New Unraid OS License Pricing, Timeline, and FAQs

As previously announced, Unraid OS licensing and upgrade pricing is changing. As we finish testing and dialing in our new website and infrastructure, we aim to launch on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024.
What this Means
You have until March 27th, 2024, to purchase our current Basic, Plus, and Pro licenses or to upgrade your license at the current prices.
New License Types, Pricing, and Policies
We are introducing three new license types:
- Starter $49 - Supports up to 6 attached storage devices.
- Unleashed $109 - Supports an unlimited number of devices.
- Annual Extension Fee for Starter and Unleashed: $36
- Lifetime $249 - Unlimited devices. No extension fee.
Starter and Unleashed licenses include one year of software updates with purchase. After one year, customers can pay an optional extension fee to make them eligible for an additional year of updates.
If you choose not to extend your license, no problem. You still own the license and have full access to the OS.
If your license extension lapses (as in, you do not pay your annual fee), you can download patch releases within the same minor OS version that was available to you at the time of the lapse. Please review our FAQ section below for more on this security update policy.
Basic, Plus, and Pro Keys Will Become 'Legacy Keys'
These changes do not apply to current Basic, Plus, or Pro license holders. As promised, you can still access all updates for life and upgrade your Basic or Plus license. Once Starter, Unleashed, and Lifetime are available, Legacy licenses will no longer be sold.
Legacy License Upgrade Pricing Changes
Along with the new license types, we are increasing our Upgrade pricing for all legacy keys. Legacy key holders will also be able to move into the new system if they choose. The pricing will be as follows:
- Basic to Plus: $59
- Basic to Pro: $99
- Basic to Unleashed: $49
- Plus to Pro: $69
- Plus to Unleashed: $19
Learn More About This Change
Please see our recent Uncast Show interview for more on why we are changing our pricing and to learn about the origin story of Unraid and our future plans.
The Unraid Story: Lime Technology Co-CEO's Discuss the Past and Future of Unraid OS
Learn more about the Unraid origin story, our upcoming pricing change and exciting company and OS plans to come.
No. Once you purchase a license, you own it forever.
Your purchase of Starter or Unleashed includes one free year of updates, and a Lifetime license includes a lifetime of updates. After one year, an optional $36 license extension fee will get you an additional year of OS updates.
Don’t want to pay? No problem. You still own your license and will simply stay on that minor version of Unraid unless or until you pay your extension fee again.
Yes. When you purchase an Unraid OS license, you own a perpetual copy of the software forever.
When you purchase a Starter or Unleashed License, you automatically get a free year of Unraid OS updates.
If you choose to not extend your license, you still own a copy of the software at the current version that was available at the time of the lapse, but your update eligibility changes.
If your license extension has lapsed, you can download patch releases within the same minor OS version that was available to you at the time of the lapse.
For example: Your system is eligible for Unraid 7.1.0 when your extension lapses. You qualify for the remaining patch releases of the Unraid 7.1.x series. Once Unraid 7.2.0 is released, the 7.1.x patch releases will only include security patches. Once Unraid 7.3 is released, version 7.1.0 will be EOL, and there will be no more 7.1.x updates.
Our naming convention for releases is: <major>.<minor>.<patch>.
If your license extension lapses (as in, you do not pay your annual fee), you can download patch releases within the same minor OS version that was available to you at the time of the lapse.
Our naming convention for releases is: <major>.<minor>.<patch>.
For example: Your system is eligible for Unraid 7.1.0 when your extension lapses. You qualify for the remaining patch releases of the Unraid 7.1.x series. Once Unraid 7.2.0 is released, the 7.1.x patch releases will only include security patches. Once Unraid 7.3 is released, version 7.1.0 will be EOL, and there will be no more 7.1.x updates.
No problem—just pay the extension fee and jump back in (subject to the current extension pricing).
Starter to Unleashed: $69
Starter to Lifetime: $209
Unleashed to Lifetime: $149
Follow these instructions to upgrade through the OS.
Prices are subject to change at any time.
You can upgrade from Starter to Lifetime for $209 and Unleashed to Lifetime for $149. Prices are subject to change at any time.
Basic to Plus: $59 (6 to 12 devices)
Basic to Pro: $99 (6 to unlimited devices)
Basic to Unleashed: $49 (6 to unlimited devices)
Plus to Pro: $69 (12 to unlimited devices)
Plus to Unleashed: $19 (12 to unlimited devices)
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