Top Support FAQs Answered

In this blog, we'll go through and answer some of the most asked support and forum questions received about Unraid. A reminder, the Unraid forum is the single best place to start to get your Unraid related questions answered! When asking a technical question, it is best to post your server diagnostics as a part of your question. If you don't, this will likely be the first response you receive.

To attach your server diagnostics, click on Tools-> Diagnostics and download them at the bottom and attach to your forum posts.
Let's begin.
How Do I Transfer My License Key to a New USB?
This question is likely our number one support email received. Why would someone want or need to do this? There are a number of reasons including:
- Current device has failed, is lost or broken
- Current device is physically too large
- Current device is too slow or not enough storage
- Current device is just getting old
For more great info and advice on USB flash drives, check out our first New Users Basics blog.
Did you know that you can change your USB and transfer your license yourself? Yes!
To change out your flash drive and transfer your license, you'll first want to backup your USB flash drive, and load your backup onto your new USB using the Unraid Flash Creator. Next reboot your server with the new USB and you'll get an 'invalid, missing or expired registration key' message:
- Make sure your array is stopped.
- Head over to Tools -> Registration.
- Click on the Replace Key button.
- Next, you'll receive an email of your license key file.
- Copy and paste the URL into the key file URL section and you are done!
Note: Transferring your license to a new USB device blacklists the old USB device. You cannot use blacklisted USBs for Unraid licenses going forward and blacklisted USBs cannot be undone. For more info, please see our Policies page.

Note: You can manually change out your USB key once per year. If you need to do it more than once, contact Lime Technology Support and we will take care of you. To expedite the process, please provide your email you purchased your license with and a text version of your old and new USB GUIDs for quickest results.
How Do I Extend My Unraid Trial?
Did you know that you can extend the 30 day free trial of Unraid? Hardware can be ill-suited. Things break. Life happens. We get it. To try out Unraid a little longer, once your original trial shows "expired" in the upper left of the header, Stop the array. Next, go to the Registration page, and now a button shows up where you can get a 15 day extension. You can do this a total of two times before you must decide if you would like to purchase Unraid or not.
Note: You cannot change the USB flash device for Unraid Trials if you wish to continue where you left off.
Can One License Key be Used for Multiple Servers?
No. Registration keys are licensed on a per USB flash device basis. This means you can add and/or change out all the hardware of your server and use the same USB Flash. However, critical server configuration data is kept on the USB Flash device, therefore it must remained plugged into your server at all times.
Need help with Unraid?
Get help in the forums or directly from Lime Technology.
Do "Unassigned Devices" Count Toward Basic and Plus License's Max Device Count?
Yes. Attached storage devices refers to the total number of storage devices you are allowed to have attached to the server before starting the array, not counting the USB Flash boot device. There are no other limitations in the software based on registration key type.
How Many Devices are Supported By Unraid?
The parity protected array is limited to 30 storage devices (28 data and 2 parity) and 24 storage devices in the cache pool. Additional devices attached to your server can be utilized with the unassigned devices plugin.
Have any other questions about Unraid?
Let us know in the forums.