Community Apps

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Sharry's Icon

Sharry allows to share files with others in a simple way. It is a self-hosted web application. The basic concept is: upload files and get a url back that can then be shared. Being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

silabs-multipan-thread's Icon


Home Automation, Network ServicesOther

Standalone version of the Silicon Labs multiprotocol addon for Home Assistant. The cool kids that run it all in docker containers! An EFR based chipset Thread stick is required for this container to start. It needs to be passed in as the same value you provide such as the default of /dev/thread using a line such as /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_76f624b636edec1191324740ad51a8b2-if00-port0:/dev/thread

SpeedFlux's Icon

This tool will continuosly run Speedtests at the chosen interval and export the data to InfluxDB. What makes this different is that it's using the Ookla CLI tool which provides some expanded details that you can use to tag your Influx Data. An example of the dashboard I made in Grafana can be found at strong This container only includes the scripts to run the speedtests and export to Influx. InfluxDB must be installed seperatly. I welcome feedback or additional improvements. Please open an issue on the project page. /strong

Speedmon-InfluxDBv2's Icon


Network ServicesOther

Automatically run periodic internet speed tests and save results to InfluxDB v1.

spotweb's Icon


Network ServicesOther

Spotweb is a decentralized usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol. Spotweb requires an operational webserver with PHP7.2 installed, it uses either an MySQL or an PostgreSQL database to store it's contents in.

sshwifty's Icon

Sshwifty is a SSH and Telnet connector made for the Web. It can be deployed on your computer or server to provide SSH and Telnet access interface for any compatible (standard) web browser. For support in chrome website must run in HTTPS mode, as such a .crt and .key file must be privded in /mnt/user/appdata/sshwifty/certs/ Supports configuration file for hosts with passwords/private key matches prepopulated

StorjMonitor's Icon

Storj daemon + CLI; multiple-node in template support; monitor installed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storj is a Crypto-asset and P2P cloud storage service. This Docker runs the back-end client for Storj allowing internet users to rent their disk space and earn STORJ an Ethereum asset. The template author makes no guarantee that STORJ or ETH will retain, or increase in fiat value. SETUP REQUIREMENTS: 1. TCP port 4000 open on host. 2. Path on host for Storj data to sit. IE: make a user share, /mnt/user/storj 3. Your Ethereum-based wallet address. 4. The max allowed space STORJ can take up on the host; remember to make it less 5. DDNS or DNS address. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. API-Key 2. Additional network ports, if running multiple nodes. By default it increments from 4000. IE 4001, 4002, 4003++, and so on. STORJ DAEMON STATUS: (In your command line) docker exec StorjMonitor storjshare status

syncthing's Icon

Syncthing( replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.

Tartube's Icon


Network ServicesOther

Tartube is a GUI front-end for youtube-dl, yt-dlp and other compatible video downloaders. It is written in Python 3 / Gtk 3 and runs on MS Windows, Linux, BSD and MacOS. based on jlesage/baseimage-gui:ubuntu-20.04

TheLounge's Icon

TheLonge is the self-hosted web IRC client. Modern features brought to IRC, Always connected, Responsive interface, Synchronized experience The Lounge is the official and community-managed fork of Shout, by Mattias Erming. Multiple Users: If you want to create a new user simply change the name in the 'Username' variable and also the 'Password' variable, this will have no impact to existing users (the 'Username' variable can't be empty and should always have a username in it that is available on the server).

thingsboard-postgres's Icon


Home Automation, Network ServicesOther

ThingsBoard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. Default Creds: System Administrator: [email protected] / sysadmin Tenant Administrator: [email protected] / tenant Customer User: [email protected] / customer Initial setup: Run the container once so it creates the directories, it won't start due to permission issues, stop it Run "chown -R 799:799 /mnt/user/appdata/thingsboard-postgres" (adapt as appropriate if you changed defaults) in unraid terminal Start container again, it should now be good after a couple of minutes needed for initial setup.

Thumba's Icon

A self-hosted Thumbnail generator/finder which creates thumbnails based on folder names and google search results. This project uses the Google search api to find URL-s based on folder names. From there is used to generat thumbnails of the url-s. Check the readme

tor-relay's Icon

This docker image will install the latest current stable version of Tor server. It will run Tor as an unprivileged regular user, as recommended by It includes the latest Tor Debian package from which is installed and configured according the Tor project recommendations. Additionally it can be run as a hidden bridge using obfs4proy as well as meek. The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more people who run relays, the faster the Tor network will be. If you have at least 2 megabits/s for both upload and download, please help out Tor by configuring your server to be a Tor relay too. INSTALLATION: Create a folder appdata/tor-data/config Download sample Config: Edit the config at least NICKNAME and CONTACTINFO in the config file Put this into the config folder. Edit the docker parameters and run it.

umami's Icon

Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. Requires a separate Postgresql container and external access via reverse proxy.

SSH to your config folder (/mnt/user/appdata/unifi-cam-proxy) Run: openssl ecparam -out /tmp/private.key -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout openssl req -new -sha256 -key /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/server.csr -subj "/C=TW/L=Taipei/O=Ubiquiti Networks Inc./OU=devint/[email protected]" openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 36500 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/public.key cat /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key > client.pem rm -f /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key /tmp/server.csr to create an cert for your cam. Get a token: https://{NVR IP}/proxy/protect/api/cameras/manage-payload Modify the Post Parameters to your needs. (check documentation)

UniFiProtect's Icon


Network ServicesOther

Run UniFi Protect in Docker on x86 hardware. UniFi stopped supporting x86 at 1.13.3, so there will be no more updates. Must use Protect mobile app 1.3.8 to connect to this via UniFi Cloud on your phone. Run either as host networking mode, or custom br0 if you have other conflicting ports in use already via host mode - bridge mode does not work.

unraid-simple-monitoring-api's Icon


Network ServicesOther, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

A simple REST API to monitor basic metrics such as Disk utilization and Network traffic. Initially created for use with Configuration By default the application expects a configuration file in /mnt/user/appdata/unraid-simple-monitoring-api/conf.yml You can find an example file here ( More detailed info on the github repo Utilization Make a request to http://your-unraid-ip:24940

UptimeKuma's Icon

Self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot". Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping. Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.Notifications via Webhook, Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP) and more by Apprise. Fast 20 second inverval checks.

Vnstat's Icon

vnStat is a network traffic monitor that uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources regardless of network traffic rate. By default, traffic statistics are stored on a five minute level for the last 48 hours, on a hourly level for the last 4 days, on a daily level for the last 2 full months and on a yearly level forever. The data retention durations are fully user configurable. Total seen traffic and a top days listing is also provided. See the official webpage or the GitHub repository for additional details and output examples. An example of the included image output is also available.

Wireguard-Client's Icon


Network ServicesOther

A Wireguard Client place wg0.conf in Config Folder wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/wireguardclient/wg0.conf The main Reason for this Docker is to bypass CGNat/DS-Lite see more:

wireshark's Icon

Wireshark( is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the volunteer contributions of networking experts around the globe and is the continuation of a project started by Gerald Combs in 1998.

witnet_node's Icon

Full node of the Witnet Oracle. The decentralized oracle that is true to the censorship resistant nature of blockchains. Without a reliable oracle, smart contracts can be vulnerable to hacks, corruption and monetary loss. Witnet leverages state-of-the-art cryptographic and economic techniques to provide your smart contracts with secure data input. Without a reliable oracle, smart contracts can be vulnerable to hacks, corruption and monetary loss. To let other nodes in the network find your node, ensure port 21337 is forwarded from your router to the P2P port set below. The node is open-source, in case you want to verify the code, just go to the repository: For further reading, head youself to the docs, qhere you will find information for newbies, developes, node operators and a developers reference to help to integrate it in your project: