Community Apps

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

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Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

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adminer's Icon

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Adminer is available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB. Go to for themes Plugins:

Cloudflare-DDNS's Icon

This small Alpine Linux based Docker image will allow you to use the free CloudFlare DNS Service as a Dynamic DNS Provider (DDNS). Variable:EMAIL: Your Cloudflare email. Variable:API_KEY: A Zone-DNS API Key to be created on the following page: Variable:ZONE: Your domain name. e.g. Variable:SUBDOMAIN: Your subdomain. e.g. (Only enter subdomain name, not entire address!) Variable:PROXIED: Set this to true if the domain is using the Cloudflare proxy (CDN). Defaults to false Variable:RRTYPE: Set to AAAA to use set IPv6 records instead of IPv4 records. Defaults to A for IPv4 records. NOTE: AAAA: You will also need to run docker with IPv6 support, or run the container with host networking enabled.

Duplicacy's Icon

Web GUI for Duplicacy. Duplicacy backs up your files to many cloud storages with client-side encryption and the highest level of deduplication Note: - It's imporatant to pass hostname (Advanced View > Extra Parameters > --hostname=), as duplicacy license is requested based on hostname and machine-id provided by dbus. - Machine-id will be persisted in the /config directory. - Default hostname set to 'duplicacy-unraid'. - If you want to backup the unRAID FLASH drive then you will have to run Duplicacy as root i.e. USR_ID=0 and GRP_ID=0 - /config -- is where configuration data will be stored. Should be backed up. - /logs -- logs will go there. - /cache -- transient and temporary files will be stored here. Can be safely deleted. - Readme:

graylog's Icon

Official Graylog Docker image. For more variables see the Graylog configuration file: and The default root user is named 'admin' To create the SHA256 string run 'echo -n YOUR16CHARACTERPASSWORD | sha256sum'

Kitana's Icon

Kitana exposes your Plex plugin interfaces "to the outside world". It does that by authenticating against Plex.TV, then connecting to the Plex Media Server you tell it to, and essentially proxying the plugin UI. It has full PMS connection awareness and allows you to connect locally, remotely, or even via relay. To set the baseurl for this application, open advanced view, and add -p /kitana -P to the "Post Arguments"

lemur-cfssl's Icon

Lemur manages TLS certificate creation. While not able to issue certificates itself, Lemur acts as a broker between CAs and environments providing a central portal for developers to issue TLS certificates with 'sane' defaults. CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates.

openldap's Icon

A docker image to run OpenLDAP, The container default log level is info. Available levels are: none, error, warning, info, debug and trace. To use this container with phpldapadmin, create a custom network that both containers are on and then link them using --link openldap:PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS in the extra parameters of the phpldapadmin docker container (which should be equal to HOSTNAME in this container). Any other docker that wants to use LDAP credentials will need the same extra parameter including Let's Encrypt if you are using's ldap-auth container.

phpldapadmin's Icon

A docker image to run phpldapadmin. It provides a user interface to an openldap database. It must be on the same custom network as openldap and must be linked via --link openldap:PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS e.g. --link An example config.php can be found here:

Rebuild-DNDC's Icon

Rebuild Docker Network Dependent Containers, e.g. Monitor a VPN or any container and rebuild dependent containers using the VPN container network stack --net=container:vpn_cotnainer_name. RDNDC will monitor the master/vpn container during updates, restarts and after server boot. Please refer to the readme before deploying this container:

rss-bridge's Icon

RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alone application in CLI mode. BEFORE installing, place a copy of the default whitelist.txt from in your appdata call the file whitelist.txt, as instructed from their wiki

UniFi-Poller's Icon

Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Device and Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus. Visualize with Grafana using included dashboards IMPORTAT! ACTION REQUIRED As of UniFi Poller version 2 all of the environment variables and config file format changed. You must reconfigure this container after you upgrade READ THE INSTRUCTIONS

unpackerr's Icon

RAR download extractor for Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr! Mount /downloads on all 3 or 4 containers to the same path on your host. This application will automatically poll all of the apps (Lidarr, Sonarr, Radarr) to check for downloads. When a completed download contains a rar file, this application will extract the file and move the extracted contents back into the download location. Files will be extracted recursively in an attempt to get all subtitles. If you don't use one of Lidarr, Sonarr or Radarr, simply empty those two fields for that app and it wont be polled. If you put all your containers on the same custom bridge you may not need to expose any ports, and you can use DNS to reach other containers. It's a very convenient configuration!