Unraid 6.12.5 Now Available
This release includes bug fixes and security updates. All users are encouraged to upgrade.

The Unraid 6.12.5 release includes a mitigation for a ZFS data corruption issue, along with other bug fixes and security updates.
All users are encouraged to read the release notes and upgrade.
Upgrade Notes
Known Issues
There is a mitigation included for a ZFS Data Corruption issue. This is accomplished by including this option in the default
Please see the 6.12.0 release notes for general known issues.
Rolling back
If rolling back earlier than 6.12.4, also see the 6.12.4 release notes.
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Changes vs. Version 6.12.4
Bug fixes and Improvements
- Replaced the very old 'MemTest86+' with Memtest86+ version: 6.20
- There are also Boot Options available.
- When 'mirror syslog to flash' is enabled, view syslog-previous at Tools -> Syslog, and in diagnostics
- Docker containers were not always stopping, preventing docker from unmounting
- Docker containers using IPv6 on custom networks were unable to start
- if User Shares was not enabled, update_cron was not called during array Start sequence
rc.nginx stop
- force nginx to stop
- Allocation method was not working correctly if 6 or more disks were specified in the 'include' mask
- Downgrade.php was not updated for 6.12
- always show ipvlan / macvlan setting
- use 'zfs import -f' to ensure pools from other systems get imported
- prevent auto-spindown of unformatted devices
Package Updates
- curl: version 8.4.0 (CVE-2023-38546 CVE-2023-38545 CVE-2023-38039)
- firefox: version 119.0.r20231106151204 (AppImage)
- intel-microcode: version 20231114
- kernel-firmware: 20231024_4ee0175
- qemu: version 7.2.0
- samba: version 4.17.12 (CVE-2023-3961 CVE-2023-4091 CVE-2023-4154 CVE-2023-42669 CVE-2023-42670)
- smartmontools: version 7.4
- zfs: version 2.1.13
Linux kernel
- version 6.1.63
- CONFIG_NFS_V4_1: NFS client support for NFSv4.1
- CONFIG_NFS_V4_1_MIGRATION: NFSv4.1 client support for migration
- CONFIG_NFS_V4_2: NFS client support for NFSv4.2
- CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS: NFS: Enable support for the NFSv4.2 READ_PLUS operation
- CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC: NFSv4.2 inter server to server COPY
Unraid 6.12.5 Links
Comment on the release, report bugs and check out our docs
Forum Release Announcement
Visit the friendly Unraid Forum for the official release announcement.
Report a Bug
If you discover a bug or other issue in this release, please open a Stable Releases Bug Report and include your system diagnostics.
Changelog vs. 6.12.34
View our docs for the official changelog.

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