Transmission is a full-featured BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows. This Docker includes OpenVPN to ensure a secure and private connection to the Internet, including use of iptables to prevent IP leakage when the tunnel is down. It also includes Privoxy to allow unfiltered access to index sites, to use Privoxy please point your application at "host ip:8118" Configuration /config This is where Transmission will store it's configuration file, database and logs. /data This is where Transmision will store data downloaded, watched folder, and archived torrents. Notes For help on configuration for PIA, AirVPN and custom VPN providers please go here IMPORTANT - To allow access to the Transmission webui, Privoxy and Transmission deamon you need to specify you LAN network, using CIDR notation for the mask, a subnet mask of would equate to CIDR /24, would equate to CIDR /16.
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