tools / Utilities, Utilities

Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model. It is trained on a large dataset of diverse audio and is also a multi-task model that can perform multilingual speech recognition as well as speech translation and language identification. For more details: Use ASR_MODEL to specify which model to run. Available models are tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v1 and large-v2. Please note that large and large-v2 are the same model. For English-only applications, the .en models tend to perform better, especially for the tiny.en and base.en models. We observed that the difference becomes less significant for the small.en and medium.en models. The ASR model is downloaded each time you start the container, using the large model this can take some time. If you want to decrease the time it takes to start your container by skipping the download, you can provide a persistent storage path. Next time you start your container the ASR Model will be loaded from there instead of being downloaded again. For GPU support, add '--gpus all' to 'Extra Parameters'.

WhoDB's Icon

A lightweight, powerful, and user-friendly database management tool designed to streamline your database administration tasks. Combining the simplicity of Adminer with enhanced UX and performance, WhoDB is built with GoLang to deliver optimal speed and efficiency. With features like interactive schema visualization and inline editing, WhoDB caters to both small projects and complex enterprise systems.

whoogle-search's Icon

Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Also includes a dark mode. Refer to the project page for additional configuration and usage

WhosAtMyFeeder's Icon

WhosAtMyFeeder beta

Home Automation

This app works with Frigate to identify the species of birds in a video stream. You must first create a config folder and copy this config.yml file ( into the folder (changing it according to your frigate/mqtt configrutation). Then you also should take a look to the recommended modifications to the config file of your frigate instance here ( Finally you can launch this app.

wifi-card's Icon



Print a neat little card with your WiFi info and stick it on the fridge.

wikidocs's Icon



Wiki|Docs Just a databaseless markdown flat-file wiki engine. NOTE: Will show error on first run due to no config file. Setup script should still complete and create config file.

wikijs's Icon

Wikijs( A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS.

wikijs's Icon

wikijs beta

Cloud, Productivity

A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown

Win98_inabox's Icon

This container will install a fully updated Windows 98SE virtual machine (VM) into the VMs tab of your server. The container variables that you select will apply to the VM, and for most users, the default settings are sufficient and do not require modification. However, if you need to change the locations within the container, here is a brief explanation of what each location does. The "VM Share on Server" setting should be configured to reflect the location of your VM share. By default, the VM share on Unraid is located at /mnt/user/domains. The "Name to call VM" setting is straightforward. It allows you to choose a custom name for your vm. The default name is "Windows 98" but you have the option to change it to any desired name. Windows 98 type WIN98-KernelEX This allows Win98 to run some Win2000 and XP software WIN98-Normal Normal vanilla install After configuring the container variables as described above, the container will take care of the rest. It will create an XML file for the Win 98 virtual machine based on your selections and install the VM directly onto the server. Once the container has been run, you can go to the VMs tab and locate the installed VM. It is important to note that the container does not need to be kept running after installation. It is simply a tool for installation purposes and does not have a web user interface (UI). To monitor the container's progress, you can view the container log. ** This container cant translate the location of an unassigned disk across to the vm template. So all locations choosen must be on the array or pool device.

windmill's Icon

Windmill is a fast, open-source workflow engine and developer platform. It's an alternative to the likes of Retool, Superblocks, n8n, Airflow, Prefect, and Temporal, designed to build comprehensive internal tools (endpoints, workflows, UIs). It supports coding in TypeScript, Python, Go, PHP, Bash, SQL, or any Docker image, alongside intuitive low-code builders.

WindowsinDocker's Icon


Network Services, Web, Other, Other

Windows inside a Docker container. IMPORTANT: Does not work with BTRFS filesystems on Unraid. See the FAQ on the Github page for support.

Windward's Icon


Game Servers

This Docker will download and install Windwardand run it. CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u windward -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS Windward' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place.

Wireguard-Client's Icon


Network Services, Other

A Wireguard Client place wg0.conf in Config Folder wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/wireguardclient/wg0.conf The main Reason for this Docker is to bypass CGNat/DS-Lite see more:

WireGuard-Docker's Icon


Network Services, Privacy

Why this template? Because I've been struggling for a few months to use the integrated version of WireGuard on unRAID but it never worked for me and from what I've seen I'm not the only one with this problem. The complete list of possible configurations can be found on the website. The easiest way to access the peers list is by accesing config folder via SMB. For PUID & PGID run "id user'' on terminal against the user which is used for smb authentication in the network. Port: default 51820 but it is strongly recommended to be changed. Do not forget that this port must be port forwarded on your router.

wireshark's Icon

Wireshark( is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the volunteer contributions of networking experts around the globe and is the continuation of a project started by Gerald Combs in 1998.

witnet_node's Icon

Full node of the Witnet Oracle. The decentralized oracle that is true to the censorship resistant nature of blockchains. Without a reliable oracle, smart contracts can be vulnerable to hacks, corruption and monetary loss. Witnet leverages state-of-the-art cryptographic and economic techniques to provide your smart contracts with secure data input. Without a reliable oracle, smart contracts can be vulnerable to hacks, corruption and monetary loss. To let other nodes in the network find your node, ensure port 21337 is forwarded from your router to the P2P port set below. The node is open-source, in case you want to verify the code, just go to the repository: For further reading, head youself to the docs, qhere you will find information for newbies, developes, node operators and a developers reference to help to integrate it in your project:

workout-tracker's Icon


Other, Tools / Utilities, Utilities

A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities Default username: admin Default password: admin - Change this!!

wps-office's Icon


WPS Office( is a lightweight, feature-rich comprehensive office suite with high compatibility. As a handy and professional office software, WPS Office allows you to edit files in Writer, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and PDF to improve your work efficiency.

wrapperr's Icon

A website-based platform and API for collecting Plex user stats within a set timeframe using Tautulli. The data is displayed as a stat-summary, sort of like Spotify Wrapped. Yes, you need Tautulli to have been running beforehand and currently for this to work.

Wreckfest's Icon

Wreckfest beta

Game Servers

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Wreckfest and run it. Servername: 'Wreckfest Docker' Password: 'Docker' ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

ws-ephemeral's Icon

For windscribe VPN user this tool allows you to automate the opening ephemeral port. For example P2P application behind VPN requires UDP port open, while using VPN, ephemeral port is great option but it comes with 7 days expiry.This tool allows you to automate that part.

WurmUnlimited's Icon


Game Servers

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Wurm Unlimited with or without the Server-ModLauncher and run it. (You can also copy over the 'Creative' or 'Adventure' folder if you want to create a Server with the provided Servertool that comes with the game) ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

x-mariohtml5's Icon


Game Servers

This is a clone of Infinite Mario, written in JavaScript for web browsers using HTML5.

xbackbone's Icon

Container for XBackBone, a simple and lightweight ShareX PHP backend -e URL This will specify the app url, slashes need to be escaped like this -e URL= Permissions The folder on host system need to have both UID and GID 1000 Example mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/storage mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/database mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/xbb/logs chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/user/appdata/xbb