Unraid Server OS 6 Released!
Today marks the global release of Unraid Server OS 6 final! On behalf of the entire team here, we want to extend a huge thank you to our community for their support in beta testing version 6. In addition, we owe a huge thanks to gfjardim, dmacias, dlandon, and speedingant for their code contributions to our webGui, which has substantially simplified and made more accessible key features in the operating system including Docker, VMs, UPS support, and much more.
Today marks the global release of Unraid Server OS 6 final! On behalf of the entire team here at Lime Technology, we want to extend a huge thank you to our community for their support in beta testing version 6. In addition, we owe a huge thanks to gfjardim, dmacias, dlandon, and speedingant for their code contributions to our webGui, which has substantially simplified and made more accessible key features in the operating system including Docker, VMs, UPS support, and much more. We especially want to thank one community member in particular, bonienl, for his massive amount of work on the new web interface for Unraid OS. Bonienl has shown a tremendous level of expertise and professionalism in working with us, and his efforts on Unraid 6 clearly have helped us bring much more functionality to our users than we ever could have hoped.
Unraid Server OS 6 represents over a year and a half of testing and development effort to bring an OS to market that allows users to get the absolute most out of their hardware investment. Prior to Unraid 6, our focus was on giving you the ultimate control over your storage, which is a great mission in and of itself. With today's release, we have brought an OS to market that can give you ultimate control over all of your x86 computing hardware and software. In the weeks ahead, more content will be published to the site, showing you how to utilize Unraid 6 to its fullest extent, and squeeze every ounce of power out of your system. For now, we highly recommend users check out these pages for more information on getting started with Unraid 6:
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