Update Your Legacy SSL Certificate Now
On Jan 1, 2023, we will stop renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on the unraid.net domain. Learn how to update to newer certificates with better privacy in this blog.

On Jan 1, 2023, we will stop renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on the unraid.net domain. If you are still using a hash.unraid.net domain to access your server, please switch to the newer myunraid.net certificates that we provide for free. The URLs used with these new certificates will provide increased privacy, particularly for remote access.
Upgrade actions for Unraid 6.10 or higher:
- Navigate to the Settings → Management Access page in the Unraid webgui.
- If there is an “Upgrade Cert” button, press it. This will update the certificate and change your URL from hash.unraid.net to ipaddress.hash.myunraid.net. You will need to sign back into the webgui with your root password afterward.

- Note: if you have a high-end router and previously added an exception to allow DNS Rebinding on the unraid.net domain, you will now need to add an exception for myunraid.net. On most consumer routers this feature is simply on/off so no additional changes are required to support the myunraid.net domain if the unraid.net domain worked fine.
- Be sure to update your bookmarks! If you are using Unraid Connect, the dashboard will automatically use the appropriate URL.
Stay up-to-date!
We highly recommend that you navigate to the Plugins tab and update all of your Plugins. Then, navigate to Tools → Update OS and update to the latest version of Unraid. You can read about the OS changes here ->
Action needed for Unraid 6.9 and earlier:
- Older versions of Unraid do not support the newer myunraid.net certificates, so if you don’t wish to upgrade Unraid you’ll need to navigate to Settings → Management Access and set Use SSL/TLS to No. Then open a web terminal and type:
rm /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem
- If you plan to stay on an older version you should also uninstall the My Servers plugin as it will be dropping support for older versions of Unraid as well.
- Warning: these older versions of Unraid are out of date with regard to security updates and features, so our recommendation is to take advantage of our free upgrade policy and upgrade your system to the latest version of Unraid. Then, switch to the myunraid.net certificate as described above.
Note: If you are unable to upgrade your certificate by Jan 1, 2023, the unraid.net certificate will continue to work for another 90 days, although at some point during that time it will expire and your browser will warn that it is insecure.
On Apr 1 we will shut down DNS for these certificates and the URLs associated with them will no longer work to access your server.
We highly recommend that you avoid this by migrating to the new certificate before Jan 1, 2023.
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