Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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DSMRReader's Icon

<b>DSMR protocol reader for smart energy meters. Stores data reads and visualizes energy use.</b> </br> </br> UNRAID template that JUST WORKS, brought to you by Flight777! </br> </br> IMPORTANT 1 --> Next to this container, you will have to install a PostgreSQL container from the APPS, any version 11 or 12 will do. DB name: dsmrreader DB user: dsmrreader DB password: dsmrreader </br> </br> IMPORTANT 2 By default this container is set-up as RECEIVER (see DATALOGGER MODE), meaning that the DSMR P1 input is received on another machine with an instance of DSMR READER running and the internal datalogger on this instance is disabled. After running this container, you will need to set-up the SENDER with the right API, please see: </br> </br> If you UNRAID machine has a direct P1 input, then change this value to STANDALONE and configure: </br> </br> DATALOGGER INPUT METHOD=serial DATALOGGER_SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 DATALOGGER_SERIAL_BAUDRATE=115200 and set your device to the right USB path </br> </br> <b>IMPORTANT 3</b> The DATALOGGER SLEEP TIME has been set to 10 seconds, instead of 1, to save you some DB writes. 6 readings per minute should still give you data enough ;)

Shadowsocks's Icon

A secure SOCKS5 proxy. Shadowsocks is a free and open-source encryption protocol project, widely used in China to circumvent Internet censorship. It was created in 2012 by a Chinese programmer named "clowwindy", and multiple implementations of the protocol have been made available since. Can be used with any SOCKS or Shadowsocks client. Can be seen as a alternative, hard to detect, VPN as well. UNRAID template that JUST WORKS, brought to you by Flight777! Container does not have a WEBUI, as it's very lightweight and all settings are set by the variables. Check the logs to verify it is running correctly