Community Apps

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deconz's Icon

This Docker image containerizes the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik, which controls a ZigBee network using a Conbee USB or RaspBee GPIO serial interface. This image runs deCONZ in "minimal" mode, for control of the ZigBee network via the WebUIs ("Wireless Light Control" and "Phoscon") and over the REST API and Websockets, and optionally runs a VNC server for viewing and interacting with the ZigBee mesh through the deCONZ UI. You must use a custom ip - network type custom br:0 - (alternatively use host and change webport) Advanced option clcik on show more settings

explainshell's Icon

Not everyone, especially people new to Linux and Unraid, know what a command that they type i will actually do. Explainshell is here to help with that. Copy and paste a command into its searchbox then hit explain It will breakdown and display what each part of a Linux command means and does.

macinabox's Icon

Downloads and installs a macOS VM. Either Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave or High Sierra. It will download the install media from Apple servers and convert it to a usable format for use for a VM. It can fully autoinstall a macOS VM on the server. Also it can prepare all files ready for a manual install if you prefer. Tools are also provided to fix the xml when the custom xml has been stripped out of the VM after its been edited by the Unraid VM manager. Usage Operating System Version: Choose version from below Big Sur (default) Monterey Catalina Mojave High Sierra VM Images Location: Location of your vm share ( default /mnt/user/domains/ ) Install Type: Auto install # (This will download MacOS and install needed files into your VM location.) Manual- install # (This will download MacOS and put all needed files into correct place ready for easy manual install.) Vdisk size : The size you want your vdisk to be created Vdisk type: Set vdisk type raw or qcow2 Opencore stock or custom: Select the defualt Opencore in Macinabox or use one added in macinabox appdata in the folder custom_opencore Delete and replace Opencore: Select No or Yes to delete your vms opencore image and replace with fresh one. Override defualt NIC type: Default No - Override the default nic type in the vm going to be installed. VM Images Location: You only need to change if your VM images are not in the default location /mnt/user/domains VM Images Location AGAIN: Only needs changing if you changed the above. Location must match the above. Isos Share Location: This is where macinabox will put install media and Opencore bootloader Isos Share Location AGAIN: You only need to change if your ISO images are not in the default location /mnt/user/isos appdata location: If you change this you will need to do the same in the macinabox help user script

shinobipro's Icon

Default tag is spaceinvaderone/shinobi_pro_unraid:latest but this can be changed to :nvidia To use your Nvidia GPU for encoding 1. Use the Nvidia Unraid build of Unraid 2. Set the repository tag to :nvidia ( spaceinvaderone/shinobi_pro_unraid:latest ) 3. Under Extra Parameters: add --runtime=nvidia 4. Set template field Nvidia build only -- Driver capabilities: to all 5. Set template field Nvidia build only -- GPU ID: to your GPU id from the nvida unraid plugin Shinobi is the Open Source CCTV Solution written in Node.JS. Designed with multiple account system, Streams by WebSocket, and Save to WebM. Shinobi can record IP Cameras and Local Cameras. Features Time-lapse Viewer (Watch a hours worth of footage in a few minutes) 2-Factor Authentication Defeats stream limit imposed by browsers With Base64 (Stream Type) and JPEG Mode (Option) Records IP Cameras and Local Cameras Streams by WebSocket, HLS (includes audio), and MJPEG Save to WebM and MP4 Can save Audio Push Events - When a video is finished it will appear in the dashboard without a refresh Region Motion Detection (Similar to ZoneMinder Zone Detection) Represented by a Motion Guage on each monitor "No Motion" Notifications 1 Process for Each Camera to do both, Recording and Streaming Timeline for viewing Motion Events and Videos Sub-Accounts with permissions Monitor Viewing Monitor Editing Video Deleting Separate API keys for sub account Cron Filters can be set based on master account Stream Analyzer built-in (FFprobe GUI) Monitor Groups Can snapshot images from stream directly Lower Bandwith Mode (JPEG Mode) Snapshot (cgi-bin) must be enabled in Monitor Settings Control Cameras from Interface API Get videos Get monitors Change monitor modes : Disabled, Watch, Record Embedding streams Dashboard Framework made with Google Material Design Lite, jQuery, and Bootstrap

vm_custom_icons's Icon

Downloads and installs additional custom VM icons to the Unraid VM Manager. After install Container should be set to auto start. Usage Basic settings 1. Choose which custom icons you want to be installed from the drop downs. 2. Choose wether you want to keep the existing stock vm icons (recommended to keep) 3. Set wether all icons are redownloaded when container starts. Setting this as yes will clear all vm icons then redownload all choosen icons from github repo. Setting to yes will on every start download any new icons in selected sections. (This is also useful if you deceide you no longer want a choosen section of icons anymore) If your server has a beep speaker you can enable a tune to be played each time icons are synced! Advanced settings (under show more settings) 1. You can set how long the container should wait before exiting after syncing icons (default 30 seconds) Other options dont change