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LANCache-Prefill's Icon


Downloaders, Other

This container will download and install BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill and run the prefill on a cron schedule. Network: It is recommended to run this container in the same network mode as the LANCache-DNS if used, by default it is set to br0 please change that if you have your LANCache server configured to work network wide on your LAN to the correct network type for your configuration. DNS: I would strongly recommend that you set the DNS manually to the LANCache-DNS if you haven't it configured to be network wide on your LAN, to do that turn on the advanced view (toggle switch in the top right corner) and at the extra parameters append: --dns=yourLANcacheSERVER (of course replace 'yourLANcacheSERVER' with the address of your LANCache-DNS). Update Notice: The container will check by default on each start/restart on new updates for BattleNetPrefill and/or EpicPrefill and/or SteamPrefill, this can be disabled if really wanted. BattleNet|Epic|Steam Prefill Notice: Steam Prefill needs to be configured to work properly, please enter the following commands and/or follow the prompts afterwards, you can close the window when you are finished: 1. Open up a container console 2. Type in 'su ${USER}' and press ENTER 3. Type in 'cd ${DATA_DIR}/(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill' and press ENTER 4. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 5. Type in './(BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill select-apps' and press ENTER 6. Enter your credentials and/or follow the steps displayed 7. Select the apps you want to prefill and press ENTER 8. Done Notice: In the above example you have to choose between BattleNet, Epic or Steam so that it says BattleNetPrefill, EpicPrefill or SteamPrefill instead of (BattleNet|Epic|Steam)Prefill. (these stepps are also displayed in the container log when BatteNet/Epic/Steam isn't/aren't configured yet) If you ever want to change the apps you've selected then follow these steps again.

Lidarr's Icon



Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stabel and nightly version - keep in mind that switching from a stable to a nightly version and vice versa can break the container). MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '' (without quotes) - you can also change it to 'latest' or 'nightly' like described above. ATTENTION: Don't change the port in the Lidarr config itself. MIGRATION: If you are migrating from another Container please be sure to deltete the files/folders 'logs' and 'config.xml', don't forget to change the root folder for your music and select 'No, I'll Move the Files Myself'! WARNING: The main configuration of the paths has a performance and disk usage impact: slow, I/O intensive moves and wasted disk space. For a detailed guide to change that see .

NZBHydra2's Icon

NZBHydra 2 is a meta search for newznab indexers and torznab trackers. It provides easy access to newznab indexers and many torznab trackers via Jackett. You can search all your indexers and trackers from one place and use it as an indexer source for tools like Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr or CouchPotato. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available. MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '3.4.3' (without quotes).

Radarr's Icon



Radarr A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stable and nightly version - keep in mind that switching from a stable to a nightly version and vice versa can break the container). MANUAL VERSION: You can change the version by setting the variable Radarr Release to 'latest' or 'nightly'. ATTENTION: Don't change the port in the Radarr config itself. MIGRATION: If you are migrating from another Container please be sure to deltete the files/folders 'logs', 'xdg' and 'config.xml', don't forget to change the root folder for your movies and select 'No, I'll Move the Files Myself'! WARNING: The main configuration of the paths has a performance and disk usage impact: slow, I/O intensive moves and wasted disk space. For a detailed guide to change that see .

Readarr's Icon



Readarr is an ebook and audiobook collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new books from your favorite authors and will grab, sort, and rename them. Note that only one type of a given book is supported. If you want both an audiobook and ebook of a given book you will need multiple instances. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available. MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '' (without quotes) - valid options are 'develop' and 'latest' without quotes PLEASE NOTE THAT CURRENTLY ONLY DEVELOP IS WORKING BECAUSE ONLY DEVELOP BRANCH IS IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT ATTENTION: Don't change the port in the Readarr config itself. MIGRATION: If you are migrating from another Container please be sure to deltete the files/folders 'logs' and 'config.xml', don't forget to change the root folder for your books and select 'No, I'll Move the Files Myself'! WARNING: The main configuration of the paths has a performance and disk usage impact: slow, I/O intensive moves and wasted disk space. For a detailed guide to change that see .

SABnzbd's Icon



SABnzbd is a program to download binary files from Usenet servers. Many people upload all sorts of interesting material to Usenet and you need a special program to get this material with the least effort. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stabel and prereleases and switch between them - keep in mind sometimes downgrading from a prerelease version could break your configuration). MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '3.0.1' (without quotes) - you can also change it to 'latest' or 'prerelease' like described above. ATTENTION: Don't change the IP adress or the port in the SABnzbd config itself - please also note if you change the WebGUI port from 8080 to anything else that it can happen that you have close and reopen the webpage since SABnzbd want's to redirect you to the wrong port after the initial setup.

Sonarr's Icon



Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available. UPDATE: The container will check on every start/restart if there is a newer version available (you can also choose between stabel and nightly version - keep in mind that switching from a stable to a nightly version and vice versa can break the container). MANUAL VERSION: You can also set a version manually by typing in the version number that you want to use for example: '' (without quotes) - you can also change it to 'latest' or 'nightly' like described above. ATTENTION: Don't change the port in the Sonarr config itself. MIGRATION: If you are migrating from another Container please be sure to deltete the files/folders 'logs', 'xdg' and 'config.xml', don't forget to change the root folder for your tv shows and select 'No, I'll Move the Files Myself'! WARNING: The main configuration of the paths has a performance and disk usage impact: slow, I/O intensive moves and wasted disk space. For a detailed guide to change that see .