Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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elasticsearch's Icon

Elasticsearch with instructions for installation on unraid. Default Elasticsearch version is 6.6.2 To change version simply edit the version tag in the repository field to an available version on dockerhub. This template not tested on alpine images. Directions below MUST be used in order to get Elasticsearch 5 and above working correctly. Check support thread for more information. Directions: 1. Install CA User Scripts 2. Create a new script named vm.max_map_count 3. Contents of script as follows: #!/bin/bash sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 4. Set script schedule to At Startup of Array

fr24feed-piaware's Icon

All-in-one image for feeding FlightRadar24/FlightAware ADS-B/MLAT data with an RTL-SDR device and local web server for displaying aircraft positions on a map. Docker contains:  * Piaware (Flightaware ADS-B and MLAT ground station software/feed)  * fr24feed (FlightRadar24 ADS-B software feed)  * Dump1090 for receiving and parsing data to the above software  * Simple HTTP Server to display received data (aircraft positions/track) on a real-time map Installation Follow the directions on the github README (Project Page link on unraid) with the provided Config entries in this template. See the support thread for more info. Usage If the container starts without error you can verify RTL-SDR is in use and feeds are working by checking the container log. Use the WebUI button to see the map;

ozwdaemon's Icon

Container for running the OpenZWave MQTT Adapter (for Home Assistant via the new Z-Wave Integration) You will need a running MQTT instance and a z-wave controller in order to use this container. For more information see: Or visit the unraid forum support thread for more configuration/info

pgadmin4's Icon

pgAdmin 4 is a web based administration tool for the PostgreSQL database. This is the official image provided by pgadmin. **REQUIRED Initial Setup** The Config directory mapped to appdata requires specific ownership by the non-root user pgadmin (inside the container). * Either create the folder mapped to Config in appdata before starting this container or wait for it be created on container startup. * Then open unraid cli and change ownership for the directory to 5050:5050 with the following command chown -R 5050:5050 /mnt/user/appdata/pgadmin4 Restart the container to continue setup. More information on the mapped directory and other container options can be found here:

pinry's Icon

A tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format. Basically self-hosted Pinterest. Project includes a chrome/firefox extension bookmarklet.

shinysdr's Icon

Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins. This docker includes additional plugins courtesy of the maintainer: * python-libhamlib2 -- Controlling external hardware radios * gr-air-modes -- ADS-B, aircraft transponders A config file -- -- in the Config path host directory is necessary in order to run this container Create one using the instructions below or bring your own ;) Creating New Config File: 1. Switch to Advanced View in the template and add the following to Post Arguments --init start /config/myConfig 2. Make sure you have the Config path mapped in your template 3. Apply changes and start the container 4. Edit the container  4a. Remove the contents of Post Arguments  4b. Set Config mapping to the subfolder created in Step 1 5. Apply changes Note: You MUST remove the Post Arguments command on next start or the container will stop on error b/c it will not overwrite an existing config file. The URL for the container is suffixed with the value of root_cap from EX http://yourIP:port/rootCapValue To access the container at the URL without the suffix set root_cap=None in

statping's Icon

An easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page.

whoogle-search's Icon

Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Also includes a dark mode. Refer to the project page for additional configuration and usage