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Docker-WebUI's Icon

Hello to all of you,   I made a small application that lists the docker containers that have a WebUI link. Please also support me of this beautiful project through a PayPal donation. Environment variables: - CIRCLE: - yes : the background will have colored circles - empty : no colored circles HOST : (ex : - this variable allows you to put a DNS / DynDNS. This allows you to connect to this page outside your local network. - empty : the address to access it will remain the local address UNRAID_IP : - if you have added a HOST, all your IP addresses will have your DNS / DynDNS even containers with another IP address. Enter your local IP address so different containers will keep their different address without it being replaced. - empty : the address to access it will remain the local address TITLE : - This one allows you to change the title of the HTML page in the tab of your browser. - empty: Docker WebUI A few things that are essential for this application to work properly:   - Do not change the name of the application (Docker-WebUI). I have omitted the list with this name. If you change it then you will see it listed.   - container: /data, host: /var/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager   Add a folder share for configuration. Inside, a file (subdomains.yml) will store the subdomains you will change in the application. - container: /config, host: /mnt/user/docker/Docker-WebUI/config Have fun.