Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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Dim's Icon

Dim is a self-hosted media manager. With minimal setup, Dim will organize and beautify your media collections, letting you access and play them anytime from anywhere

DiscordSoundboard's Icon


Media ApplicationsMusic, Network ServicesWeb, Other

Simple soundboard for discord. You can trigger sounds by commands typed in the Discord chat, or you can choose the sound from the web UI. You will need to create a bot account that the bot will use to join and play sounds. The bot can only play sounds/respond to commands for servers it has been given access. Get your bot token from here - This will not work correctly without a proper Bot Token and the bot application being added to your discord server. Join the official discord: for support

dmb's Icon

This is an unRAID Docker template for: Debrid Media Bridge "An All-In-One image for the unified deployment of Riven, Zurg, and rclone" !!!DO ONE OF THESE TWO ACTIONS BELOW WHILE SETTING IT UP OR ELSE THE CONTAINER WILL NOT RUN!!! Why? During the first setup, directories will be created using root user on the host OS (unRAID). However, the container uses a non-root user called DMB when running normally. So, you need to change the owner of the DMB directories to the unRAID default of owner: nobody group:users aka 99:100 Method 1 CLI 1. stop the docker container fully. Wait to see it fully stopped. 2. access the terminal as root user 3. run the command chown -R 99:100 /mnt/user/appdata/DMB 4. run the above command again for any other directories used by DMB eg /mnt/user/DMB (skip if you only have one directory-this template has two directories by default) 5. Restart the container. Check logs. You might need to stop container and run the chown command two times during the first setup only. Method 2 unRAID GUI 1. stop the docker container fully. Wait to see it fully stopped. 2. login to unRAID GUI as root user 3. Locate your ./appdata/DMB directory (if you setup shares (most people do) then click shares, go into appdata, you'll see DMB there after the first run) 4. click the + sign on the right side of the ./appdata/DMB directory. Change owner. Choose nobody in the drop down menu (it is called just that: nobody) as the owner. Apply the change 5. repeat above steps if you have other directories used by DMB eg /mnt/user/DMB (this template has two directories by default) 6. Restart the container. Check logs. You might need to stop container and do the steps twice during the first setup only. "What are Riven and Zurg? What is all of this stuff?" Riven is a new, still in development, open source, free, media solution that combines a bunch of ideas into one complete, polished package. More specifically, in the same vein as plex_debrid before (github repo: itstoggled/plex_debrid - now archived), it allows for end users to input their own (paid) real-debrid API token ( for info) (other "debrids" not supported at the moment) and then access "cached torrents" on the real-debrid servers. Cached torrents allow the user to stream the video file being sought, whether movie or tv show. Zurg is a specialized rclone mount and filtering program. Basically, it takes a raw rclone mount of all torrents a user has in their debrid library, and it filters them resulting in a huge variety of variables such as file size, bitrate, resolution, etc. (huge list). This project also leverages the power of rclone to mount the debrid webdav directory into your OS, unRAID in this case, inside of a docker container. When you provide this mount path to your Plex server Plex won't distingtush between local media that you might have and this mounted media. It will stream the media directly from the real-debrid (or other servers if added later by devs) servers to your Plex server where it will be played lag-free assuming your network/server/player can handle it. PostgreSQL database is also used to store settings and relevant information. "So, why this image and not the image from the developers of Riven or Zurg?" You could certainly use those if you wish to setup all the invidivdual components. This AIO image just seeks to simplify and streamline the process. links for a ton more information if desired or required: DMB AIO wiki: Riven Wiki:

dmb-fastapi's Icon

NOTE THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH OF DEBRID MEDIA BRIDGE--EVEN MORE SO THAN THE OTHER DMB BUILD--YOU HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE Second Note: This dmb-fastapi xml template was put together by discord user Portgas D. Ace. This has been posted to my unRAID template GitHub repo with their permission (with some tweaks by me) Third Note: If you need help or support, the number 1 best place to seek it is the discord channel linked in the support section of this template This is just a quick template I threw together in order to try to help you other unRAID users to try out the FastAPI release. Massive thanks the DMB creator I-AM-PUID-0 as well as massive thanks to the devs of Riven & Yowmamasita's Zurg. I also thank Unlearned6688 for his UnRAID templates as it made this one easier for me to create. DMB AIO wiki: FastAPI branch repository: Links to source repositories for the underlying projects: As stated I threw this together in order to try to help out. I am no expert so don't harpoon me if something is less than perfect. If you have questions I'm in the discord @Portgas D. Ace

Dobby's Icon

Dobby will scan a media directory and look for MKV/MP4 Dolby Vision files along side MKV HDR video files for the same content. The application will merge the files to create BL+RPU MKV files compatible with both HDR and Dolby Vision. This allows you to enhance your media library by adding Dolby Vision at low cost of disk space and without the need to manage multiple file versions. This is a headless application with no GUI, it will start processing the files in your configured directory on start. See the project page for usage examples.

DOODS's Icon

DOODS (Dedicated Open Object Detection Service) is a REST service that detects objects in images or video streams. It also supports GPUs and EdgeTPU hardware acceleration. For Nvidia GPU support, add "--gpus all" to the Extra Parameters field under Advanced.

easy-ffmpeg-(autoconvert)'s Icon


Media ApplicationsVideo

this is an ffmpeg that monitors one directory for downloaded video, converts the downloaded file into a target codec (with hwacceleration) and optionally deletes the original file. It is heavily based on linuxserver's ffmpeg but runs constantly looking for new files. This container has no ui but you can find logoutput in the logs of the container. caveats: if you set qsv, please change the bitrate variable to quality index instead. if you use nvenc you need to add '--runtime nvidia' to extra Parameters if you use software encoding, you need to set an encoding library in codec, i.e. libx264 instead of h264 if you use vulkan you need to add the following envvars: ANV: To enable for Intel, set the env var ANV_VIDEO_DECODE=1 RADV: To enable on AMD, set the env var RADV_PERFTEST=video_decode NVIDIA: To enable on Nvidia, install Nvidia Vulkan Beta drivers on the host per this article: vulkan is still in it's infancy and I would not recommend using it just yet, but you do you.

EPlusTV's Icon

This takes ESPN, ESPN+, FOX Sports, Paramount+, Gotham Sports, NFL+, B1G+, NESN, Mountain West, FloSports, CBS Sports, or programming and transforms it into a "live TV" experience with virtual linear channels. It will discover what is on, and generate a schedule of channels that will give you M3U and XMLTV files that you can import into something like Jellyfin or ChannelsDVR. === Notes === This was not made for pirating streams. This is made for using your own credentials and have a different presentation than the ESPN, FOX Sports, and apps currently provide. The Mouse might not like it and it could be taken down at any minute. Enjoy it while it lasts. ¯\(ツ)/¯

ErsatzTV's Icon

Stream custom live channels using your own media. Nvidia GPU UseUsing the Unraid Nvidia Plugin to install a version of Unraid with the Nvidia Drivers installed and add --runtime=nvidia to "extra parameters" (switch on advanced view) andcopy your GPU UUID to NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.Intel GPU UseEdit your go file to include:modprobe i915, save and reboot, then add --device=/dev/dri to "extra parameters" (switch on advanced view)

FileBot's Icon

FileBot is the ultimate tool for organizing and renaming your movies, tv shows or anime, and music well as downloading subtitles and artwork. It's smart and just works. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

FMD2-wine's Icon

FMD2-wine beta

Downloaders, Media ApplicationsBooks

FMD2: This is an active fork of the Free Manga Downloader which is a free open source application written in Object Pascal for managing and downloading manga from various websites. (App Author's Description) About this container: Dockerized FMD2 (Windows with Wine) using VNC, noVNC and webSocketify to display GUI on a webpage. > (ℹ) Make sure to configure it using the 'web' ui. Features: Does not require any display, works headless Keeps all of FMD2 features Since it's docker, it works on Linux Make use of Linuxserver alpine base image

FPP---Falcon-Player's Icon

FPP---Falcon-Player beta

Media ApplicationsOther

The Falcon Player (FPP) is a lightweight, optimized, feature-rich sequence player designed to run on low-cost Single Board Computers (SBC). It was originally created to run on the $35 Raspberry Pi, hence the middle 'P' in the short name but now the FPP supports many more systems. It is still mostly commonly used on a Raspberry Pi (Zero, 2, 3, 4) or a Beagle Bone (Black, Green, Pocket). The FPP shorthand is still used but it is now just called Falcon Player. FPP aims to be controller agnostic, it can talk E1.31, DDP, DMX, Pixelnet, and Renard to hardware from multiple hardware vendors. Using various capes, FPP can also be a controller on P5 and P10 Matrixes, or strings of ws2811 pixels.

fre:ac's Icon

fre:ac is a free and open source audio converter. It supports audio CD ripping and tag editing and converts between various audio file formats. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on the client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on Alpine Linux, size of this container is very small. For a complete documentation of this container, see

gPodder's Icon

gPodder is a simple, open source podcast client written in Python using GTK+. In development since 2005 with a proven, mature codebase.
 /config - Location of gPodder persistent config. 
 /downloads - Location of downloads. 
 PUID - set UserID 
 PGID - set GroupID 
 3000 - WebUI access 
 PASSWORD for setting a password for the gPodder WebUI #optional