Community Apps

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auto-m4b's Icon

auto-m4b is a docker container that will watch a folder for new books, auto convert mp3 books to chapterized m4b, and move all m4b books to a specific output folder. This output folder is where the audible plugin will look for audiobooks and use the audible api to perfectly tag and organize your books. See: TLDR: watches a /recentlyadded folder, all multifile m4b/mp3/m4a/ogg books will be converted to a chapterized m4b and saved to an /untagged folder Github: Dockerhub: Limitations: - The chapters are based on the mp3 tracks. A single mp3 file will become a single m4b with 1 chapter, also if the mp3 filenames are garbarge then your m4b chapternames will be terrible as well. See section on Chapters for how to manually adjust. - Right now book folders with nested subfolders will be moved to a /fix folder for manual filename/folder fixing. It should be possible to modify the script to automatically prefix the subfoldername and move the files up a level, let me know if you know how to do this. - The conversion process actually strips some tags and covers from the files, which is why you need to use a tagger (mp3tag or before adding to Plex.

dizquetv's Icon

dizqueTV is a Plex DVR plugin. It allows you to host your own fake live tv service by dynamically streaming media from your Plex servers(s). Your channels and settings are all managed through the dizqueTV Web UI. dizqueTV will show up as a HDHomeRun device within Plex. When configuring your Plex Tuner, simply use the generatered ./.dizquetv/xmltv.xml file for EPG data. dizqueTV will automatically refresh your Plex server's EPG data and channel mappings (if specified to do so in settings) when configuring channels via the Web UI. Ensure your FFMPEG path is set correctly via the Web UI, and enjoy!

ImageMaid's Icon

ImageMaid is a script developed by the Kometa team. This tool is designed to help manage and clean up Plex directories by removing unused overlays, custom artwork, and clearing the PhotoTranscoder Directory. It also automates Plex maintenance tasks like emptying trash, cleaning bundles, and optimizing the database.

Kitana's Icon

Kitana exposes your Plex plugin interfaces "to the outside world". It does that by authenticating against Plex.TV, then connecting to the Plex Media Server you tell it to, and essentially proxying the plugin UI. It has full PMS connection awareness and allows you to connect locally, remotely, or even via relay. To set the baseurl for this application, open advanced view, and add -p /kitana -P to the "Post Arguments"

Kometa's Icon

Kometa is an open source Python 3 project that has been designed to ease the creation and maintenance of metadata, collections, and playlists within a Plex Media Server. The script is designed to be run continuously and be able to update information based on sources outside your plex environment. Kometa supports Movie/TV/Music libraries and Playlists. Unraid Setup Guide:

Kometa-Overlay-Reset's Icon


Tools / UtilitiesUtilities

Kometa Overlay Reset is a Python tool created to remove all overlays applied to a Plex library by Kometa, using methods that are not available within Kometa itself. It's typically needed when the original backup posters used by Kometa to remove overlays have been lost.

Maintainerr's Icon

Maintainerr makes managing your media easy. Create custom rules with parameters across different services, show matching media on the Plex home screen for a given amount of days and handle the deletion.

mecon's Icon

Media Reconciler, or simply mecon, is a cross-platform command line tool which reconciles media within a directory with media in a Plex library. For a given directory of files, it answers simple questions such as: Which ones have failed to have been added to a Plex library? Which ones exist in a Plex library? Which ones have been watched by all users? Which ones have been watched by a sub-set of users? For full documentation see

MovieMatch's Icon

This is an app that helps you and your friends pick a movie to watch from a Plex server. MovieMatch connects to your Plex server and gets a list of movies (from any libraries marked as a movie library). As many people as you want connect to your MovieMatch server and get a list of shuffled movies. If two (or more) people swipe right on the same movie, it'll show up in everyone's matches. The movies that the most people swiped right on will show up first.

OliveTin's Icon

Safely give access to commands, for less technical people; eg: Give your family a button to podman restart plex eg: Give junior admins a simple web form with dropdowns, to start your custom script. --folder {{ customerName }} eg: Enable SSH access to the server for the next 20 mins firewall-cmd --add-service ssh --timeout 20m Simplify complex commands, make them accessible and repeatable; eg: Expose complex commands on touchscreen tablets stuck on walls around your house. wake-on-lan aa:bb:cc:11:22:33 eg: Run long running on your servers from your cell phone. dnf update -y eg: Define complex commands with lots of preset arguments, and turn a few arguments into dropdown select boxes. docker rm {{ container }} && docker create {{ container }} && docker start {{ container }}

ombi's Icon

Ombi( allows you to host your own Plex Request and user management system. If you are sharing your Plex server with other users, allow them to request new content using an easy to manage interface! Manage all your requests for Movies and TV with ease, leave notes for the user and get notification when a user requests something. Allow your users to post issues against their requests so you know there is a problem with the audio etc. Even automatically send them weekly newsletters of new content that has been added to your Plex server!

Plex-Auto-Languages's Icon

Plex Auto Languages enhances your Plex experience by automatically updating the audio and subtitle settings of TV shows based on your preferences. Similar to Netflix, it remembers your language preferences for each TV show without interfering with your global settings or other users preferences.

plex-utills's Icon

A utility to help manage your library. Options include adding 4k banners and HDR banners to your poster art automactically, auto collections for Disney and Pixar Studios and hiding/auto optimising media files where there is only a 4k version available.