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pihole's Icon

Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads This is a template for the official PiHole Docker Make sure that you use bridge mode and give PiHole it's own IP address. Also, if you set you router to give out the PiHole address to clients, make sure that you fix the unRaid servers dns to point to a real DNS Server. Please check for additioanl variables that you may need.

Pihole-DoT-DoH's Icon


Network ServicesOther, Security

Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads! Now with DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS! pihole.doh! Don't send your DNS queries in plain text. YOU MUST ASSIGN A STATIC IP TO THE DOCKER FOR PIHOLE TO WORK. You must set both DNS1 and DNS2 variables to (DoH) and/or (DoT). To use just DoH or just DoT, set both DNS1 and DNS2 to the same value. Otherwise, same instructions as official Pi-Hole. NOTE 1: Port 53 can only be used with custom br0/br1 network and a static IP address. NOTE 2: DNS lookup rarely ever works with ports other than 53 i.e. see note above about static IP. NOTE 3: UnRaid network settings DNS server cannot point to a docker IP. NOTE 4: This should be drop-in replacement for the now deprecated FLIPPINTURT Template.

Pihole-DoT-DoH's Icon


Network ServicesOther, Security

Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads! Now with DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS! pihole.doh! Don't send your DNS queries in plain text. YOU MUST ASSIGN A STATIC IP TO THE DOCKER FOR PIHOLE TO WORK. You must set both DNS1 and DNS2 variables to (DoH) and/or (DoT). To use just DoH or just DoT, set both DNS1 and DNS2 to the same value. Otherwise, same instructions as official Pi-Hole. NOTE 1: Port 53 can only be used with custom br0/br1 network and a static IP address. NOTE 2: DNS lookup rarely ever works with ports other than 53 i.e. see note above about static IP. NOTE 3: UnRaid network settings DNS server cannot point to a docker IP.

Pihole-DoT-DoH's Icon


Network ServicesOther, Security

Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads! Now with DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS! pihole.doh! Don't send your DNS queries in plain text. YOU MUST ASSIGN A STATIC IP TO THE DOCKER FOR PIHOLE TO WORK. You must set both DNS1 and DNS2 variables to (DoH) and/or (DoT). To use just DoH or just DoT, set both DNS1 and DNS2 to the same value. Otherwise, same instructions as official Pi-Hole. NOTE 1: Port 53 can only be used with custom br0/br1 network and a static IP address. NOTE 2: DNS lookup rarely ever works with ports other than 53 i.e. see note above about static IP. NOTE 3: UnRaid network settings DNS server cannot point to a docker IP.

pixelserv-tls's Icon


Other, Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

pixelserv-tls is a tiny bespoke HTTP/1.1 webserver with HTTPS and SNI support. It acts on behalf of hundreds of thousands of advert/tracker servers and responds to all requests with nothing to speed up web browsing. pixelserv-tls supports TLSv1.0, TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 and thus could operate with a wide range of browsers and client devices. Server certificates for any given advert/tracker domains are generated automatically on first use and saved to disk.

Plaxt's Icon

This Tools provides a way to keep your watched history synced FROM Plex Server To (IT will not do history prior to tool Installation) it uses WebHooks to Accomplish this so a PLEX PASS Subscription is needed to use WebHooks. has a build in tool for the same thingbut requires VIP Subscription to use it. GoPlaxt is free and doesn't require VIP subscription. Original Dev has stop development after added it to the VIP subscription, However the dev (XandarStrike) has stated he will continue to merge PR's to the project but will not answer if any issues arrise. This is the SELFHOSTED version of the same tool that dev (XandarStrike) offers freely on his server at Requirements: - Create a new API App on - Enable Scrobble and Check-in - Set Redirect URL to: - (keep in mind your Plaxt instance must be accessible to all the Plex servers you intend to play media from. ) - http://your-local-ip:8000/authorize - Set JavaScript (cors) origins to: - http://your-local-ip:8000 Make Note of CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET this are REQUIRED.

Pocketbase's Icon

Pocketbase beta


Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file Pocketbase docs: SDKs: Dart - JavaScript - On the first launch, navigate to the Web UI, which I have configured as the admin interface, and it will prompt you to create the first admin account. Admin UI: http:/{UnraidServerIP}/:{Port}/_/ API: http:/{UnraidServerIP}/:{Port}/api/

pocketbase's Icon



PocketBase - Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file

PostgreSQL_Alpine's Icon

|------------------------------------------------- | General Information |------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL, often simply "Postgres", is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance. As a database server, its primary function is to store data, securely and supporting best practices, and retrieve it later, as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). It can handle workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. Recent versions also provide replication of the database itself for security and scalability. PostgreSQL implements the majority of the SQL:2011 standard, is ACID-compliant and transactional (including most DDL statements) avoiding locking issues using multiversion concurrency control (MVCC), provides immunity to dirty reads and full serializability; handles complex SQL queries using many indexing methods that are not available in other databases; has updateable views and materialized views, triggers, foreign keys; supports functions and stored procedures, and other expandability, and has a large number of extensions written by third parties. In addition to the possibility of working with the major proprietary and open source databases, PostgreSQL supports migration from them, by its extensive standard SQL support and available migration tools. And if proprietary extensions had been used, by its extensibility that can emulate many through some built-in and third-party open source compatibility extensions, such as for Oracle.

quakejs's Icon



QuakeJS is a port of ioquake3 to JavaScript with the help of Emscripten.IMPORTANT Use Custom:br0 put Fixed IP address, then copy the ip and access it using you broswer DON'T USE BRIDGE I'M NOT RESPONSABLE FOR UNRAID CONFLICTING WITH PORT 80 FOR THIS DOCKER

quiz-game's Icon

Test your General Knowledge in different types of topics. This game is inspired on the show "who wants to be a millionaire?". You must answer correctly 15 questions to become a millionaire. Difficulty ascends as you progress in the game and questions and their categories are randomized each time you start a new match. At the end of your playthrough you can optionally register your score in the ranking, however only the top 10 results will be displayed

Rallly's Icon

Rallly is a tool for creating meeting polls. It’s designed to help you schedule meetings with groups of people. It’s free to use and you can create as many polls as you want. Authentication only works with configured SMTP settings as a code is sent to the email address. If you limit access, you should also limit the allowed email addresses, otherwise anyone can register. Examples: Reverse Proxy Configurations:

RavencoinP2P's Icon

The Ravencoin project is launched based on the hard work and continuous effort of over 400 Bitcoin developers who made over 14,000 commits over the life to date of the Bitcoin project. This is just p2p, without wallet or gui. Based on jlesage/baseimage:alpine-3.12

RavencoinWalletGUI's Icon


josywong's Repository


The Ravencoin project is launched based on the hard work and continuous effort of over 400 Bitcoin developers who made over 14,000 commits over the life to date of the Bitcoin project. The GUI of the application is accessed through a modern web browser (no installation or configuration needed on client side) or via any VNC client. Also, being based on jlesage/baseimage-gui:ubuntu 18.04.

Rickroll's Icon



Self-hosted Rickrolls. Image is based on Nginx stable alpine, and all the content is local to the container.

search-and-sort-movies's Icon



This application will allow you to sort films and series. It will clean up the names and move them to the folder you want. Ex: /be_sorted/movie_sam_2020_to$http://sAm.EN-01.mkv => /movies/movie-sam-2020.mkv /be_sorted/serie_S1_e12_qWerTy_aZerty.mKv => /series/fringe/season-1/fringe-S01-E12.mkv Choose your Volumes : /be_sorted /movies /series

serge's Icon



Serge - LLaMa made easy A chat interface based on llama.cpp for running Alpaca models. Entirely self-hosted, no API keys needed. Fits on 4GB of RAM (depending on model) and runs on the CPU. Models can be downloaded from within the interface. A note on memory usage: llama will just crash if you don't have enough available memory for your model. 7B requires about 4.5GB of free RAM 13B requires about 12GB free 30B requires about 20GB free New models are regularly being added, check the project page for notes and requirements

Sia's Icon

Sia is a decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology. The Sia Storage Platform leverages underutilized hard drive capacity around the world to create a data storage marketplace that is more reliable and lower cost than traditional cloud storage providers.

Sia-Daemon's Icon


Cloud, Other

Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform that radically alters the landscape of cloud storage. By leveraging smart contracts, client-side encryption, and sophisticated redundancy (via Reed-Solomon codes), Sia allows users to safely store their data with hosts that they do not know or trust. The result is a cloud storage marketplace where hosts compete to offer the best service at the lowest price. And since there is no barrier to entry for hosts, anyone with spare storage capacity can join the network and start making money.

SillyTavern's Icon



Anything but localhost is blocked by default To allow more than one connection other than locahost: 1. rightclick on SillyTavern and open console (not unraid console) 2. type vi config.yaml to edit the config file 3. press insert and add your IP to the whitelist 4. press esc then type :wq 5. restart the container