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DayOfDefeat-Classic's Icon


ich777's Repository

Game Servers

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Day of Defeat Classic and run it. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

DayOfDefeatSource's Icon


ich777's Repository

Game Servers

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Day of Defeat: Source and run it. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! PASSWORD: The initial password is 'Docker', if you want to change or delete the password edit the file 'server.cfg'. Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

DayOfInfamy's Icon

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Day Of Infamy and run it. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

DaysOfWar's Icon

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install Days of War and run it. Servername: 'Docker Days-of-War' Password: 'Docker' rconPassword: 'adminDocker' ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

DayZ's Icon

DayZ beta

Game Servers

This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install DayZ and run it. Keep in mind that you have to connect with the experimental branch Client to this Docker container! Initial Server Name: Docker DayZ Initial connection Password: Docker Initial admin Password: adminDocker GAME CONFIG & SAVE FOLDER: Your saves are located in .../appdata/dayz/saves/ and your config file is located at .../appdata/dayz/saves/serverDZ.cfg (please note that changes to the serverDZ.cfg in the main directory take no effect, you have to edit the file .../saves/serverDZ.cfg) ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory!

db-backup's Icon



Backup multiple database types on a scheduled basis with many customizable options. Manual Backups can be performed by entering the container and typing backup-now For diffrent port please add variable DB1_PORT and include the port For more DB backups you can include DB2_NAME etc Check advanced for more settings

dbgate's Icon

DbGate - (no)SQL database client DbGate is cross-platform database manager. It's designed to be simple to use and effective, when working with more databases simultaneously. But there are also many advanced features like schema compare, visual query designer, chart visualisation or batch export and import. DbGate is licensed under MIT license and is completely free. DbGate web: Live demo on: Source code on GitHub: Supported databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle (experimental), MongoDB, Redis, SQLite, Amazon Redshift, CockroachDB Optional Extra Environmental Variables ( WEB_ROOT - if you need to run DbGate in virtual subdirectory (eg. for value /dbadmin , dbgate will be accessible on localhost:3000/dbadmin ) LOGIN , PASSWORD - credentials for accessing web app (obsolete, use LOGINS AND LOGIN_PASSWORD instead) PERMISSIONS - list of comma separated permissions. See also permission list below SHELL_CONNECTION - if true or 1, connections can be defined in shell scripts. Otherwise, only preconfigured connections are allowed. By default, this is not allowed for security reasons. SHELL_SCRIPTING - if true or 1, custom JavaScript shell scripts are allowed. By default, this is not allowed for security reasons. LOGINS - comma delimited list of aditional logins LOGINPASSWORD - password for specified login LOGINPERMISSIONS - list of comma separated permissions for given login. See also permission list below TOKEN_LIFETIME - lifetime of access token. After this time, logged user will be redirected to login page. Default is 1d (means 1 day). Possible are values like 3h (3 hours), 10m (10 minutes), 2d (2 days) SINGLE_CONNECTION - connection id. If defined, only this connection will be available (must be used with SINGLE_DATABASE) SINGLE_DATABASE - database name, only this database will be available. (must be used with SINGLE_CONNECTION) BASIC_AUTH - if true or 1 and LOGIN or LOGINS are defined, baseic authentization of both web and API is used. Otherwise, login form and JWT token base API authentization is used. Basic authentization cannot be used for active directory/LDAP authentization.

ddclient's Icon


Network Services

Ddclient( is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on Dynamic DNS Network Service Provider. It was originally written by Paul Burry and is now mostly by wimpunk. It has the capability to update more than just dyndns and it can fetch your WAN-ipaddress in a few different ways.

DDNet's Icon


Game Servers

This Docker will download and install a simple DDNet Dedicated server with a default autoexec.cfg preconfigured (the only thing that need to be changed is the Server Name and the RCON Password in the autoexec.cfg). DDNet is an actively maintained version of DDRace, a Teeworlds modification with a unique cooperative gameplay. Help each other play through custom maps with up to 64 players and much more... ATTENTION: Please don't delete the file named "installedv-..." in the main directory! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available and the container will download and install it.

Debian-APT-Mirror's Icon

This container will run apt-mirror and Apache2. This allows you to create a local apt mirror for Debian packages. On first run you will have to edit the mirror.list file that lives in your CONFIG_DIR which repositories you want to sync and other settings like how many threads to use for downloading,... Restart the container afterwards (keep an eye on the logs the container will tell you what to do). ATTENTION/WARNING: Keep in mind that the first sync can take very long depending on how much repositories you've selected (stable main contrib non-free: Will take about 200GB of hard drive space!). Update from the mirror files: By default a cron job will run every day at 01:00 which will update your mirror. Mirror address: The default address for the mirror is 'http://ipFROMtheCONTAINER:980' Add something like this to your '/etc/apt/sources.list': 'deb http://ipFROMtheCONTAINER:980/debian stable main contrib non-free'

Debian-Bookworm's Icon

This Container is a full Debian Bookworm Xfce4 Desktop environment with a noVNC webGUI and all the basic tools pre-installed. ROOT ACCESS: 1. Open up your WebGUI 2. Open up a terminal 3. Type in 'su' 4. Type in your password that you've set (no screenoutput is shown if you type in passwords in Linux) 5. Press Enter 6. You should now be root. If you want to install some other application you can do that by creating a and mounting it to the container to /opt/scripts/ (a standard bash script should do the trick). You also can reverse proxy this container with nginx or apache (for more info see the Github/Dockerhub page). Storage Note: All things that are saved in the container should be in the home or a subdirectory in your homefolder, all files that are store outside your homefolder are not persistant and will be wiped if there is an update of the container or you change something in the template.

deconz's Icon

This Docker image containerizes the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik, which controls a ZigBee network using a Conbee USB or RaspBee GPIO serial interface. This image runs deCONZ in "minimal" mode, for control of the ZigBee network via the WebUIs ("Wireless Light Control" and "Phoscon") and over the REST API and Websockets, and optionally runs a VNC server for viewing and interacting with the ZigBee mesh through the deCONZ UI. You must use a custom ip - network type custom br:0 - (alternatively use host and change webport) Advanced option clcik on show more settings

deCONZ-Community's Icon


Home Automation

This Docker image containerizes the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik, which controls a ZigBee network using a Conbee USB or RaspBee GPIO serial interface. This image runs deCONZ in "minimal" mode, for control of the ZigBee network via the WebUIs ("Wireless Light Control" and "Phoscon") and over the REST API and Websockets, and optionally runs a VNC server for viewing and interacting with the ZigBee mesh through the deCONZ UI. This template uses a custom ip - network type custom br:0 - (alternatively, you can use host and change the web ports) If you are migrating an existing marthoc/deconz install to deconzcommunity/deconz, Make sure you have the latest backup from the Phoscon. Enable advanced options to show more settings

Deduper's Icon



Deduper is a Python script bundled into a Docker container that automatically deletes any files with the same content, regardless of name. This is done based off of the SHA512 hash.

deepstack's Icon

Deepstack is an AI server that empowers every developer in the world to easily build state-of-the-art AI systems both on-premise and in the cloud. The promises of Artificial Intelligence are huge but becoming a machine learning engineer is hard. Build and deploy AI-powered applications with in-built and custom AI APIs, all offline and self-hosted. See and To use with home assistant see: and Old CPUs without AVX: If you are using an older CPU that doesn't support AVX (Warning: This version hasn't been updated in some time): 1. Add :noavx to the end of the Repository: field. 2. Should look like this: deepquestai/deepstack:noavx GPU: If you wish to use a NVIDIA GPU instead of your CPU: 1. Install Unraid Nvidia Plugin (available in the community apps store): 2. Add :gpu to the end of the Repository: field. Should look like this: deepquestai/deepstack:gpu 3. Add --runtime=nvidia to the Extra Parameters: field (to view this field switch to advanced view by clicking the toggle in the top right next to Basic View) . 4. Copy your GPU UUID to Nvidia Visible Devices:. (Can be found in the Nvidia Driver settings page under nVidia Info:). Should look something like this: GPU-1a2b3456-7890-1cd2-ea34-56b7c8de90a1 *I am not the creator or maintainer of this container I am merely providing the Unraid template.

deepstack-ui's Icon

UI for working with Deepstack. Allows uploading an image and performing object detection or face recognition with Deepstack. Also faces can be registered with Deepstack. The effect of various parameters can be explored, including filtering objects by confidence, type and location in the image. Created by robmarkcole. *I am not the creator or maintainer of this container I am merely providing the Unraid template.

deluge's Icon



Deluge( is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client. Full Encryption WebUI Plugin System Much more...

deluge-exporter's Icon


Tools / Utilities, Utilities

Prometheus exporter for the Deluge Bittorrent client. It is designed to use the Deluge Web API and to be lightweight.

DemonSaw-Client's Icon

DemonSaw-Client beta


Docker container to run a DemonSaw Client with web RDP access.

Dependency-Track-API-Server's Icon



API Server to be used with Dependency-Track Front-End Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. Dependency-Track takes a unique and highly beneficial approach by leveraging the capabilities of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). This approach provides capabilities that traditional Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solutions cannot achieve. For more details about Dependency-Track see the projects website at Please note this application is not lightweight and uses 8-12GB of ram to run

Dependency-Track-FrontEnd's Icon



Front end to be used with Dependency-Track API Server Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. Dependency-Track takes a unique and highly beneficial approach by leveraging the capabilities of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). This approach provides capabilities that traditional Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solutions cannot achieve. For more details about Dependency-Track see the projects website at Default Login username: admin password: admin

develancacheui_backend's Icon

Backend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Also add the DNS line if you errors in the container logs that it can't get the manifests due to a 401 unauthorized. Also use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!

develancacheui_frontend's Icon

Frontend Container for an UI for LANcache. Note: Use --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 as extra parameters if you get problems, when using IPv6. !!!backend and frontend containers MUST run in the same custom user bridge/custom user network!!!