Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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Moderators ensure that apps listed in the store offer a safe, compatible, and consistent experience. 

joal's Icon

JOAL is not designed to help or encourage you downloading illegal materials ! You must respect the law applicable in your country. I couldn't be held responsible for illegal activities performed by your usage of JOAL. How to access to WebUI : Once joal is started head to: http://IP:PORT/SECRET_OBFUSCATION_PATH/ui/. SECRET_OBFUSCATION_PATH has default value : "joaleeS8efie". This must contains only alphanumeric characters (no slash, backslash, or any other non-alphanum char)

kapowarr's Icon

Kapowarr allows you to build a digital library of comics. You can add volumes, map them to a folder and start managing! Download issues of the volume (or TPB's), rename them and move them. The whole process is automised and is all customisable in the settings.

Lancache's Icon


Downloaders, Other

This docker container provides a caching proxy server for game download content. For any network with more than one PC gamer in connected this will drastically reduce internet bandwidth consumption.

LANCache-Prefill's Icon


Downloaders, Other

This container will download and install BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill and run the prefill on a cron schedule. Network: It is recommended to run this container in the same network mode as the LANCache-DNS if used, by default it is set to br0 please change that if you have your LANCache server configured to work network wide on your LAN to the correct network type for your configuration. DNS: I would strongly recommend that you set the DNS manually to the LANCache-DNS if you haven't it configured to be network wide on your LAN, to do that turn on the advanced view (toggle switch in the top right corner) and at the extra parameters append: --dns=yourLANcacheSERVER (of course replace 'yourLANcacheSERVER' with the address of your LANCache-DNS). Update Notice: The container will check by default on each start/restart on new updates for BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill, this can be disabled if really wanted. BattleNet|Epic|Steam Prefill Notice: Steam Prefill needs to be configured to work properly, please enter the following commands and/or follow the prompts afterwards, you can close the window when you are finished: 1. Open up a container console 2. Type in 'su ${USER}' and press ENTER 3. Type in 'cd ${DATA_DIR}/(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill' and press ENTER 4. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 5. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 6. Enter your credentials and/or follow the steps displayed 7. Select the apps you want to prefill and press ENTER 8. Done Notice: In the above example you have to choose between BattleNet, Epic or Steam so that it says BattleNetPrefill, EpicPrefill or SteamPrefill instead of (BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill. (these stepps are also displayed in the container log when BatteNet/Epic/Steam isn't/aren't configured yet) If you ever want to change the apps you've selected then follow these steps again.

Lidarr's Icon



Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stabel and nightly version - keep in mind that switching from a stable to a nightly version and vice versa can break the container). MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '' (without quotes) - you can also change it to 'latest' or 'nightly' like described above. ATTENTION: Don't change the port in the Lidarr config itself. MIGRATION: If you are migrating from another Container please be sure to deltete the files/folders 'logs' and 'config.xml', don't forget to change the root folder for your music and select 'No, I'll Move the Files Myself'! WARNING: The main configuration of the paths has a performance and disk usage impact: slow, I/O intensive moves and wasted disk space. For a detailed guide to change that see .

lidarr's Icon

Lidarr( is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.

Liquid-dl's Icon

Liquid-dl is a simple tool for utlities such as FFMPEG, youtube-dl, and scdl. It provides a simple framework with simple point and click options allowing users to just click on what they need and use the bare minimum commands to get the results needed.

ManjaroMirror's Icon

Docker container which mirrors manjaro packages and serves them via nginx This image is based on the alpine image and uses rsync to synchronize the packages and nginx to deliver them. Manjaro has provided a list of Rsync-capable mirrors at, which synchronize from the official Manjaro server. It's best to choose the one closest to you. Region URI Asia / Japan rsync:// Europe / Germany rsync:// Europe / Sweden rsync:// Europe / Italy rsync:// Europe / United Kingdom rsync:// RU / Russian Federation rsync://

medusa's Icon

Medusa( is an automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.

MyJDownloader's Icon



This image allows you to have JDownloader 2 easily installed and controlled via, thanks to Docker. No cluncky and rusty VNC sessions here!

mylar3's Icon

Mylar3( is an automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with NZB and torrents written in python. It supports SABnzbd, NZBGET, and many torrent clients in addition to DDL.

nicotine-plus's Icon



Nicotine plus running in KasmVNC based off of linuxserver's KASMVNC docker image.

nzbget's Icon



WireGuard VPN, Privoxy and Unbound built-in! This thing is great when it comes to downloading. Download all the usenet!

nzbget-ng's Icon



NZBGet is a binary downloader, which downloads files from Usenet based on information provided by nzb-files. NZBGet is written in C++ and is known for its performance and efficiency. NZBGet can run on almost any device - classic PC, NAS, media player, SAT-receiver, WLAN-router, etc. The download area provides precompiled binaries for Windows, macOS, Linux (compatible with many CPUs and platform variants), FreeBSD and Android. For other platforms the program can be compiled from sources. This is a summary. For full documentation, please visit the NZBGet-NG home page at:

nzbgetvpn's Icon

NZBGet is a cross-platform binary newsgrabber for nzb files, written in C++. It supports client/server mode, automatic par-check/-repair, web-interface, command-line interface, etc. NZBGet requires low system resources and runs great on routers, NAS-devices and media players. This Docker includes OpenVPN to ensure a secure and private connection to the Internet

nzbhydra2's Icon

WireGuard VPN, Privoxy and Unbound built-in! Statistics app for usenet indexers iirc. Wait, no, "Usenet meta search" said Google search.

NZBHydra2's Icon

NZBHydra 2 is a meta search for newznab indexers and torznab trackers. It provides easy access to newznab indexers and many torznab trackers via Jackett. You can search all your indexers and trackers from one place and use it as an indexer source for tools like Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr or CouchPotato. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available. MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '3.4.3' (without quotes).

nzbhydra2's Icon

Nzbhydra2( is a meta search application for NZB indexers, the "spiritual successor" to NZBmegasearcH, and an evolution of the original application NZBHydra( It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers.

offcloudbrid's Icon


Downloaders blackhole downloader Works with nzbs, torrents and magnet files. Simply put such a file into the blackhole directory and the downloaded file will eventually appear in the download directory. The files will be downloaded from the torrent and usenet networks by and then downloaded to your NAS from the website. This should be useful if you have limited bandwidth or if you're concerned about your privacy. Works with sonarr and radarr and probably most other arr programs. This version also supports categories in form of folders. If you have an issue with this program please contact me on github by opening an issue there. You will need an account for this to work but you can sign up there for free and enjoy a free allowance of traffic. I am not associated with in any way and do not speak for them. I can offer you no warranties of any kind.

ombi's Icon

Ombi( allows you to host your own Plex Request and user management system. If you are sharing your Plex server with other users, allow them to request new content using an easy to manage interface! Manage all your requests for Movies and TV with ease, leave notes for the user and get notification when a user requests something. Allow your users to post issues against their requests so you know there is a problem with the audio etc. Even automatically send them weekly newsletters of new content that has been added to your Plex server!

OpenVPN-HyDeSa's Icon


Downloaders, Security

OpenVPN Client with integrated (NZB)Hydra2-Deluge-Sabnzbd (and HTTP + SOCKS5 proxies). Now with a Web GUI quick launch. High-level instructions: (1) Create an appdata folder in host and create a openvpn subfolder. (2) Copy your OpenVPN configuration to the above openvpn subfolder (must include openvpn.ovpn + credentials + certs). (3) Don't forget to map /data in the docker to the host (you can map the parent or individual subfolders depending on needs). (4) Start docker (other apps should configure themselves on first run). DON'T FORGET THE OVPN FILE!!! Default password for deluge is deluge Set DNS_SERVERS to to use DNS-over-TLS (use google and cloudflare services by default). Your DNS query out of the VPN exit will also be encrypted for even more security. Set it to other services IP's will use normal unencrypted services. Set HOST_NETWORK to your Unraid server network in CIDR format e.g. For more detailed instructions, refer to the support thread ( or project page (

OpenVPN-HyRoSa's Icon


Downloaders, Security

OpenVPN Client with integrated (NZB)Hydra2-RTorrent (Flood GUI)-Sabnzbd (and HTTP + SOCKS5 proxies). Now with a Web GUI quick launch. High-level instructions: (1) Create an appdata folder in host and create a openvpn subfolder. (2) Copy your OpenVPN configuration to the above openvpn subfolder (must include openvpn.ovpn + credentials + certs). (3) Don't forget to map /data in the docker to the host (you can map the parent or individual subfolders depending on needs). (4) Start docker (other apps should configure themselves on first run). DON'T FORGET THE OVPN FILE!!! Default login to flood is admin/flood Set DNS_SERVERS to to use DNS-over-TLS (use google and cloudflare services by default). Your DNS query out of the VPN exit will also be encrypted for even more security. Set it to other services IP's will use normal unencrypted services. Set HOST_NETWORK to your Unraid server network in CIDR format e.g. For more detailed instructions, refer to the support thread ( or project page (