Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

Moderated and Vetted

Moderators ensure that apps listed in the store offer a safe, compatible, and consistent experience. 

Tips and Tweaks


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Tips and Tweaks gives you tips on issues in certain versions of Unraid and lets you make some adjustments to Ethernet NIC(s), disk cache settings, and CPU scaling governors that can potentially help with performance and latency issues.

TLDR Manpages for UNRAID


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem, Utilities

How did that terminal command work again? TLDR presents the most common use cases for a command right inside your terminal, so you spend less time researching command arguments and more time actually getting things done.

Tmux Terminal Manager (TTM) beta


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem, Utilities

Leave terminals and come back at any later time. Manage and create persistent terminal sessions in the Unraid Web GUI. (Installs Tmux - if not already installed)

UGREEN LED Driver's Icon

This package contains the UGREEN LED Driver which will allow you to get your LEDs to work on your UGREEN NAS (please note that not all models are supported). The plugin is based on:

Unassigned Devices Plus (Addon)


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Enables support in the Unassigned Devices Plugin for HFS+, exFAT, and apfs disk formats, and to enable destructive mode.

Unassigned Devices Plus (Addon)


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Enables support in the Unassigned Devices Plugin for HFS+, exFAT, and apfs disk formats, and to enable destructive mode.

Unraid Connect's Icon

Unraid Connect beta


Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Unraid Connect is your one-stop shop for server management, monitoring, and maintenance. Enjoy the convenience and connectivity of the cloud and take your Unraid experience to the next level with Connect.

unRAID-Replication beta


Plugins, Productivity, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

This plugin allows you to replicate your applications (Docker/LXC containers and chosen directories) from your Main machine to a second, unRAID based, Backup machine. With the inclusion of keepalived you can also create a virtual IP for your Main and Backup machine where the backup machine can automatically run the replicated containers. For more information visit the Support Thread on the forums. ATTENTION: This is a experimental release and it is recommended to use this tool with caution (make sure that you create a backup from your containers and data that is synced). If you encounter a bug please report it in the support thread.

VFIO-PCI Config's Icon

A plugin to create and modify vfio-pci.cfg from the unRAID webGui. Allows you to bind PCI devices by address to the vfio-pci driver. Also displays IOMMU groupings and which devices support reset.

ZFS Master's Icon

The ZFS Master plugin provides information and control over the ZFS Pools in your Unraid. Available ZFS Pools are listed under the "Main/ZFSMaster" tab.

ZFS-companion's Icon

This plugins wants to be the sidekick to unRAID-ZFS from Steini1984, adding a widget for the dashboard, and possibly some APIs to get the status (ie. to use with HomeAssistant).