Easily donate to your favorite Community Dev/Content Creator here!

***Case Badge Update Jan 29, 2021 @ 12:15 PST***
Due to an amazing and overwhelming Unraid Community response, all of the Unraid case badges are spoken for. I encourage you all to continue donating to your favorite Unraid Community Dev/Content Creator and I will order more case badges and do this again SOON™.
Thank you all!
-Spencer J
Amidst a recent house move, a cache of Unraid case badges was found. These things need new homes.
Want one?
What better way to get your hands on one of these limited-edition, not for sale, 2mm polyurethane domed case badges than to support one of your favorite Unraid Community Developers or Content Creators with a donation?
With the most recent Community Applications update, there is now an easy way to find repositories from your favorite Community Devs.
Browse Community Apps from Anywhere
We also recently brought access to CA out of the OS and made all of the apps, plugins, and containers searchable right here on the website!
Yes, Yes, but Case Badge = How?
If you would like to receive a case badge, please support your favorite community dev(s) or content creator(s) with a donation (minimum suggested donation: $10). Then, email Spencer with a screenshot of your donation and a good mailing address and he will hook you up!
To make things super easy, here is an alphabetical list of Community Devs and Content Creators that have easily found donate buttons.
If you are a Community Developer or Content Creator that is not on this list and you would like to be included, email here.
Community Developers
agusalex's Repository: | Andrew207's Repository | ArieDed's Repository |
BGameiro's Repository | Binhex's Repository | brettm357's Repository |
BoKKeR's Repository | capt.asic's Repository | cheesemarathon's Repository |
CorneliousJD's Repo | d8ahazard's Repository | d8sychain's Repository |
dee31797's Repository | Djoss's Repository | dlandon's Repository |
dmacias' Repository | dorgan's Repository | dsmith44's Repository |
ElectricBrainUK's Repository | falconexe's Repository | fithwum's Repository |
Flight777's Repository | FlippinTurt's Repository | ganey's Repository |
Glassed Silver's Repository
| hotio's Repository
| ich777's Repository
itimpi's Repository | Jidovu Marius Adrian's Repository Donate | Josh.5's Repository
josywong's Repository | JTok's Repository | kiowa2005's Repository |
knex666's Repository Donate | Knoxie89's Repository | Kru-X's Repository |
linuxserver's Repository | mdarkness1988's Repository | mearman's Repository |
mgutt's Repository | mlebjerg's Repository | olehj's Repository |
openspeedtest's Repository | Organizr Repository | peter_sm's Repository |
randomninjaatk's Repository | raz's Repository | |
rix's Repository | sdub's Repository | Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository |
SimonF's Repository | Siwat2545's Repository | Skitals Repository |
SlrG's Repository | snoopy86's Repository | Squid's Repository |
Sycotix' Repository | Taddeusz' Repository | Tautulli's Repository |
TQ's Repository
| uberchuckie's Repository
| ulisses1478's Repository
vinid223's Repository | Womabre's Repository | xthursdayx's Repository Donate |
Unraid Content Creators
Donate Away!
If you are an Unraid Community Developer or Content Creator that is not on ^this list^ and would like to be...