Keeps folder information in memory to prevent unnecessary disk spin up. Dynamix builds a GUI front-end to allow entering of parameters for the cache_dirs script which is running in the background.
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This plugin enhances the built-in Syslog page to view the system log with highlighted lines. You can enable or disable event highlighting and set your own colors for each event. You can add your own search string to highlight in the log.
This plugin displays recent write/modify file activity on each disk, UD disks, and the cache in the Array. It can help to understand why disks are spinning up from write/modify file and directory activity.
A Plugin for Hot-plugging USB Devices to Running VMs. Libvirt Hotplug USB allows mounting of USB Devices (e.g. Keyboard, Mouse, iPhone, FlashDrive, etc) on running VMs. It uses virsh to attach the Devices which avoids Conflicts between different VMs.
This plugin shows any open files on the array that might prevent a clean shutdown. The plugin web page is installed in 'Tools'. You can stop all array processes on the open files web page and troubleshoot shutdown problems. After you stop all array processes, you will see what processes are still holding files open on the array preventing a shutdown.
Tips and Tweaks gives you tips on issues in certain versions of Unraid and lets you make some adjustments to Ethernet NIC(s), disk cache settings, and CPU scaling governors that can potentially help with performance and latency issues.
Unassigned Devices is used to mount and share non-array disks, remote SMB or NFS shares, and iso files.
Enables support in the Unassigned Devices Plugin for HFS+, exFAT, and apfs disk formats, and to enable destructive mode.
Unassigned Devices Preclear is used to exercise and clear disks and prepare them for adding to the array.