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Monitor and act on your consumed data volume utilizing vnStat: dashboards, notifications, start/stop Dockers, disconnect/reconnect VMs and custom scripting.
A very simple Debian-based container packed with useful network troubleshooting tools.
The following packages are included: bash, curl, iputils-ping, iperf, iproute2, procps, python3, pythin3-pip, net-tools, vnstat, mtr, tcptraceroute, openssh-client, openssl, tcpdump, dnsutils, wget gnupg, mosquitto-clients, and speedtest-cli. Also included is cloudflarepycli, an excellent utility for running Cloudflare speedtests.
Please feel free to send suggestions or additional package ideas that will make this more useful.
vnStat is a network traffic monitor that uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources regardless of network traffic rate.
By default, traffic statistics are stored on a five minute level for the last 48 hours, on a hourly level for the last 4 days, on a daily level for the last 2 full months and on a yearly level forever. The data retention durations are fully user configurable. Total seen traffic and a top days listing is also provided.
See the official webpage or the GitHub repository for additional details and output examples. An example of the included image output is also available.