The Unraid Summer Sale is On!

Save up to 50% through August

Buy Unleashed and Save $20

✅ Unleashed License: was $109, now just $89!

💸 Purchase from the Unraid webGUI or website.

Upgrade to Unleashed & Save 30-50%

✅ Starter to Unleashed: was $69, now just $48!
✅ Basic to Unleashed: was $49, now just $29!
✅ Plus to Unleashed: was $19, now just $9!

Upgrade from within the webGUI.

Join Hundreds of Thousands of Happy Unraid Customers

The biggest problem with unRAID is that I didn't discover it years before I started using it.


Great OS. The flexibility and ease of expansion made Unraid the choice for me.  I have converted 3 people at my work so far this year. Couldn't ask for a more supportive community!


Overall I’m amazed by how much unRAID has allowed me to do with this machine, and a year in I still haven’t scratched the surface of what it can do.  I’m convinced I’ll be able to, with a few select upgrades along the way, keep this machine going for another 10 years like my last machine.


I've been using Unraid for a few years now. I absolutely love it. My girlfriend suggests I love Unraid more than her... she might be right.  What I enjoy most is discovering new things I can run on my server, setting them up, then watch as they work flawlessly from then on. It just works.

Build For You

Unraid Unleashed License

Unraid Unleashed: Now $89

Save $20 ✅ Unlimited Attached Storage Devices


Upgrading to Unleashed

Save 30-50% off Unraid Unleashed Upgrades 

✅ Unlimited Attached Storage Devices


Explore Unraid

Unraid is a NAS OS that lets you use what you have to build the server you want.