19 September 2018
Unraid 6.6 Released!
A slick updated UI to match our new branding, easier CPU pinning and isolation controls, more advanced VM tunables, a simplified trial registration process, and much more are packed into this latest release of Unraid Server OS.

Today we are pleased to announce the general availability of Unraid Server OS 6.6. Here's a quick summary of the new features:
- UI themes for Black and White updated to reflect new Unraid branding.
- CPU and Memory load display added to Docker.
- Added new CPU pinning and isolation page under Settings (also allow CPU pinning within Docker Containers).
- Added virtio 0.1.160 drivers to VM Manager.
- Added new options for ACS Override and VFIO Allow Unsafe Interrupts to VM Settings.
- Dramatically simplified Trial registration process.
- Numerous package, driver, and kernel updates.
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