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radarrsync's Icon

RadarrSync Syncs two Radarr servers through web API. This is a modified version designed to be run in a docker container. This version supports only two servers. RADARR_URL -> The endpoint of your radarr server RADARR_KEY -> The API key for your radarr server RADARR4K_URL -> The endpoint of your radarr server you want to sync to RADARR4K_KEY -> The API key for this server PROFILE_ID -> The profile number you want the video to be added with. (Start counting from Any:1 SD:2 ect Ultra-HD is normally 5. ) Ensure that the root path is the same on both servers. ie /movie

Radeon-TOP's Icon

This plugin adds the tool 'radeontop' to your unRAID server and also enables your AMD GPU from the installation of this plugin on, so no editis to the 'go' file or creation of other files are necessary (please not that this plugin only enables the 'amdgpu' Kernel module and not the 'radeon' Kernel module). To see the usage of your GPU open up the unRAID Terminal and type in 'radeontop' (without quotes). This plugin satisfies installation prerequisites of the GPU Statistics plugin from Community Apps. With both plugins installed you can display AMD GPU utilization on the unRAID Dashboard.

radicale's Icon



Docker image for Radicale, a small but powerful CalDAV (calendars, to-do lists) and CardDAV (contacts) server. Template is based on tomsquest's image. Configuration Instructions:

Rallly's Icon

Rallly is a tool for creating meeting polls. It’s designed to help you schedule meetings with groups of people. It’s free to use and you can create as many polls as you want. Authentication only works with configured SMTP settings as a code is sent to the email address. If you limit access, you should also limit the allowed email addresses, otherwise anyone can register. Examples: Reverse Proxy Configurations:

rancher's Icon

A container management platform built for organizations that deploy containers in production. The docker version of Rancher cannot be made HA (Highly Available), however the clusters it creates can be. It is also possible to connect to and use clusters created by rancher when it is down. Useful as a management interface for deploying, scaling, and editting apps on other systems. (in the cloud, a raspberry pi cluster, vms running k3os, etc.) Perfect for running and managing the apps that you'd rather not go down while maintaining your server.

RapidPhotoDownloader's Icon

This Docker will download and install Rapid Photo Downloader. ATTENTION: Please be sure to set the right source and destination folder on the server, otherwise the template creates automaticaly two new folders to your shares if not changed ('rpd-source-folder' & 'rpd-destiantion-folder'). Update Notice: Go to the Rapid Photo Downloader homepage ( and got to the download selection, rightclick on "Install script" and select "Copy Link Location" then paste the copied link into the "Download URL" variable.

RavencoinP2P's Icon

The Ravencoin project is launched based on the hard work and continuous effort of over 400 Bitcoin developers who made over 14,000 commits over the life to date of the Bitcoin project. This is just p2p, without wallet or gui. Based on jlesage/baseimage:alpine-3.12

RavencoinWalletGUI's Icon


josywong's Repository


The Ravencoin project is launched based on the hard work and continuous effort of over 400 Bitcoin developers who made over 14,000 commits over the life to date of the Bitcoin project. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on jlesage/baseimage-gui:ubuntu 18.04.

rclone's Icon

The plugin installs rclone. rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from services such as: Amazon Drive Amazon S3 Backblaze B2 Box Dropbox FTP Google Cloud Storage Google Drive HTTP Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Microsoft OneDrive Nextcloud ownCloud SFTP WebDAV The local filesystem * And many more Go to for more information.

Rclone-mount's Icon

Rclone-mount beta

frakman1's Repository

Backup, Cloud

Docker for Rclone FUSE mount feature (exposable to host and other docker containers, e.g. Plex, Nextcloud, glFTPd) Configuration /config The path to where the .rclone.conf file is RCLONE_REMOTE_MOUNT The destination that the data should be backed up to (must be the same name as specified in .rclone.conf. E.g. AmazonEncrypted:) RCLONE_MOUNT_OPTIONS (Advanced) Extra mount options that can be used, see: . E.g. --read-only --buffer-size=1G --max-read-ahead=200M --acd-templink-threshold=0 --dir-cache-time=60m --timeout=30s --contimeout=15s --retries=3 --low-level-retries=1 --stats=0 -v RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS (Advanced) The password for the .rclone.conf pass (if specified when creating the config file)

RCON's Icon

This plugin adds RCON to your unRAID server and enables your to connecto to various servers who are following the RCON protocol standard. Simply issue 'rcon -h' from an unRAID Terminal and you get an overview on how to connect. A basic connection command will look like this: 'rcon -a RCONIP:RCONPORT -p PASSWORD' to end the connection press CTRL + C. ATTENTION: The RCON protocol transmits everything un-encrypted (including your password!). Therefore it is strongly recommended to not connect to RCON over the internet rather it is recommended to use a VPN or SSH if you want to connect to a foreign server over the internet. Source:

RCON-WebAdmin's Icon

Out of the box, RCON Web Admin can check users for high ping, VAC status, or filter the chat for you around the clock. This image lets you run the rcon-web-admin administration tool as a Docker container. A great benefit of running rcon-web-admin in Docker, especially in a Docker Composition is that the RCON port of your game server can remain securely isolated within the Docker network. Additional Variables available at:

rdesktop's Icon


Rdesktop( - Containers containing full desktop environments in many popular flavors for Alpine, Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora accessible via RDP.

rdt-client's Icon



This is a web interface to manage your torrents on Real-Debrid, AllDebrid or Premiumize. It supports the following features: Add new torrents through magnets or files Download all files from Real-Debrid, AllDebrid or Premiumize to your local machine automatically Unpack all files when finished downloading Implements a fake qBittorrent API so you can hook up other applications like Sonarr, Radarr or Couchpotato.

reactive-resume-client-v3's Icon



A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind.

reactive-resume-server-v3's Icon



A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind.

reactive-resume-v1's Icon



A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind.

readeck's Icon



Readeck is a simple web application that lets you save the precious readable content of web pages you like and want to keep forever. See it as a bookmark manager and a read later tool.

Rebuild-DNDC's Icon

Rebuild Docker Network Dependent Containers, e.g. Monitor a VPN or any container and rebuild dependent containers using the VPN container network stack --net=container:vpn_cotnainer_name. RDNDC will monitor the master/vpn container during updates, restarts and after server boot. Please refer to the readme before deploying this container:

Receipt-Wrangler's Icon



Receipt Wrangler is your easy-to-use, self-hosted receipt management solution. Simplify your expenses and take control of your financial data with these powerful features: * Effortless Receipt Creation: Quickly create receipts with the help of OCR/AI image scanning. * Smart Categorization: Organize receipts for easy filtering. * Collaborative Tracking: Share receipts and track expenses among multiple users. * Email Integration: Seamlessly upload receipts directly from your email, web app, and mobile app (coming soon). Follow the installation guide at to get started.

recyclarr's Icon

A command-line application that will automatically synchronize recommended settings from TRaSH guides to your Sonarr/Radarr instances. As of v2.3.0 the image is rootless and the Nobody user must be passed via the Extra Parameter '--user="99:100"'. The PUID and PGID environment variables are no longer used and must be removed. Full instructions here: Formerly named "Trash Updater".

This plugin adds a per share .Recycle.Bin folder to hold samba deleted files until you empty the trash either manually or remove aged files on a schedule. Shares that are excluded will not have the recycle bin enabled. A .Recycle.Bin folder is created in each share the first time a file is deleted in the share that you can access by browsing to //Tower/Share/.Recycle.Bin. You can restore deleted files from the //Tower/Share/.Recycle.Bin. The User access to the .Recycle.Bin folder is the same as the User share access. If you remove the plugin all deleted files will be kept in the share .Recycle.Bin folders. You will have to empty the trash before you remove the plugin if you do not want to use it.

redbot's Icon

This template installs the newest Red-DiscordBot in a convenient, multi-arch container. Red is self hosted, fully modular, Discord bot – meaning all features and commands can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it completely customizable. The default set of modules includes and is not limited to: Moderation features (kick/ban/softban/hackban, mod-log, filter, chat cleanup) Trivia (lists are included and can be easily added) Music features (YouTube, SoundCloud, local files, playlists, queues) Stream alerts (Twitch, Youtube, Picarto) Bank (slot machine, user credits) Custom commands Imgur/gif search Admin automation (self-role assignment, cross-server announcements, mod-mail reports) Customisable command permissions Additionally, other cogs (plugins) can be easily found and added from our growing community of cog repositories.