Unraid OS 7.0.0 is Here!
This major release is packed with hundreds of groundbreaking improvements, enhanced features, and a range of fixes designed to improve your Unraid experience.

A Huge Thank You to Our Contributors
This release would not have been possible without the dedication of our incredible community and contributors. Special thanks to bonienl, dlandon, ich777, JorgeB, SimonF, Squid, dkaser, and many others who helped bring this release to life. Check out the full list of contributors on our GitHub page.
Key Features and Enhancements
Native ZFS Support
Unraid now includes built-in support for ZFS, the advanced file system celebrated for its robustness, performance, and advanced data integrity features. Whether you're using ZFS pools for high-performance storage or safeguarding your data with snapshots, Unraid now seamlessly integrates ZFS, offering unparalleled flexibility in the NAS OS market.
Advanced ZFS and Storage Features
- Hybrid ZFS Pools: Support for subpools with advanced allocation profiles.
- Improved Fault Recovery: Enhanced handling of multiple drive failures in ZFS pools.
- LUKS Encryption: Secure your ZFS pools and drives with native encryption support.
- Array-Free Operation: Configure servers with no unRAID array slots, which is ideal for SSD/NVMe setups.
- Mover Improvements: Use mover to empty array disks effortlessly.
VM Manager Improvements
The updated VM Manager includes enhanced functionality and performance, ensuring a smoother and more robust experience for those managing virtual machines. Features like streamlined setup and better performance optimizations make virtualization on Unraid even easier via added support for VM clones, snapshots, and evdev passthru. Other Improvements include:
- Inline XML View: Advanced users can now preview how GUI changes affect underlying VM configurations.
- SR-IOV Support: Enable efficient passthrough of Intel iGPU resources.
New File Manager and GUI Tools
- Integrated Dynamix File Manager: Navigate directories, copy, move, delete, and rename files directly in the webGUI.
- GUI Search: Quickly locate settings with the new built-in search functionality.
- Unlimited Width: Enjoy enhanced layout customization for larger screens now built into the OS.
Unraid 7 Sneak Peek
Improved Docker Management
- Tailscale Integration: Seamlessly integrate Tailscale into Docker containers for secure remote access.
- Fork Bomb Prevention: Set PID limits to prevent resource exhaustion.
- Overlay2 Support: For optimizing Docker storage on ZFS volumes.
Networking Upgrades
- Tailscale Plugin: Use Tailscale certificates for secure webGUI access and easily share Docker containers.
- IPv6 Enhancements: Added dynamic support for changing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- NFS Improvements: Full support for NFS 4.1 and 4.2 protocols and new settings added for better performance.
More on the Tailscale Integration
Remote access is now simpler and more secure with Tailscale on Unraid. Easily connect to your server from anywhere, install Tailscale in Docker containers to share them with others, provide alternate Internet routes via Exit Nodes, and more, all seamlessly integrated into Unraid!
The Ultimate Guide to Tailscale on Unraid
Samba and Share Enhancements
- Resolved MacOS compatibility issues with Time Machine.
- Enhanced handling of predefined shares for Docker and VMs.
Other Improvements
- Dashboard Updates: View VM usage stats, server time, enhanced Docker RAM usage visualization, and more!
- Favorites Page: Quickly access frequently used tools and settings.
- Power Modes: Optimize for performance, balanced operation, or power efficiency.
Unraid 7.0.0
Important Release Links
Version 7.0.0 Full Release Notes
Forum Thread
Unraid 7.0.0 Forum Thread
Known Issues
See the Known Issues for Unraid 7
Rolling Back
How to roll back to a previous version.

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