
Whether you're setting up a media server, backup solution, or new homelab, this build saves energy and money while delivering reliable performance.

To ZFS or not to ZFS, that is the question. This guide walks you through 3 potential Unraid storage setups to help you determine the optimal location for your media files on Unraid.

On March 1, 2023, accounts accounts are migrating to a new identity provider. This will give you a simple, secure way to authenticate with our cloud services moving forward. Read on for full details...

On Jan 1, 2023, we will stop renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on the domain. Learn how to update to newer certificates with better privacy in this blog.

On Jan 1, 2023, we will stop renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on the domain. Learn how to update to newer certificates with better privacy in this blog.

This blog goes over some best practices, tips + tricks, and build basics for users to run their Unraid servers in the most energy-efficient way possible.

This guide is to set up a Project Zomboid dedicated server within Unraid 6.9+. You will learn how to get it configured and running for you and your friends to enjoy in no time. You’ve been bitten!