Community Apps

Browse our large and growing catalog of applications to run in your Unraid server. 

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All the applications you love—built and maintained by a community member who understands what you need on Unraid. Love a particular app or plugin? Donate directly to the developer to support their work.

Created by a Legend

Andrew (aka Squid) has worked tirelessly to build and enhance the experience of Community Apps for users like you.

Moderated and Vetted

Moderators ensure that apps listed in the store offer a safe, compatible, and consistent experience. 

Appdata Cleanup's Icon

Community Applications' Cleanup Appdata will scan your appdata share to determine which folders are no longer in use (from uninstalled docker applications) and allow you to delete them easily to free up hard disk space

Application Categorizer

Squid's Repository

Other, Plugins

This plugin is for application developers ONLY. It will create the category entries for application templates so that Community Applications can display the apps correctly. (Either docker apps or plugins)

Application Categorizer

Andrew Zawadzki

Other, Plugins

This plugin is for application developers ONLY. It will create the category entries for application templates so that Community Applications can display the apps correctly. (Either docker apps or plugins)

Auto Turbo Write Mode's Icon

CA Auto Turbo Write Mode will automatically enable or disable turbo write mode depending upon the number of hard drives currently spinning. This could result is significantly faster write speeds to the array without needlessly spinning up disks.

Auto Update Applications's Icon

Auto Update Applications

Squid's Repository

Plugins, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Community Applications' auto update allows you to select which plugins to automatically keep up to date as updates become available. Includes options to wait until an update is x number of days old before updating

Config Editor's Icon

CA Config Editor is a simple file editor for advanced users that will allow you to edit within your browser any of unRaid's configuration files (or any file on your server - useful for easily editing application's appdata config files without utilizing the command prompt)

Disable Security Mitigations

Squid's Repository

Plugins, Security, Tools / UtilitiesSystem

Allows you to disable the OS mitigations for Spectre, Meltdown, and Zombieload (MDS) to possibly improve your CPU speed. Use at own risk. There are valid security issues caused by disabling the mitigations under certain workloads

This plugin does a quick patch to the docker system on 6.12.8 only to prevent any empty host paths or container paths which may be present in an already installed template (or on a new installation) from triggering an error (and creating an orphan image) when updating the application. NOTE: This is NOT a bug or issue with Unraid.

Docker Update Patch's Icon

Patches Docker to be able to check for updates on certain containers. Needed if you are always seeing "Not Available" when checking for updates. If you have already set up a script to manually apply this patch, it is highly recommended to stop your script from automatically installing the patch and instead use the plugin. Manually applied patches may cause issues on future releases of the OS if you forget to undo them whereas the plugin will automatically not patch the OS on Unraid 6.12+

A simple plugin that indexes all of the pages in the GUI and allows you to search for them. No more wondering if the page is in Utilities, Tools, or System Information

Mover Tuning's Icon

A simple plugin to fine tune the operation of the scheduled mover script. Only run when cache space is getting low; don't run if a parity check / rebuild is in progress; Or completely disable the scheduled moves

Mover Tuning's Icon

A simple plugin to fine tune the operation of the scheduled mover script. Only run when cache space is getting low and filter files to move according to age, size, ...; don't run if a parity check / rebuild is in progress; or completely disable the scheduled moves. Can enable turbo write to speed up things.

Mover Tuning's Icon

A simple plugin to fine tune the operation of the scheduled mover script. Only run when cache space is getting low and filter files to move according to age, size, ...; don't run if a parity check / rebuild is in progress; or completely disable the scheduled moves. Can enable turbo write to speed up things.